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Bones: The Finder (2011)
Season 6, Episode 19
I tried to cut them some slack, but...
25 April 2011
I'd already read going in that The Finder was a pilot, so I wasn't expecting a proper Bones episode. Not happy about that, but I still hoped for an entertaining hour. I didn't get it, and I'm trying to be fair and not judge the first appearance of a new team the way I would an established show. Plenty of good shows had weak pilots or even weak first seasons; it takes time for the actors to ease their way into their roles, to develop their interactions with the rest of the cast, and for the writers to figure out what works and what doesn't. This wasn't year six of Bones; it's year one (or zero or minus one) of some new show.

With that said, I wanted my hour back. These are not people I want to spend any more time with, especially Geoff Stults, who isn't much of an actor. He had one good scene with Emily Deschanel, who acted him right out of the scene. Her performance was emotional and believable, neither of which he achieved.

Someone described an actor as filling a role the way concrete fills a hole. Yeah, that's Stults.
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