
3 Reviews
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A good start for creepypasta YouTubers' feature film timeline
25 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
'Ben Drowns Again' is literally the first time creepypasta YouTubers experimented in making a feature-length film. And it worked, no bias.

The film is split into fiction and non-fiction. Fiction as in trying to depict what Jadusable felt playing the game, non-fiction as in Ryan cracking the creepypasta (which, of course, has already been cracked before, this is just leading the audiences). It honestly felt like a dissapointment that the rest is not a fictional narrative but it's fine. It's a good start.

The film is very psychological-inducing, thanks to the cinematography, music, and editing. A lot of them were actual references to the film Midsommar, which still is my top film. It does felt like Midsommar, only that it is darker. One flaw though, is the frame dimension changes. I honestly find it unnecessary as it doesn't give any chills, so it's better if no changes in dimension were made. I understand, though, that it is experimental.

Another flaw I found is the mid-film break. It is annoying and distracting. You either credit the crew at the end, or at the opening. That's it. No mid-film credits. You have credited everyone in the end and the opening, so why should you add one in the middle?

But overall, it is a good, horrific, and informative film. It sheds light for the future of creepypasta YouTubers in feature films, and I hope that more were made in the future.
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Icebox (2018)
Powerful and cool movie
23 June 2020
This movie, in my opinion, is small-budget, but powerful and has successfully spread awareness about gang violence and illegal immigration.

This is a kid any illegal immigrants can relate to. Life below America is hard. Although I still cannot relate to them (since I am not them), I can understand the pain and emotional agony they're feeling. And this movie helps me to be enlightened.

The story arc is not too much, but clean. At first, we see that this is just a kid from Honduras, sent to illegally but forcefully immigrate to America. A poor kid wanting change. Wanting a new life.

But then we go to a part where we start to question our empathy towards him. That's when the political issue starts. That's where specific audience who supports the border might be relieved, and where audience who is a victim of gang violence can relate and will get triggered.

This is a movie free from dramatization, yet still non-Hollywood-ly dramatic and triggering. And that's a good movie.
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We Love You (2016)
Boring but neutral
12 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know whether this film is wasting my time or no, since I'm just tryna binge as many movies as I can in quarantine, but if I have to answer, I'll say, kinda.

Like the other YTOriginals movie Alexander IRL, it is boring and cringey. The way the movie really cherishes the sodomy is super weird, and the the voiceovers of Noah is really making the story bad. The worst thing is the way they cut from the voiceover to the credits.

However, there are some great things. The intro is superb, and the cinematography is... eh, ok also.

Also, next time, pick a better title.
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