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It´s a classic
28 April 2023
John Hughes movies were my childhood. I loved ¨Home Alone¨, ¨Christmas Vacation¨,¨The Breakfast Club¨, and many more were movies played constantly in my home. I always loved his style of writing and of filming. All of his films are easy to watch and easy to love. That´s definitely the case for ¨Ferris Bueller´s Day Off¨. It´s a movie you can watch any day, but it always feels most appropriate when you have the day off. It is a great comedy and one of the best classics from the 80s. In all honesty, I don´t see how people could hate this movie nor have I ever met someone who has. It´s a movie that can be enjoyed by everyone and should be watched by everyone. It´s popular for a reason.
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My Policeman (2022)
An Incredible Adaptation
21 April 2023
I read the book about a year ago, and I loved every second of it. I was worried that the movie version of the story wouldn't be able to live up to my expectations or my love for the book, but it most definitely did. The movie took me through a roller coaster of emotions just as the book did. There were a few differences between the movie and the book that I didn't like. I didn't like how Marion was portrayed for one. She was portrayed as a character you were meant to feel sympathetic towards in the movie. In the book, she was portrayed more negatively and you were not supposed to be on her side. Another thing I didn't like is very small, but I didn't like how the quote, ¨´For a policeman, you're very romantic. ' 'For an artist, you're very afraid,'¨ wasn't finished in the movie. I thought it was one of the sweetest moments in the movie, and I was disappointed to find that the full quote was no where to be found. I loved everything else about the movie, though. Its an incredible movie and I think for a first lead role, Harry Styles did a great job.
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Interesting and Enjoyable
24 March 2023
The Black Phone is based on the short story of the same name by the author Joe Hill. It stars Ethan Hawke as the grabber and Mason Thames as Finney Blake. I think the casting choice was incredible. They both play their characters very well and I would have a hard time imagining anyone else in their place. The story line is great and had me engrossed in its entirety. It was one of my favorite horror movies I watched in 2022. I loved seeing the story's progression and the backstories of each character. I would definitely say it is worth watching. It is a great movie, and I´m glad I went through with watching it.
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Scream (1996)
One of the greatest slasher films
10 March 2023
This movie is a timeless classic and one of the best 90s horror films in my opinion. This was my first slasher film I've ever watched, and I'm glad that's the case. It's re-watchable and entertaining every time. I think it's a movie that everyone just has to see, even if it's not your genre. The Scream franchise still lives onto today and will probably continue beyond Scream 6. The first Scream will always be the best in my opinion, but the others in the franchise are incredible as well, especially Scream 2. Go watch it if you've somehow not done so yet. I promise you, you will not regret it!!!
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Incredibly beautiful movie
10 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Otto is a grumpy old man that at the beginning just comes across as rude in every encounter. The movie starts with him at the store buying rope, and he gets mad about the price. It's hard to want to like him with the way he treats people, but you quickly learn bits and pieces of why he acts like that. He spends the entire movie trying to commit suicide, and he keeps getting stopped by Marisol, who I'm sure never thought Otto would end up being so important to her. Malcolm also stops him, which I'm glad he was introduced when he was because it shows you that he's not really a terrible person, but just in a lot of pain due to the grief of his wife. He accepts Malcolm because of their connection through Sonya. I had a hard time wanting to sit through this movie when it first started, but I quickly was engrossed. I loved the movie, and it took me quickly from being annoyed, to sympathetic, to mournful. I loved this movie and I'm glad I went through with watching it.
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The Goldfinch (2019)
It's even better the second time you watch it.
24 February 2023
I've watched this movie twice, and I loved it so much more the second time than the first. The first time, I was confused for the second third of the movie. I have never read the book, and before watching this movie, hadn't even watched the trailer or read a summary. It was just recommended to me, and I watched it immediately. I didn't know what to expect, which left me a little bored for a small portion of the movie because I had no idea of what I should expect. For a moment, it just seemed like a movie where nothing happens, but quickly, I was proven wrong. I was drawn back in, and I enjoyed the rest of the movie immensely. I re watched the movie, and I was attentive the entire time. The plot, the characters, the relationships, they're all very interesting to look into, and that's why I love this movie.
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A movie every adolescent should watch at least once
10 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Perks of Being a Wallflower follows the life of Charlie, a high school freshman. He is friendless until he meets a senior, Patrick, and then befriends him and by default, his friend group as well. He has PTSD, which is not caused by his best friend committing suicide. He is also deeply traumatized by his aunt sexually abusing him in his early childhood, but the audience didn't know that until the end of the movie. The audience saw Charlie living with his trauma, but didn't know the cause of it, which allowed people to sympathize with him without having to know the full story. I think the story of The Perks of Being a Wallflower allows people to learn the importance of sympathy and how everyone is their own person made up of millions of stories that you'll most likely never know, and you don't have to. You don't have to understand why someone is the way they are, just acknowledge it and understand. This isn't just with Charlie's story, either. You see that all of the characters have hidden baggage. Even a more minor character, for example, Brad, has hidden trauma that you wouldn't guess if you weren't told. He is abused by his dad and is beaten by him when caught being with Patrick. He ignores Patrick at school and has even publicly humiliated him as well as call him slurs. You wouldn't get that he was doing that as his way to hide his identity and that he was projecting himself onto Patrick. This is true for all of the characters, which I think is important representation because that's the case for every person. Some people have the most traumatic backstories you may ever hear while others have just had a few bumps in the road, but their stories make them who they are no matter what. I think that this movie really teaches you why it's important to understand people from a perspective other than your own. Humans have multiple layers, you can't base someone off of the one layer you see.
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I hate everyone in this movie
3 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
When You Finish Saving The World is a movie I've been waiting to see since I first heard about it, and it was different than what I expected. Ziggy is a character who is just ceaselessly irritating. I think I would have genuinely lost my mind if he told someone how many followers he has one more time. Despite Ziggy probably being the character that the audience is probably intended to hate more, his mom was so much worse to me. The thing with Ziggy is that while he is irritating, he's still a teenager. Obviously he doesn't understand the world the same way his mom does, and she villainizes him for it instead of trying to be a mother and try to guide him in the right direction. She just would get mad and mock him or replace him with another vulnerable child. I think she really needed to step back because while I'm not entirely sure her going to school and seeking out Kyle was illegal, it felt like it should be. It was beyond weird. She cared more about this kid that she hardly knew more than the son that she was meant to be raising. She gets mad at Ziggy that he is not who she wants to be, but I really think it's because she doesn't know how to parent someone who is not entirely vulnerable. I couldn't find myself to sympathize with her at all honestly. It's not a horrible movie, I might watch it again if given the chance, I just don't like movies where nothing happens. The only times those movies are good is if they really make me think, but this one didn't. The only thing I could take away from this movie was that I hate the characters and I'm so glad I'm not a part of their family.
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My favorite movie I've ever watched
3 February 2023
There haven't been very movies that I genuinely feel changed my life, and Dead Poets Society is most definitely one of them. This movie really made me understand the importance of living by the phrase "carpe diem." I think all of the guys in Dead Poets Society are relatable to many in their own way, which I think is one of the reasons why this is such a widely adored film; people can see how someone can struggle to live life to the fullest, but they wish to do so anyway. Todd Anderson was my favorite character. I really related to him in terms of his anxious personality, but in the end, learning to be comfortable in himself and his own decisions. I think Neil Perry is extremely relatable to the masses due to his "unrealistic" dreams. I've known so many people, and have also myself, wanted unrealistic realities. I think that both these characters are really important to both myself and for so many people, especially adolescents. I think it's important to learn how to embrace yourself, the draw backs to doing it, and the drawbacks to not doing it. I think this film can really inspire some people to live the life they always wanted, and to really embrace the meaning of carpe diem.
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As You Are (2016)
Beautiful movie that I can't stop thinking about
27 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
To be completely honest, I started watching this movie because of the semi-viral scene where Mark tells Jack "I wish you were a girl." I could feel the agony of the characters from just that short scene and I felt compelled to watch the full movie all know the whole story. I loved the main characters(Jack, Mark, and Sarah), but I felt the most drawn to Mark. Mark, a teenager in the 90s struggling with having an abnormal home life as well as identity and sexuality problems, despite not necessarily being the protagonist, certainly had all my attention. That has a lot to do with the acting on its own as well as his actual, written character. He has relatable characteristics while also being portrayed as both a victim and a (kind of) perpetrator. I think it's very important to have characters like that in film.
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Meant more for the stage than anywhere else.
27 January 2023
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I watched Little Shop of Horrors without knowing anything about it except that 1) it's a musical and 2)how the opening song goes. I liked the music a lot honestly, and it was my favorite part of the movie. My favorite song from it was the prologue. I liked that the dentist got karma for how he had been treating people. I think that was deserved. I also like how Seymour's character portrays people's longing for fame and money. A lot of people strive so hard to be commercially successful that they hurt themselves and others in the process, and I think this movie shows that very well. Though I do think it is a decent movie, I feel like it's definitely a show meant more for the stage than anything. To be completely fair, I'm not always the biggest fan of movie musicals as is, I just think the story line and props(Audrey 2, for example) would work best as a theater performance.
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Beautiful Boy (I) (2018)
I don't think I have ever cried this hard while watching a movie.
27 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had me sobbing several times throughout it. Steve Carell and Timothée Chalamet did a beautiful job portraying the story. I easily sympathized with both Nic and David. While Nic of course was the one struggling with the addiction, David was being hurt himself; he cares so much for Nic that it's so painful to watch him go through this. He did what he could to not make him go through it alone. He even went as far as getting drugs to understand what Nic was feeling. He did what he could, and it came to the point that he didn't know if there was anything he could do. He had to leave Nic to try to get better on his own terms because he felt that he had to give up, and that scene was heartbreaking to watch. Both of them crying on both ends of the phone, you could tell that they just needed each other, but they were both struggling so much, they knew that Nic just had to get better. I think what might be the most heartbreaking part about this story is how young Nic was. His alcoholism began at age 11, he was a meth addict by age 18, and became sober at age 23. By then, he had spent over half of his life struggling with addiction. It's a heart wrenching story that I think is important for people to watch, especially if they know or have known anyone struggling with addiction. It gives you different accounts of the situation, and none of them are more in the right than the others. They're all trying to help Nic, but you can tell that Nic struggles to even help himself. You can find yourself feeling all sorts of emotions towards Nic as you can any drug addicted person, but at the end of the day, they're struggling, and that's what really needs to be understood. It wasn't his fault, it wasn't really any one person's fault, it was just the outcome of his life as horrible as it may be.
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