
14 Reviews
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Spiral (2021)
first saw movie ive ever seen but not too bad
19 May 2021
Okay so lets start by saying this isnt usually my kind of movie but it was really a good film though not for everyone its quite a movie it has a good story and plenty of action and adventure the horror level here is low however suspense is actually quite high rock really shines here as does jackson its one of the best horrors of the decade so much enjoyment to have here definitley not for everyone and absolutly not for kids of any age but the age intended and not for the faint at heart but really a good movie.
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not bad gets plot gets old but not bad
14 May 2021
Okay so here we go before purchasing a ticket for this movie i had heard good reviews on both but spiral had already started so i went with this and though the plot gets tiring i must say this movie is flat out incredible so much fun seeing jolie back.
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i love it
13 January 2021
Okay this is a show i wasnt sure about but i loved it i laughout loud several times i loved lesslie jones and the others its a really good family time show and absolutley hilarious to watch i say try it
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Call Me Kat (2021–2023)
Not what people say
5 January 2021
Okay after careful consideration and listening to horrible reviews I can't say I was prepared for this show but actually it really wasnt that bad I laughed a few times and I wound up happy I watched
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Soul (2020)
wonderful but not like the preivews
3 January 2021
Okay seeing the trailer i was excited to see a kids movie due to being a child at heart but what i was not prepared for was the deep subject matter the trailer dosent show its about finding yourself and other things i wasnt prepared for but oh what a joyus movie
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not bad for a christmas time adventure
12 December 2020
Okay so lets start by saying this isnt the best movie but as action movie for the holidays its pretty good more of a summer film but this is a movie worth going to see its fun its fast its enjoyable and i recommend seeing it myself
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Big Sky (2020–2023)
people who are upset its not like yellowstone clearly have a problem
21 November 2020
Okay so ill start by saying this is the new addition to the abc channel and no dobut one of this falls best shows i really love that it took time to let us get to know the characters and their backgrounds without spending too much time in one area it moves very fast and is a sure cure for pamdimic bordome i highly recommend it the twist at the end is fantastic
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B Positive (2020–2022)
funniest comedy this year
8 November 2020
Okay i know this is getting alot of critisizem but here are my thoughts the show is cute sweet and fall down funny i dont know if its due to covid or what but this is the funniest thing ive seen all year long its smart charming and funny i adore the character of gina shes hilarious and a beauty
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Supermarket Sweep (I) (2020–2022)
smart funny and wild
27 October 2020
Okay so lets start by saying this may not be for some families but as a grown man i laugh out loud the shows smart clever and leslie jones is hilarious and fabulous i get big laughs out of the grocery store humor the show i belieive would be suitable for a 10 or older child i highly recommend it
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Gun slinging good time
20 October 2020
Okay so I'll admit I really wasn't sure if I'd like this due to being sensitive to watching others get treated unfairly however this was a show. I can truly say I really enjoyed and I can't wait to watch more
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Weakest Link (2020– )
Not as good as supermarket sweep but good
19 October 2020
Okay so to start with Jane is only this way cause the original host was this way but worse the games fun and funny and I personally like jane it's a fun Tuesday escape
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Motherland: Fort Salem (2020–2022)
as of now stupendous
20 March 2020
Okay so lets start by saying that i did'not know what to think of this show at first but i was plane mystifyed by what was happening so much action and adventure the story was compelling and the lady's beautiful i highly recommend it
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Onward (I) (2020)
A beautiful sweet movie
8 March 2020
Okay so let's start by saying I knew about the contraversy over the cop but I still saw a It and I laughed it had good jokes good story and good action well worth seeing atleast once I loved the fat brother he was hilarious and the story was also very moving if you have a family please take them
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Birds of Prey (2020)
what a movie
21 February 2020
Okay so lets start by saying i loved the movie no doubt there was action and adventure plenty of laughs and character development to spare i loved the chemistry between harley and the young girl a good mother daughter type thing here the story moves fast and is really good
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