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Harley Quinn & The Joker: Sound Mind (2023 Podcast Series)
Misunderstands its Title Character
10 July 2024
In this podcast they attempted a character study of Harley Quinn, but I am left scratching my head feeling that the writers do not know the core of who Harley Quinn actually is. It portrays a stupider and less compelling character. I love these comic book characters more than most and for that reason my enjoyment for this podcast is lacking. It seems that, in the minds of the writers, the only way to make Harley a compelling character was to lower the IQ of all the other characters most notably with the Joker. The thought that male characters have to be dumbed down so the female character can be smart is just - flawed to say the least. Joker and Batman have never been more stupid (even in the hilarious Lego Batman movie.) If Batman and the Joker were as brilliant as they usually are it would make Harley a much better character if she overcame them. What they tried to do simply did not work. It comes off like the studio was trying to quickly capitalize on their female lead without reading the script itself. I wish it was better, but sadly it is what it is.
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Flat Out Good
2 July 2024
Kevin Costner and friends develop an essential genre film for the ages. Filled with compelling stories and great all time performances, this film shows us the unconquerable spirit of man and how we look toward the horizon with hope. Of course, it is not without its faults with: obvious scenes lost in the edit, a feeling of no resolution, and some undeveloped characters. But miraculously, this film still turns a three hour runtime into what feels like a one hour flick. To those wondering if they should watch this movie i say, "Yes do it, but keep in mind that multiple stories are being told that sometimes are unrelated but are being weaved into this very special theme." In summary, I cannot wait until Chapter 2.
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Dan in Real Life (I) (2007)
A Lovely Mixed Bag
19 May 2024
Dan, known as the authority on parenting, is in reality a struggling father. And to complicate matters more, he is suddenly flung into a doomed whirlwind romance which making things even more difficult. In short, this is a beautifully cringy, peculiar, slice-of-life comedy that is fun. Though lovable, this movie sadly lacks in a few chief areas. First, the primary character progression for Dan is weak. Characters around Dan comment on his columns and reverence him as wise but we never read a column or feel his impact on anyone besides his business and immediate family. So, in short, the premise falls flat because we don't know Dan as a writer. Sadly, we are just told about his writing through his bias family. And because of this, we don't experience his change in character. We are merely told about his arch instead of being shown it in the visual medium. And what also disappointed me was the daughters and how ruthless they were without redemption. Actually this movie is filled with inconsiderate and reckless characters also without a redemption arch. But most glaringly, some tropes were done very poorly. I honestly hoped this movie would avoid some of those tropes so that was a disappointment. That being said, I will most definitely watch this movie again hoping all the flaws are erased in the wash of time.
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Just saw it and forgot about it.
22 March 2024
Was not funny, or dramatic, or scary. It was sadly very forgettable. I am actually a big fan of Kumail Nanjiani, but not a single character really got a place to shine in this star studded movie. (Sadly, not even Bill Murray had anything to do and only had two funny lines. Also, Patrick Oswald appeared but didn't have much to do.) I did not really like the mythology, or the character arches. Everything was very predictable in the story line from the word go. It was all very much a bummer since I liked Afterlife so much. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to like about this movie, but if you are a Ghostbuster fan, please watch. It is worth the discussion and the feedback.
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Self Reliance (2023)
Finally a New Concept that Needs a Sequel (but fine)
13 January 2024
There is room to grow! Yes it's not a perfect movie but this concept is better than the movie. This dramedy in the skin of a thriller, is a rollercoaster of good story telling. This is just the character driven movie that audiences have been pining for. The only "con" is the fact that there is so many more places this idea can go, which is great. I can imagine a lonely survivalist cabin dweller in the middle of the wilderness being selected to the same concept with no plans to be surround himself with people. There is so much gas in this idea I just hope people come to see it on Hulu. This hilarious movie, has only scratched the surface of the possibilities. Over all, imaginative, funny, strange and charming.
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