
2 Reviews
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Third Saturday in October
15 May 2023
For Third Saturday in October

"For a movie with a micro budget like this one, I was totally unprepared for the visual extravaganza I was witness to with this film. I don't know that I've ever seen more authentic sets and locations with any slasher set in the past, and I have no idea how they were able to pull it off. Pay attention to the Halloween decorations: those are real period decorations from the 1960's & 1970's. The movie not only looks like it was set in the 70's it feels like it came out of the 70's. Shrum makes an amazing final girl, and Darius Willis and KJ Baker's on screen chemistry is magical. This movie is destined to become a Halloween Classic and I'd put Antonio Woodroof's Harding right up there beside Freddy, Jason, and Michael!"
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For Third Saturday part V
15 May 2023
For Third Saturday in October part V

"Don't know that I've ever experienced a better homage to classic 80's slashers than when I watched Third Saturday part V. I was instantly transported back to the video store days of my youth. Bowling and Cunningham's on screen chemistry carries the movie full steam ahead, supported aptly by the Hilarious Bart Hyatt, Taylor Smith, and Robert Hill. Burleson's insistence on starting the franchise with Part V isn't's pure genius"

For Third Saturday in October-

For a movie with a micro budget like this one, I was totally unprepared for my great experience..check out my review ...
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