
16 Reviews
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Bizarre Cameos
25 April 2021
This was a pretty funny episode and it had a couple of really random cameos. John Hurt was in an Alice in Wonderland sketch and Natasha Henstridge was in a Job Interview sketch! It was really strange to see them and I can't figure out why they were there!
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Lazy Susan (2020)
He's A Man Playing A Woman!!!
26 December 2020
It took me a while to figure out that Sean wasn't playing a trans person but just playing a woman. Not unheard of for someone to play another gender, but it did take a while. That said after I got it straight I settled in and rolled with it and it was pretty funny. Many wonderful actors and a quirky vibe all its own.
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Orlando (1992)
Boring and Weird
3 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this when it come out in theaters in '92 and just gave it a rewatch. Didn't get it then or now. Looks really good though. In '92 I couldn't figure out why the girl was dressed as a guy. Or how she changed to a girl. Or why she thought she was exactly the same as either. Or why she thought she was Ferris Bueller constantly breaking the 4th wall. Or if anyone knew she/he was 400 at the end. How did she/he get the house back? Had they kept it in mothballs for 380 years waiting for her/him to have a child? Was she a he at the end? I guess it was supposed to be saying something deep about trans people, but failed.
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Fast Color (2018)
Fairy Tale Science - Spoilers
9 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Film with some good points but mostly just a ridiculous story. The Earth has forgotten where all its water is. Ugh. Guess what? It's been up in the sky the whole time!!! If only someone had the ability to tear everything down on a molecular level and put it back together again. Wait, there are some! But they only think that their abilities are parlor tricks, boohoo. And one of them doesn't even know how to use her own abilities. But wait! She figured it out! She has God-Like powers and can control the entire Earth! Whew! That was a close one. I loved how things like wrenches, dinnerware and cigarettes could remember that their molecules could remember that they had been made into things and could only return to the shape of that thing! The whole story is a fairy tale that seemed to be written by a child.
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Veep (2012–2019)
Savage and Unapologetic - spoilers
27 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I am so torn about my feelings of this show. I was unable to look away from the train wreck story lines. I realize the end of the show was true to its nature on an intellectual level, but on a human level it was so tragic. At its heart it was about a sociopath and her strange collection of damaged sycophants and status climbers. The protagonist ended up being totally without any redeeming value. So privileged and yet so damaged. I was truly saddened by the end of the run as I watched the character completely disintegrate. At the end she had not one shred of decency. There were only a couple people in her circle that weren't totally evil and the most innocent of all, Gary, was treated the worst of them all. His character arc was so poignantly and profoundly sad it really kind of ruined the show for me and is the only reason I gave it an 8 instead of a 10. But I do have to give them credit for not copping out to the true nature of the show, which is that politics is a cesspool of selfish, greedy, manipulative sociopaths. If Selina had a real life counterpart it would be a combination of Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton, two of the most clueless and self serving politicians of the modern era. I may just need some time and distance to work out my extremely mixed feelings about the show and its place in the world of satire. To its credit it remained true to itself and the most brilliant satire of any political show ever.
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The Incredible Mr. Hulk Rogers
23 April 2020
Tom Hanks looks like The Hulk compared to Fred Rogers. How he managed to make Fred seem sinister is quite a feat. Most of the time Hanks is talking I feel like in his mind he's plotting how to whack the reporter. Jim Parsons would have been a better choice and even he looks to strong and fit. Ridiculous story and poor treatment of a beloved icon.
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Different Drummer (1989–1991)
9 April 2020
I can't believe no one has reviewed this film. It' is a legend around my area. I saw it on a vis a friend copied one night. I have never seen this film anywhere else. It launched careers of a bunch of Appalachian hillbillies with the name White. The main hillbilly is a guy named Jesse, Jesco, Elvis White- depending on his mood. He's a gas sniffing low life criminal from W. Virginia. He is white trash personified. The film is mesmerizing in its look at these hill people. Must be seen to be believed.
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Great Acting - Strange Writing - SPOILERS
23 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I liked this film for the most part because of the actors. Their motivations and reactions to situations left me stumped. Michelle's character reacts with such anger that Billy raised their child in a wonderful, caring, elite family was mystifying. The daughter's anger at learning the woman who gave her up and disappeared was still alive was also. Julianne's character at least had some logic to it. She was trying to find a good mother for her kids and partner for her husband, and also trying to heal them both. The kicker was when Michelle's character realizes that neither her daughter nor the orphan she cared for really needed her, after she had thought of herself as some savior saint. That said I can understand the hate given here by many. I think I felt most sorry for the groom!
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Too Stupid For Words
16 November 2019
This has to be the most idiotic "documentary" I have ever seen. Did you know we've been in a Great Depression for decades? It's True! There is no middle class!!! It's only rich and poor! And Super Rich! (What?) There is so much silly information in it I can't remember it all. There's some guy who thinks he was taken by aliens and spent 20 years in some sort of Naval training and then was turned back into a child and put back. (Sure) There are reptile aliens and Nordic aliens fighting it out to see who's boss. (Right)

There are tens of thousands of grand juries issuing indictments and trials going on to arrest everyone who is bad. They already got Harvey Weinstein! Not only that, he was reading a biography of Elia Kazan at the time! And Kazan named people who were communists! Coincidence? i don't think so. (Huh??)

Why are we still driving cars? And still using the exact same fuel? It's been 100 years and we still are driving the exact same basic car! (I guess he's never been in an old car. When I was young my car wouldn't start if it was too cold or sat for a couple days. Now it can be covered in snow for two weeks and start right up.)

And you know Tesla invented free energy and told another guy and that guy made a flying saucer that ran on thought. You just thought about flying around and it took off! But the bad old Military Industrial Complex put him out of business, wouldn't you just know? If it wasn't for those bad guys we could all be flying around it thought saucers! (Okaaaay.) And Edison was just a front man they set up to put Tesla out of business. (?)

And this other old guy says the ten greatest scientific discoveries were all done by 23 year olds! (They weren't.) And they were all thought to be stupid! (Also not true.) This old guy also thought time travel would be invented 20 years ago, but it already was invented! (Yeah, I heard we could time travel now.)

Another guy thinks he invented an engine that runs on something other than oil, but he didn't say what that was. He won't tell anyone about it until he dies because it would be a "media circus" and he just isn't into that. He is into talking about it on camera, though.

Also the guy who was in the Space Navy says in all UFO contacts the aliens ask two things. "Grow spiritually or expand your consciousness" (Not a question) and "Demand the release of suppressed technologies" (Also not a question).

Also we are in the Matrix.

So this is definitely a must see! (It is not).
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I Watched a Whole Season and...
23 September 2019
Didn't realize Hamm and Radcliffe were supposed to be the same person. I was working at my computer while I watched, so I wasn't paying really close attention. I never read about it, only watching for the two actors in lead roles. When I finally caught on, I kept doubting it because Hamm is a giant and there is no way he could ever be Radcliffe. Maybe it was intentional that they made the young DR. so small?

Be that as it may, I found it funny and will have to rewatch now.
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Silent Panic (2018)
Already Been Done - And Better
15 September 2019
Watch "Jindabyne" for a similar story done better.
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Neo-Noir Mystery
8 September 2019
I'm a sucker for Film Noir and this is a pretty good tribute to them. Hard boiled private eye, shady mobsters, dames, twists and turns. If you're a fan of the genre you will probably like this one.
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Reef Break (2019)
23 June 2019
By that I mean this show is not credible.

Somehow in the first five minutes a wounded fleeing bank robber has somehow gotten onto a flight with not only a bagful of cash, but also a gun! Not only that, there's a Federal Air Marshal on the plane who doesn't notice. But fear not, our heroic leading lady helps capture him, so the Federal Marshal allows her to steal a bundle of money! It's all good because she gave him a knowing wink. When you are as wonderful as she is you can just help yourself to $10,000 or so. This was the point I turned it off.
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Polar (I) (2019)
Quentin Tarantino's "Taken"
21 March 2019
"Hey Quentin, I got this script that seems ok, but it needs more sex and gore. You think you could do a rewrite?"

"Sure man, I know just what to do."

So that's how this got made! Seriously, though, it is pretty good if you like Kill Bill and the like. And no, QT had nothing to do with it, but it looks like he could have.
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Krystal (2017)
18 February 2019
This film is about a family of pseudo-intellectuals who speak like Foghorn Leghorn. They also act like imbeciles. If you love Merry Melodies you'll love this one.
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20 August 2018
What if we remade The Razor's Edge with people speaking and acting as they would in the 80's? Wouldn't that be fun? We should get a smart aleck shlub to be the main character. Then we could have him miss the whole point of the book! We'll just leave out the narrator, that will change the whole tone of the story.

Sorry, but this film is pretty much unwatchable unless you like 80's comedies. Murray is terribly miscast and never acts as a person from that period would. Just watch the Tyrone Power version and have an actual spiritual experience.
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