
1 Review
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Hollow Man II (2006 Video)
this movie is one of the worst i've ever seen
25 July 2006
This movie is so bad it could be on Mystery Science Theater 3000! In fact i've seen better acting and plot in soap operas. I absolutely do not recommend this movie to anyone, unless your a drunk retard. I believe a 5 year old child could come up with a better script than this movie. I would say that it was a stupid 24 rip-off, but that would be giving it too much credit. The cast was worthless I could act better drunk, on acid and asleep. To sum it all up this movie is right up there with the Ed Wood movie Plan 9 from Outer Space, but at least that movie was funny. This movie was irritating. I would give it a 0.1 rating if that were possible. The direction was poorly done, casting was terrible, Christian Slater was hardly in it. The special effects were not bad, but that does not make up for everything else that was wrong with the movie. Even if this was a made for TV movie it would still be one of the worst ever made. Whoever produced this movie has an IQ of about 45 and should never make another movie ever.
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