
2 Reviews
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Isolation 9 (2006)
Amazing film
15 November 2006
Usually what is the most irritating about going to a short film screening is having to watch 90 minutes of short films, usually about 5-6 shorts in one go. Of course not all of them are as brilliant as this one. This screening had a slot of 6 films, and of course this one was number 5. I was just about to sneak out (from boredom watching the other 4) when Isolation 9 started and from the moment the opening credits started I knew that sitting through the other tedious short films was well worth it, because this simply is an amazing film. It is a very professionally made film and although I know it was shot digitally it does feel every bit a "film" experience. It has everything a film should have and does not fall into any of the traps most short films seem to fall into, experimental or video-art, no this is a genuine movie. The two main characters are strong and memorable, well acted. But the strongest point of this film is the story, the script. It has a strong message without preaching and is full of heart. It's not often you see a first film, especially a short and think that this is a director that will become the next big thing... I'm sure the director of this film will be a name within the next years and I feel quite lucky to have seen the very first screening of the very first film by that director.
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P.S. (2001)
damn good flick
12 June 2002
It manages to intertwine the feelings of being a unique individual trapped somehow in an alien world far from the society that has already welcomed the protagonist with the same enthusiasm found in the early work of Martin Scorsese. In other words a damn good piece of film making.
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