
2 Reviews
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Intrusion (II) (2021)
A nicely filmed movie, with good story, acting and music
1 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I just saw this movie, I loved it, Although the end is a bit disappointing, I found parts of it pretty scary and it's really good directed, has very good music, acting is really good, and how it's filmed I think is great. I loved the barren landscape's and how the huge difference in social status leads to the wrong people being accused, the secret cellar, the inquisitiveness of the wife and her intelligence and drive to reveal the thruth about her psychopath husband and the way she chose for doing the right thing. If you have Netflix I'd recommend seeing it, and if you like psycho-trillers you should give Netflix a try. They have very good content on this category, 5505. Use Google on how you can find Netflix categories directly...
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Not worth seeing. Horrible.
1 January 2023
Unless you're a big fan of the genre, this movie will either make your skin crawl or fall asleep. The acting is really bad and very stiff, the storyline has no content at all (Nothing happens), the scenario sucks, you cannot hear what the actors say unless you switch on the subtitles, it is badly directed, and the music sucks big time.

It is not funny, not even camp... There are worse movies, like Battlefield Earth but this one should score <5 in my opinion. I have seen Liever Verliefd in full, something I can't say about the SF, which was so bad I didn't make it. But unless your taste is only for this genre I'd skip this one...
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