
10 Reviews
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Deep dive on an unusual subject
28 August 2023
This definitely made me reevaluate the term "girl group" lol-- it's very reductive and benevolently sexist to lump all female bands (regardless of style) under one catch-all, umbrella term that doesn't really do justice to anybody anyway. You can tell that Minsker is genuinely passionate about his work and the communities that he explores in his documentaries. It's nice to see this community explored by someone who cares about ensuring that it gets the attention that it deserves. I definitely wouldn't have been exposed to these artists if it weren't for this film. This film is really well-balanced. There's live performance footage as well as interviews.
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Survival in the city
28 August 2023
Although I much prefer Ethan Minsker's later work like Man in Camo, it's nice to visit some of his earlier work to see how he's evolved as an artist over time. I always enjoy hearing Ethan's tales about the old East Village, and this is a really fascinating edition to his oeuvre that focuses on many of the same themes as Barstool Prophets and The Soft Hustle. It is set in the same place and time as the other two works. It takes a lot to be able to survive in New York (as the main character of this movie can attest to), and consuming Ethan's work always reminds me of that fact, and makes me appreciate the history of my neighborhood.
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A captivating depiction of NYC
28 August 2023
I watched this after reading Ethan Minsker's book, Barstool Prophets, and I think the two go really well together-- both explore the hustle of living in the LES of New York. It feels very authentic and gritty, and though it's not as aesthetically pleasing as some of Minsker's more recent work, it's remarkably honest and still enthralling to watch. My experience in New York is vastly different from what's depicted here, but the hustle and thirst for something more I think are still present in the city today. As other reviewers have pointed out, hustle can refer to anything that you struggle to get, so the title works on many levels. Definitely worth a watch.
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Fun and profound
28 August 2023
I had a really great time with this one. I've only recently moved to New York and found an artistic community here, and I'm not at all familiar with the art scene in Berlin, so watching these two communities interact showed me a new side of things I wouldn't have otherwise encountered. The visuals are amazing, and it's fun to just hang out with this group of artists for a bit. They touch on a lot of deep subject matter regarding art in the Western world, but this film is overwhelmingly fun, and mostly it just feels like you're tagging along with the coolest group of artists on elaborate adventures.
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The Great Record Hunt (2018 TV Movie)
Great for record collectors
28 August 2023
I was disappointed to find that there's only one episode of this show, as it seemed like a really fantastic start to what could be an incredibly captivating series. I imagine this would really appeal to vinyl lovers. I myself am not much of a record collector, although I do have a fondness for 60s/70s Christian ventriloquist records (too bad there is not a show about that). But I always enjoy hearing Minsker's perspective on different communities, and this was no exception. He is a very skilled interviewer and I really liked hearing the perspectives of the different collectors that he interviews in this.
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A brilliant and underrated documentary
28 August 2023
As someone who loves both dolls and art, perhaps I am a little biased, but I think that this documentary definitely deserves more attention than it got. I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys art documentaries. I had a natural affinity for the central motif of the film, the blank canvas dolls that were given to artists all over the world, and I enjoyed seeing how each artist brough the dolls to life in their own distinctive way. A major theme of Minsker's work is this idea of community and the importance of being there for people, and this documentary really exemplifies the power of artists supporting artists.
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Infinite Spaghetti (2021– )
Fun to learn about different creatives
28 August 2023
This was made during the pandemic, so I really admire the challenges that had to be worked around as this was being made. I really enjoyed listening to these episodes and learning more about these individual creatives and their artistic practices. There's good variety, and even if you aren't explicitly interested in art, I think there's something for everyone to enjoy here. All very interesting people with a lot to say. Overall, a fun exploration of different types, fields, and styles of art. This is good to listen to on your commute or to have on in the background. Definitely inspired me to be more creative.
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Man in Camo (2018)
A personal film everyone can relate to
28 August 2023
This is definitely Ethan's story, and it's a deeply personal film that attempts to show all sides of this complicated character, even the less flattering ones. That said, I think that a lot of viewers will find something to relate to here. Especially if you're involved in making art, I think there's some universal themes present here. It's also incredibly visually stimulating and a real treat to watch. There's so much going on, but I never felt lost or unable to follow the story. The animation, the colors, and the overall aesthetic are beautiful. I always enjoy watching anything that chronicles the development and growth of an artist, so I definitely had fun watching this one.
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An important movie for anyone interested in arts communities
28 August 2023
It's only recently that I've really become involved in the arts scene in New York, so I watched this for educational purposes. I think a lot of outsiders don't realize all the leg work involved in putting together art events and movements, and I appreciate that this movie doesn't gloss over the more difficult parts of pursuing art as a career. It really captures the peaks and pitfalls of having your work seen by other people, and the struggle to make it accessible to the public. It also captures the eccentricities of these artistic circles. Characters welcome. It's nice to see people speaking frankly about what it's like to be an artist.
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Absolutely magnetic
28 August 2023
I've seen this a few times now as I'm fortunate enough to be friends with both Ethan and Helixx, and each time I've seen it I've been truly captivated by it. The animation is incredible, and the voerall playful aesthetic complements the deeper themes of the music nicely. The masks are also impeccably crafted-- I actually had the opportunity to try one on so I can attest to their quality. Even though the runtime is only 17 minutes, I really feel like I went on a journey, and it's one of those things that sort of transcends time. I definitely recommend checking this one out as well as Ethan's other films. A very fun watch.
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