
331 Reviews
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A Celluloid Abomination
7 June 2024
I knew it was going to be bad because it had too many good reviews for a horror movie. Terrible bad horror movies like Get Out and Hereditary also ridiculously received good reviews so there was no surprise here. No one lucid could possibly think this was good. After the only good part ( the intro ) it's all way downhill. The first half is more like Nuns go Wild. Then it just becomes a boring, awful miasma of nonsensical scenes. After last years also awful Exorcist sequel I didn't think I'd see another high profile horror movie that bad but I stand corrected. This was pure unwatchable junk that I unfortunately entirely watched thinking it couldn't get worse. Again I was corrected. Watch the original again or if you want to get scared a Scooby Doo episode, not this trash.
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Under Paris (2024)
Outstanding and what an ending!!!!!
7 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
First of all there are some truly delusional people that claimed this is a Sharknado movie or some such nonsense. Flawless effects with the sharks who look as realistic as possible 98% of the time. And no we certainly were not rooting for the shark except for the clueless blue haired girl who deserved her absolutely spectacular death. But I was for the swimmers and the brave cops who continuously risked their lives. Likable characters and well acted, provided you don't see the dubbed version. Terrific action scene in the catacombs and what an awesome, explosive ( excuse the pun ) ending. Well paced and never boring this is well done and definitely one of the best shark movies ever made. Do not miss.
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The Acolyte (2024– )
At least it's a hundred times better than Anbore but
5 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Then pretty much anything is better than that excruciatingly, slow as molasses nothing happening show. Initially wasn't to thrilled with Trinity being immediately killed off or the characters but I've warmed up to them a bit by the end of the second ep. Some relatively good fights and a focus on Jedi. It will never be as good as Kenobi or the masterpiece Ahsoka ( take that whining fans ) but it's entertaining enough and the plot seems headed to an interesting story. Will see. At least they're all new characters and a different time period and am always open to new ventures. My only true peeve is where are all the white guys. This SW Universe seems sparse with them but a minor quibble. Worth watching and ignore the forever hating.
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THAT WAS IT??? What a dreary slog of nothingness
4 June 2024
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First one was mildly ( mildly ) watchable. But this was a true celluloid abomination. They must've pumped some narcotic gas in the theatres for the praise this absolute slogfest received. I almost went to the theatre and mercifully I didn't because I would have been scarred for life. Rarely have I seen a movie as boring and uneventful as this. A few scattered action scenes that are mostly over before they begin, drab costumes and two of the worst leads in many a moon. Chalamet and Zendaya are horribly miscasted as Jack Skelington and Olive Oil and are so pathetic looking with their emaciated forms as to be disturbing. The uninspired effects ( except for some grand wide shots ) are a joke. And to think think people came down hard on the masterpieces Rebel Moon two parter and not this. This generations Empire Strikes Back?? LOL. More like this generations Flash Gordon only less entertaining. When Jack, uh I mean Paul walks up the hill in his 80 pound physique to inspire his troops is truly one of the most silliest and laughable scenes in movie history. Second is his fight with Feyd. How did he win after being heavily wounded and already looking like a corpse. Villanueve as usual directs so lifelessly that they should promote his movies as true cures for insomnia. I didn't even know the supremely talented Hans Zimmer produced the somnolent, screeching music till after. This film is a true travesty and a shocking reminder that truly terrible movies are still being made. Avoid like the plague.
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Atlas (2024)
Gotta say............
1 June 2024
It was an extremely entertaining movie. Ignore the naysayers who literally hate everything these days. Action packed especially the spectacular climax. Great effects for a not massive budget. It does have scenes reminiscent of Minority Report, Mass Effect, Edge of Tomorrow, T2 and Aliens but hey why not copy from the best. Lopez while not bad is miscast; irritatingly and forever screaming, whining and crying. But she doesn't hamper the movie overall. This would have been great to see in a theatre but alas.......anyway highly recommended and watchable. Certainly better than that overblown snore fest Dune with a 90 pound weakling as the lead. Don't miss.
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Madame Web (2024)
Even worse than envisioned
15 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Thankfully we decided not to see it in the theatre. This was terrible. Only CBM that are worse are The Spirit and Joker. Obviously no medical advisor was used. Having a BP of 79/59 and an O2 sat of 89 means your vitals are not anywhere near stable. You're also not stable after being resurrected like she said about that guy she was doing CPR on. It has literally one action sequence and that's the climax; which was poorly executed containing one of the most laughable scenes ever witnessed. When're ambulance comes rocketing through a building, falling 20 feet ( totally unscathed ) and manages to perfectly hit the villain and nothing else. As for that villain. Totally not menacing and instead of just snapping their neck he continues to just throw them around. Thankfully after deservedly doing badly at the B. O. we will never have to see a sequel with these potentially awful 3 superheroines. That's 2 back to back disaster movies for women superheroes ( The Marvels was almost as bad ). They need to do better jobs ( aka the excellent Wonder Woman ). This was the utter pits. Finally I was waiting for them to name the baby Peter but nope, didn't even get that. Such poor filmmaking for a big budget movie.
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Another rom com nightmare
10 May 2024
After suffering through Anyone but You that was as unfunny as you can get we get another massively unfunny rom com. Brooke is brittle, overbearing, doesn't have any comedic chops and showing she's not a good actress. Was she ever? This was awful beyond belief. It's been years since I've seen a good rom com. Avoid at all costs. It gets one extra star for some of the locations. Made it halfway before I couldn't take anymore. I have to keep writing. If I could just keep one soul from seeing the travesty then I've done my due diligence. FF to the wedding and even that was awful and robotic. Whew made it.
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Dark Matter (2024– )
Counterpart was a ripoff of this book
8 May 2024
I'm going to use the same inane illogic of some of these ignorant reviewers. The book Dark Matter came out before so Counterpart ( an immensely boring series where nothing happened ) must definitely be a ripoff of the book. BOOM!!! Anyway I actually read some of the book and unlike some of Crouch's other books I didn't like this one but of course shows and movies can sometimes be better than the source material. So far thats the case here. While slow paced the first two eps were not boring and somewhat engaging; mostly because of the two leads. As others have pointed out Apple shows tend to start meandering about with their stories. Essentially they're good movies turned into long winded shows. Although the book came first it is reminiscent of Constellation, Counterpart and the one with Josh Brolin on Amazon. None of those amounted to much. We shall see here if it goes the same route.
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The Fall Guy (2024)
Actually walked out
5 May 2024
What movie are people seeing. Can't be this atrocious flick. I used to watch the series back in the 80's. It was a standard action show where cars would be destroyed every episode and rarely anyone got hurt or killed. I knew this would be different because Colt is not a Bounty Hunter like he was in the show but the previews made it look action packed and fun. Yeah well hoodwinked again. After the horrendous experience of stubbornly staying to watch the entire Civil War movie we decided to throw in the towel and leave after 45 excruciating minutes. Speaking of boring Gosling and Blunt are stale and boring alone and with each other. The action scenes ( at least the first half ) are equally boring and unexciting. What a huge letdown. Gosling just meanders around muttering to himself. There is one agonizingly long scene where Blunt is letting Ryan know why she wants nothing to do with him; using the bullhorn in front of everybody. Like every scene before and after it just wasn't funny. Maybe the second half was better though I doubt it. We just saw Hooper again the other day ( which is also about stuntmen doing a movie ) and even though it's dated it's so much better. Wait for streaming as we should have.
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Show is good but when practically most of the characters are
30 April 2024
Trash it's hard to root for anybody. Even most of the cops are trash not caring about the towns citizens initially. Sure they can be lackadaisical about some girl missing for a few days if it's happened before but if the family is stating that something is different it should be looked into. If the show is accurate apparently one cop did. The worst part is the victim herself is extremely unlikable. Insecure, spiteful, disrespectful to her parents and listens to total trash rap music. So it's hard to care what happened to her. I only care about justice for the parents, not for her. Still it looks like it might be a good crime limited series. Will keep watching for now.
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Reminded why I hate Rom coms
28 April 2024
I haven't seen a good romcom in years and it still stands after seeing this trash heap. While the two stars are somewhat engaging; they can't do anything with the horrendous script. Most of the costars act like buffoons and most of the situations are just silly. Even worse there's absolutely no humor. I can't even fathom how empty some of the reviewers lives are if they found this even modestly funny. That some said they couldn't stop laughing is one of the most unbelievable statements in the history of unbelievable statements. I remember laughing just one time the entire movie. It gets a couple of extra stars for the scenery and the two stars not acting like complete fools despite what's thrown at them. Maybe one day they'll make a likable romcom again. Maybe not. You can do worse than this but not by much. Watch only if you're bored.
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Dead Boy Detectives (2024– )
Amazing show
28 April 2024
Saw the trailer and thought it might be a good watch but I never thought it'd be this entertaining. Well casted especially the actress playing Crystal. But the guys are pretty good too. As good as The Sandman which was another surprisingly entertaining watch. Reminiscent of Supernatural and even has one of the actresses that played a major supporting player. Fully hooked after the first episode and like others I'm hoping there will be a Season 2. On top of the great effects and never knowing what's going to happen ( which is rare for me ) the show is exceedingly funny. I find myself laughing quite a bit. If you like supernatural shows couldn't find a better one right now.
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Just as spectacular as the first one
20 April 2024
Wow what a movie. The story continues in the sci-fi Magnificent Seven. The first half is fairly slow and admittedly that harvesting scene was quite a slog but most of the second half consists of a jaw dropping, incredible battle. As expected some of the characters die so the suspense is ratcheted up. Beautiful effects, stunning visuals, incredible explosions, glorious slo-mo, great sword fights and wall to wall action in the second half make this a must see. The film never tries to be more than it is and that's ok for people who have good taste; not the forever whiners about just about every movie ever made. Where's the last film they made? Oh yeah........none. Boutella and Skrein play their respective parts well and not over the top and the supporting cast does fine with Hounsou as the standout. Hope Snyder gets his wish and makes more but at least we have the R rated versions to look forward to.
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Civil War (2024)
Bamboozled by that trailer
14 April 2024
Do not. DO NOT listen to these lunatics praising this utter trash movie. The trailer made it seem like it was chock full of action and suspense but it's mostly a road trip movie of sheer tedium and boredom. Absolutely nothing of consequence happens until well past the first hour where we have a tense scene with Plemmon's character. And then it's more tedium until the final ( finally ) last ten minutes with action. I would have liked the film more if it had more substance or the drama was compelling but it most certainly is not. People saying that it was immersive or whatever are not playing with a full deck. It gets one extra star for the acting. Looking at Dunst's morose face for the entire movie doesn't help. Avoid this on all counts. My wife wanted to leave from the beginning and I should have listened to her. Stubbornly I stayed thinking it would get better and it only got worse till the end.
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Argylle (2024)
Terrible miscasting and the most ridiculous action scenes
12 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Sink this movie into a bottomless pit out ineptitude. Did you come here for Cavill or Cena? You're out of luck because they're in it less than 10 minutes. Instead you get a hefty Howard and.........Rockwell? Yeah that Rockwell. He can play a villain or comedic character just fine and to some degree a dramatic one but an action hero?? No and neither can Howard ( Chastain would have been great ). They just can't sell it so the movie fails completely. Add the horrible music for the action scenes and speaking of.......the smoke and ice skating scenes have to be two of if not worst action scenes in movie history. Sheer insanity, silliness and ridiculousness wouldn't even begin to describe how cringe inducing and terrible to witness they were to behold. I'd seriously question the lucidity of anyone that enjoyed them. The movie gets one extra star for the good twist halfway through but it also makes things more unbelievable. If you blink you'd miss Boutella and that ugly looking cat didn't help. A tremendous misfire of a movie ( and well deserved flop ) from the director that gave us excellent action fare such as the first Kick-Ass and the first two Kingsman movies was beguilingly disappointing. Shame.
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Ripley (2024)
As terrible as it gets
9 April 2024
My first review was taken down. I guess the truth hurts. An absolutely awful series about a guy puttering about aimlessly hour after hour. Nothing of interest and even without the black and white, everything is so drab and lifeless; including all the characters. Scott was great as Moriarty but here he's just another boring dude amongst many boring dudes. On the plus side if you're having trouble sleeping then is the choice show for you. I have to laugh at the ponderous, praising reviews which are sheer lunacy. There is not one moment of entertainment in the first episode and I certainly won't see the rest. Pure trash.
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Shōgun: The Abyss of Life (2024)
Season 1, Episode 8
Brilliant episode
9 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Simply spectacular. The attention to detail of Japanese culture is exquisite and breathtaking. The acting from the entire cast is beyond stellar. If this show doesn't win every award it's up for then there is no justice. Since the get go I've been sure of Toronaga's plan but the show has had me wavering several times and more so in that jaw dropping scene with the council near the end. But then it dawned on me as I was both horrified and elated that everything has been part of the plan ( except for Toronaga's son's death ) which was finally confirmed in the final scene between Toronaga and Mariko. I watch every episode totally captivated on the sheer excellence of this shows production. As for the reviewer Eloj; I can unequivocally say that most if not almost all here are 100% behind Toronaga. You are emphatically wrong.
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The Hill (2023)
Nice Sports family movie marred by religious doctrine
8 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
For the most part this is a nice sports family movie but with too much no sense religion thrown in. Good acting throughout but the standouts are the two guys playing Ricky. Good baseball tryout moments also. Unfortunately while the Dad is not a bad guy and certainly not evil he is obviously seriously mentally ill with his total devotion to God. He can barely take care of his family with the meager Pastor earnings and soon thugs get worse. He crushes his don's obsession with baseball titans tie again Ashe selfishly wants him to follow in his footsteps. The kids are scared and the wife cowed. Only the grandma has the gruff to stand up to him. Thankfully by movies end he comes around and I dare you to not shed a tear during that final baseball hit. Recommended but again be warned with being bombed with religious gobbledegook. Incidentally the tryout Coach that tries to boot Ricky ( not Red ) is the real life Ricky.
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Ignore the ridiculous low scoring reviewers
6 April 2024
Their lack of taste and zero understanding of what comprises a good movie is seriously disturbing. Glad I decided to check it out and lo and behold. A movie chock full of action and many suspense scenes. Good acting, great music, characters to root for and very cool explosions. I'm so tired of reading these low scoring reviews for movies that do not warrant it. If you didn't like this movie that's fine. It simply means you have bad taste but to say this movie was terrible means you're lacking perception of exactly what this movie was supposed to be which it accomplished in spades. If you love nonsense, fluff movies like Barbie then this may not be for you. All others check it out and be thoroughly entertained.
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Sugar (2024– )
Wow what a great show
5 April 2024
Revelation and a lot better than I'd thought it would be; especially after trying to watch the absolutely awful Ripley. Somewhat reminiscent to the show Dream On where they instill footage from old movies. Except that was a comedy. The show is set like a fast paced film noir; not boring us with endless scenes of people aimlessly puttering about. Each scene has purpose and meaning. Farrell as always is superb as is most of the supporting cast. And while Sugar seems a bit too extraordinary, excelling at many things his illness brings him down a notch. With the mystery of the supposed disappearance, murders and plenty of nefarious characters about, there's plenty of plot to last a season. And finally just before they revealed the car I was hoping it would be a Corvette Stingray and lo and behold.........this show is a complete winner.
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Sight Unseen (2024– )
Anyone remember Longstreet
4 April 2024
That was a similar show in the early 70's about a blind insurance investigator. Of course he had none of the tech that Tess has. Only basing this on the first episode but was surprised that it was entertaining enough. Especially the burgeoning work relationship with Sunny. Sure you're going to have to suspend disbelief, take that stick out of your.......and just relax and enjoy. You can start with why is Sunny wearing lipstick at home with no one to see. And speaking about Sunny the mystery surrounding her seems worth waiting for. Characters are likable enough and acting is more than adequate. One delusional reviewer stated who is blind in the show. Apparently comprehension skills elude them as Tess is only partially blind and the actress portrayed that perfectly. For now I'm intrigued enough to give it further viewing.
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Spectacular movie and better than the overated
31 March 2024
Minus One. Sure One had great effects but I didn't care one iota for the characters and found much of the movie boring. This on the other hand was spectacular and action packed from beginning to end. Some truly amazing non stop Kaiju fights and featuring one of the most epic scenes put on screen; when the 4 major combatants are jumping toward each other. The movie unfortunately does short Godzilla, emphasizing a lot more on Kong but his solo fights are incredible to behold. The human element here is even more duller than usual though Bryan and Dan try to liven things up when they can. But who cares. Most of are here for the Kaiju fights and there the movie excels beyond all expectations. See it on the biggest screen you can and enjoy!!
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Excellent docudrama
29 March 2024
The trailers clearly establish this so only ignorants were unaware. Netflix has done several of these and all have been great. Caesar, Alexander, Mehmet and others. Well acted though I only recognize one Tipper ( Moses wife ) who was excellent in The Expanse. Good effects, strong storytelling and pacing. Some of this story is fiction as is the a lot of the Bible's so who caress if it's 100% accurate. Thoroughly entertaining. Ignore detractors with their ridiculous reasoning. I'd tend to more believe these scholars than some of these cellar dweller internet liars. Enjoy this show with great production values.
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Zilch Nada Nothing. Went absolutely nowhere.
28 March 2024
First half of the first ep started with a bang, literally and after that the series puttered out with nothing to show for it. Though the acting wasn't bad the constant glazed, deer in the headlights looks from a few of the characters became annoying. Was the show about anything? A couple characters crossed dimensions; dying in one Universe and living in another and so what......nothing happened. And why are people even mentioning a second season? There's absolutely no more story to tell because there has never any story to tell. My wife wisely bowed out at the end of the first ep and I wish I'd done the same. I almost always enjoy anything Rapace is in but this was devastatingly bad. By now Apple has cranked out so many loser shows it's getting tedious. Do better Apple.
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Road House (2024)
Yes you can compare this negatively to the original
23 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Because it's just not that good. I judge movies on their own merit, not whether they're remakes or sequels. Gyllenhall as usual is very good and I liked some of the characters ( even the bad guy with the broken arm ) but most of the villains are cartoonishly doltish and Mcgregor has to be one of the biggest jokes as an actor. As others have said his ridiculous smile and buffoonish, swagger walk ( does he really walk that way ) makes him a complete laughingstock. The fights are well choreographed and the scenery is nice but some stilted dialogue that turns corny ( with Mcgregor's being on a whole other level ) and no place in the World ( no matter how bad ) has this many fights at the drop of a hat. Film started out well enough but soon turned into an unintentional 80's action joke. The film manages to barely squeak by with the boat chase and final fight. I did happen to rewatch the original just a few months ago and it's definitely superior in most ways. Just glad I didn't see this in the theatre. Watch it for Jake and the fights if nothing else. Mcgregor please don't ever act again.
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