
13 Reviews
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Empty, Boring, Misleading, Pointless
4 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
If I didn't know who Bundy was, If I had not read about him, and watched documentaries, and If I had to make a conclusion based only on this film I wouldn't be sure that he committed any of the murders. Most of the film is about his relationship with 2 women, 99 % of the time he is nice, clever, educated young man. Even during the trial not much is said about his brutal murders and torture. Court scenes are just about a few cases where there is no single hard-direct evidence about his guilt. We don't see any of the murders, it was just presented in court that some witness recognized him (but it was also said that she was shown his photo before that). So the strongest evidence is one bite mark on one victim??? It resembles the shape of his teeth. Really? And shape of teeth of 10 million other people. Not a single of other 30 murders is even mentioned. We do know from other sources that he described in detail, many other murders with locations from which it is obvious that he DID kill all of them and probably many more. However this film did not mention any of them. What we are left with is insinuation that he was sentenced because of one bite mark and because he vaguely looks like a police sketch. What about other 30 murders? Well, since he is sentenced to death it is obvious when day of execution comes close he will be very motivated to admit any other murder just to postpone the execution with new trials which may last for years. And police would be happy to solve 30 murders at once. That is what this film vaguely insinuates or at least pushes us in that direction. Bundy might be innocent. In reality we do know that Bundy confessed in detail about many other murders in gruesome detail, mentioning victims, locations, MO etc which is a real evidence much stronger than one bite mark. However all of this was not even mentioned in this film. The direction is bad, many pointless trendy flashbacks, strange yellowish color, totally wrong selection of music...
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Plan 9 from outer space meets Deep Throat
30 December 2020
It was so bad i stopped watching this garbage after episode 2. And they say these are 2 best. No script, giant plot holes. Main character is sleazy, boring and unlikable with a giant chip on his shoulder. There are sex soft core scenes all the time with no reason and no connection with the plot. Production is high level and big budget is visible but everything else is just bad, pretentious and messy. The worst tv series ever.
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The Lost Boys (1987)
Strictly for teenagers-hugely overrated
28 December 2020
This is one of the worst vampire films I have ever seen. It is not scary at all, atmosphere is like the one in Gremlins or ET. Totally unconvincing, even boring, terribly shot with reddish tones and irritating rock music, I wouldn't call it a vampire film at all, rather teenage comedy with parody of vampire films. But miles away from Polansky's classic and not even in the same league as Nosferatu or even Hammer films. This one in fact started the era of bad vampire films and it is the mother of them all, setting the standard of stupidity for those that followed.
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Anthropoid (2016)
Watchable, but with many flaws
25 December 2020
This film suffers badly from weak script and direction. It also seems to be on a tight budget. Both main characters are unconvincing as people sent to do such an important mission. You would expect them to be well trained professionals carefully selected among many from special forces. However film starts with one of them unable to shoot a man a few meters away due to his hands trembling. This then happens several times. The film completely lacks menacing atmosphere of occupied city. I saw once (former Yugoslav) tv series "Nepokoreni Grad" (Unbowed/Unconquered City) about occupied Zagreb where nazi occupation is shown realistically, where fear is palpable, members of the resistance are constantly under pressure. Here in this film, we don't see Nazi atrocities at all. Main characters are relaxed, so much that immediately upon arrival they start not one but two romances. During such an important mission??? A lot of time in the film is wasted on these romantic subplots which are completely irrelevant and destroy the pacing. We are not shown preparations for the assassination in full detail nor German countermeasures since so much time is wasted on trying to force Hollywood style melodrama there where it could not exist. There are many historic inaccuracies, final shootout is over the top (they got only pistols in the church not automatic weapons-they could not kill so many Germans). Main characters made too many mistakes endangering everyone around themselves. They are not very secretive about their mission, if one of them did not contact the boy in the church he couldn't have told tell Germans where they were under torture etc. A missed opportunity. It is not a bad film but it could have been much better.
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Crazy Murder (2014)
24 December 2020
If you want to see garbage, feces, vomit and all other bodily fluids, crushed skulls, dozens of people stabbed and slaughtered in full detail all the time throughout the film, than this film is for you. It seems that authors of this peace of pointless garbage wanted to do something on a very tight budget and since they did not have money for script, camera, actors, lighting, sets, music etc they decided that their hero will wander along the streets mumbling and kill anyone he meets in a most gruesome and disturbing way possible. Believe me, if you see this it will make your day miserable and children might have long lasting consequences. "Authors" just wanted to get to the top of the lists of the most disturbing and weird films ever and to achieve cult status cheaply. So I won't give them that pleasure. No, this is not the weirdest or the most disturbing film ever. It is not at the top of any list. It is just bad and pointless.
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Boring and not funny, just plane stupid
26 October 2020
I was amazed how high rating this movie has (6,9 stars at the time of this review). After I saw it I can say it is so bad I would not recommend it to anyone. The plot is stupid, stolen from much better films. Main characters are 3 boring and unlikable morons, situations are unrealistic and boring. In fact their bosses are more likable in every way. Spacey and Anniston give this crap at least an atomic level of watchability. Avoid.
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The worst travel documentary ever?
18 October 2020
I must say that I only watched first episode and do not intend to watch this garbage further. First episode is about North-Alaska and Canada. It starts with ice melting in Alaska, which is OK but I noticed that the "Author" missed many other things/facts about Alaska. Than started part about Canada. There were 3 stories there. One is about oil companies which are "ruthless" and "evil". To prove this author showed us woman who lives in a shed without electricity and water for years. Because she is poor. And she is poor because big fat companies did not give her anything. I wander would she be poor if there were no companies. Of course she would. One is not poor because someone did not give you charity but because you did not earn what you need to live decently. Then we are told a story about hundreds or thousands of indigenous women in Canada-missing. I won't say it is not true but even if it is, it has nothing to do with the theme of the series. I have been in Canada so I can compare their social system and quality of living with other countries and so I can say it is the best and most humane of any in the world including the "author's" country. Then we are shown Vancouver, city which is in every list of most beautiful cities in the world and the one best for living. However we were not told that. We were shown the dirtiest street in it with homeless persons and drug users. So according to the "Author" Canada is the dirtiest country in the world, hell on earth, where people live in the worst living conditions without water and electricity, where thousands of women are missing for some reason, which no one investigates. And that is all from Canada, no National parks, no lakes no Toronto, Montreal, Niagara falls, Bannf, no best social and health system in the world. I have been there and I know everything is completely the opposite but what about people who know nothing about that country and believe what they see on TV? And one more thing, besides being biased and full of really bad journalism, it is also a low effort product and technically amateurish. Basically second largest country in the world (10 million square km) is presented with material shot in 100 square meters, (one shed in the woods and one street), with author's face on the screen 80% of the time. Michael Palin he is not.
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Not nearly as bad as they would like you to think it is
2 October 2020
When I saw that rating is 3,7 and numerous reviews here calling this the worst film ever I really wanted to see it. Firstly because I watched the original The Wicker Man several times and consider it to be a true masterpiece. Secondly, a film that has so low rating must be fun to watch. While watching the film I saw that cinematography is excellent, and film is not boring at all. I constantly expected that really awful part that has to come soon, judging by low rating and bad reviews here, but it never came. Yes this film was totally unnecessary since there was no way it could be better than perfection the original had achieved. Yes the atmosphere is not nearly that creepy and bizzare as in Hardy's film but we are talking about one of the best horrors ever and any comparison is with it is unfair. I think that misfortune of this film is that it is a remake of masterpiece. It shouldn't have been made because there was no reason for that. However, if we forget about original, this film is neither bad nor boring, I know thousands of films that are worse than this one, some of them are many new films that are recently among Imdb's top 50 and are rated 8,5 or more. I would give this one 5 stars. If there wasn't some bad and corny dialogue at the very end of the film (not by Cage) and also if I hadn't seen the original maybe even 6.
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Grabbers (2012)
Boring and cliched with bad cinematography and unlikable characters
24 September 2020
I read a few other reviews here and decided to watch it because many reviewers claimed that film is a good horror with elements of comedy. Although I don't believe in that combination I decided to watch partly because of high rating (above 6) for such a film. What a mistake. First about rating, I believe that it is seriously manipulated since this is worse than Sci Fi worst. film is neither funny nor is even close to a horror. Creatures look more as if they are from The Muppet show, CGI is bad, characters are unlikable. Cinematography is so bad and blurry that it looks like film was shot with cheap mobile phone through a cloth. I did not watch it to the end but maybe 40 or 50 minutes and then gave up-it is that bad and complete waste of time.
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Boring and pointless
12 September 2020
I find this film very dull. Bad and derivative script with lot of cheap jump scares but not scary at all. It is interesting that many reviewers compare it with the film from 2012 (directed by J Watkins) but hardly anybody mentions version from 1989 (directed by Herbert Wise) one of the best and scariest horrors ever-cult classic. It is the only one of the 3 that managed to create creepy atmosphere in which both following films failed miserably.
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Child 44 (2015)
historically incorrect political propaganda
19 July 2020
This film is full of prejudices, propaganda, factual errors and plot holes. There is no single positive person in a whole film except two main characters. Moscow and all cities shown are dark, filthy, polluted and dirty. All system is corrupted and it seems that police is doing all they can-NOT to catch a killer. In reality Chikatilo, real serial killer, committed murders from 1978 to 1990 and not after the world war II during Stalin era as it was shown in the film. It is not true that the state was trying to deny existence of a killer (and murders generally) in Soviet Union. In fact, a team that was established to work on a case consisted of 10 investigators. In film, only the lead character is trying to catch a killer and the whole state is against him in an attempt to prove that there is no crime in a perfect state, no murder in paradise. Again wrong, all newspapers at the time were writing about murders and serial killer, even Chikatilo himself was reading about his murders in the papers. There are so many improbable things, small woman (scene in a train) kills a man 2 times bigger than herself who was also carrying a knife, killer in a factory recognizes inspector who is chasing him-how? Pacing is slow, a lot of time is wasted on depicting bad officials and dialogue between two main characters Leo and Raisa (no chemistry at all, bad acting). What should be the main part of the film-serial killer who killed more than 50 people is less than 20% of a film. Serial killer character is unconvincing, cartoonish, even laughable. This film is boring and just plain bad.
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Waste of time
15 June 2020
Terrible. I am a fan of horror films especially ghost stories and those with creepy atmosphere. Unfortunately this one is not even close to that. Every vampire film from 70' s or before no matter how small budget it had was far better than this. This one feels more like a comedy than vampire film. It is basically a non stop action film with almost no horror elements at all. Like John Wick with an axe. No atmosphere, no story, with cliched characters and bad CGI it looks completely artificial and cartoonish. Terrible camerawork, color grading changes from scene to scene, (people are sometimes white, sometimes yellow and then green or pink), amateurish direction etc. Avoid.
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Remake (2003)
Not bad but could have been better
30 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I can't agree with other reviewers calling Remake a masterpiece. It is among the better films made in Bosnia after the war '92-'95 but the competition is rather weak. It can't compete with Bosnian films before that war, just to name one real masterpiece "The Battle on Neretva" by Veljko Bulajic. I can't deny that Dino Mustafic had a genuine intention to show what was happening during the aggression on Bosnia and Herzegovina. The script was strong and gave him a lot of opportunities. Direction however was mediocre. You can see clearly that his theatrical experience was more a burden than an asset for this film. Than can be seen especially in "second war" part at the beginning which is the weakest part of the film. Flat and artificial, with completely unnecessary love triangle. I had a feeling that I was watching a stage play rather than real life. Locations seemed cartoonish, actors overreacted a lot (or it is just bad acting) Lucija Serbedzija's (Eva) performance was pretty weak, the same goes to Ermin Sijamija (Ahmed Karaga). The only exception is Admir Glamocak. Acting in the '92-'95 war part was much better with some stronger performances (like Dejan Acimovic and Emir Hadzihafizbegovic as chetniks). The best scene in my opinion is the one with prisoner singing. Emotional, well acted and directed. Mustafic could have done much better job in the rest of the film with clearer presentation of historical background and locations since for the audience outside Balkans it could be pretty confusing who is who, where, why etc. So confusing that it confused some critics like Deborah Young from Variety who wrote that Tarik's father " arrested and tortured in 1941 by Tito's communist zealots" while in reality he was arrested by Tito's enemies ustashas. There are also some plot holes or at least too big coincidences; SPOILER-Tarik Karaga finds his enemy, Miso, by accident, seeing his portrait on a street artist's drawings. Among millions of other people in Paris? Really? Similarly, SPOILER-when Tarik at the end throws a bomb into the bunker, what would be the possibility that his friend Miro is in it? 1:50 000? OK it is not my intention to split hairs here just to show it is not everything just perfect with this film as other reviewers claim. Two more things that I would like to point out: first, atrocities and massacres done in Bosnia during the last war were much worse than what was shown in the film; and secondly, although most of the film is taking place in Sarajevo, the 3 year long siege of the city is not even mentioned. To conclude, yes, Mustafic's film is still among the 2 best films (the other one would be Ademir Kenovic's "The perfect Circle") made in Bosnia about the last war. Masterpiece it is not, not even close. Music (by Adi Lukovac) and cinematography (by Mustafa Mustafic) are both excellent. My vote is 6.
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