
10 Reviews
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EXmas (2023)
Nobody is likeable
28 November 2023
Nobody is likeable. Everyone is "cute" and also a horrible person. Parents that treat their son like he is the least important person in the world. Super annoying passive aggressive mother, dummy clueless father and the ex fiancé that's entitled and won't return the engagement ring.

Other than that it was a cheap semi- innocent move. I am confused about who the target audience is. There was a mention of tingling balls and threesomes so not really a family friendly movie.

It's a very cheap and simple movie, which would be ok if it wasn't for pushing of some annoying messages (like not believing in covid) and bad characters.
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Emergency (2022)
I thought this was a fun party movie...
17 November 2023
The end of the movie speech and the message ... sigh... Sad, but I'm sorry Kunle, you wouldn't be in that situation and have a gun pointed in your face had you not followed the path set out for you by your friend Sean.

Sean, who was complicating things, behaving erratically and setting up the stage for someone to be treated like a suspicious guilty character. Regardless of the color.

Sorry but had a white person behaved like that they too would be treated differently by the police. And be scarred by the events that ensued. I've seen it happen.

So tired of the victim narrative...

Signed by an immigrant girl from a war torn country.
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The Night Agent (2023– )
Bad writing ruins everything
23 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Good production value but that's it. The dialog, oh my, is so bad, so dumb it makes my head hurt. Script in general must be garbage since all the characters are one dimensional and full of overused dumb tropes. I honestly don't think any actor can work a bad script like this.

I was really annoyed with a rescued princess type that has a problem with the world or anyone trying to save her. What a horrendous trope.

But that's nothing. Only a second episode in and a bunch of unbelievable/ lazy things are happening like chatting with someone on the White House emergency phone and holding up the line. No problem, that's just the same phone you called the night before to save your life, why allow the same opportunity to someone else.

Saying you can't lock the door behind you while an assassin is chasing you and there is clearly a basic latch shown... etc.

I think I'm gonna quit now, I gave it a fair try.
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The Midnight Club (2022– )
Everybody.... talks...very.... slowly....and...quietly
18 October 2022
This show is so bland and so boring. It's as if someone had a tiny good idea but not enough talent to take it further; didn't know what to do with it or where to go with it, so instead they thought the best is to completely dilute it and meander it through hours of blandness. Acting is not bad, show is good quality but the type of acting they chose ( this bland meekness) and the fact that the story writing is uninspired, untalented and diluted is why this show is a pass. I have not read the book and I don't know where their staring point was but that's no excuse for waisting my time. One thing I did like is that this is a show about kids not having very long to live and is honest about it ( to a certain extent- of course everyone looks too good) and is not trying to sugar coat. People who had lived through, or have encountered these moments with loved ones may appreciate this.
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30 January 2022
This is so hilariously bad! The main problem was the forever shifting tone, from serious to satire, back to serious ( with a really bad script), to haha funny . This awful cacophony of bad clishes and completely unbelievable situations could have been good if it was stitched properly, with the right tone, showing us how to position our expectations. Instead, its' every aspect was completely schicofrenic and produced an opposite effect entirely. Acting was good, but it gets negatively affected by the disjointed-ness of everything else.
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Shadow and Bone (2021–2023)
Dullness and bad acting set in a beautiful world
29 April 2021
Dialogues are sooooo dull and acting is soo stiff and pathetic. There are some rare exceptions to this but overall under beautiful imagery and an interesting world lurks a big dull nothing. Every time we witness characters talking feels like a horribly painful drudgery, like reading the most dull romantic novel written without a shred of charisma or a writing gift.
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Superficial human interest bs
23 April 2021
The premise sounded fantastic but the final result is not worth your time. First warning sign was me fast forwarding through all the walking and bad driving, and some lame flat jokes. I gave up soon after when it was clear the all the science talk was very superficial.

Your time is more important than this.
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Spycraft (2020–2022)
Homer Simpson would like this
21 March 2021
When so called experts continuously mispronounce the word nuclear you know this show has zero credibility. Homer Simpson would probably agree with them. Two stars are for the smart people who were unfortunately mixed in with the dumb dumbs.
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New Amsterdam (2018–2022)
Dr Drake Ramoray had better writers
24 February 2021
The first sentence of the first episode was bad. The rest made me laugh every 10 seconds. Horrible writing, lame cliches left and right. I barely lasted one episode, and I did it just so I could write this review knowing I gave it my best shot, and lost some brain cells trying.
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Cringe and dumb!
16 July 2020
Two very mean and very dumb superficial guys who pretend they are into sustainability and the planet. Their behaviour towards people they encounter makes you cringe. They are so dumb and so mean that this show is not worth it. Trust me, you will lose intelligence watching this show.
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