
4 Reviews
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Demented (1980)
This movie was not too bad. but not for everyone
27 March 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I will start off by saying this film is not for everyone. Let's start with the ugly, and that is the acting. Although the main actress was a gorgeous woman her acting chops didn't seem to have the proper emotional punch it should have when it comes to dealing with such a horrific event. It would meander from a dazed ham handed joke about being raped to a child like squeaky 'I'm lonely and I don't want to hurt anymore' For the first half of the movie you wonder where its going because every scene seems strikingly the same as the last.

UNTIL...AND HERE COME THE GOOD AND THE SPOILERS!!!!! She gets attacked by some punks one night in her home and really goes off the deep end. I mean its sadistic and cruel but so very pleasing to see some of this trash get whats coming to them. Like a mad scientist done in with their own creation, these jerks get mutilated one at a time! I mean its creepy and ugly, but for my money, I say 'hell yeah'. Really the last third of the film saves it for me because I really wasn't enjoying the monotony of the acting or the situations. I do not recommend this to anyone who has a weak stomach or DOES NOT HAVE a sick sense of irony.
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A simple but endearing story.
26 November 2010
There is a certain charm to early to mid 90s Anime. Metal Fighter Miku is part of the transition from Japanese only animation to the commercialized for US Anime that started to get released when films like Ghost in the Shell were starting to become major hits in the US.

Metal Fighter Miku is rooted deeply in the tradition of Japanese sports drama. A young but rough around the edges natural is part of a team or group and is trained by either a washed up retired coach or a legend of the sport or activity that young upstart is a part of.

Only in this case it is Female Neo Pro Wrestling. Set in a pleasant future where Miku and her teammates Nana, Ginko, and Sayaka fight for the chance to take on the Supreme Champion, and Miku's all time idol, the indestructible Aquamarine! The animation is basic. Sometimes, in two episodes in particular it falls way below par. But its an adorable and fun series with a simple but endearing story with endearing characters. I'd recommend it to anyone looking for something light and fun to watch.
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Gods Schmods
21 July 2010
In a movie like this Theme is a strong issue.

This is about Greek Mythology to a point, right? WRONG! It is very apparent in every scene of this movie, that someone either the writer, or the director, had a strong anti-god agenda. I am no god person of any kind, and believe me, if that is where they want take a story I am more than happy to journey with. HOWEVER, when talking about Greek Mythology, even with the poetic license exercised, this is simply out of the question.

The role of Man and Greek Gods has been adversarial at times and down right ugly, but in the end the Gods loved it when the hero would pass the trials given him. In other words, this beating of that tired, "I will do this without the Gods" "We are stronger than the Gods" "Man no longer needs the Gods" "Gods? What Gods?", over and over and over and over again in each scene got really tired, really quick! Say it twice or three times, I get it, even though I feel it is misplaced in this type of movie. I sure wish that someone who had a real love for the Greek Mythological material had written and or directed this. Someone at least was mature and strong enough to not treat this movie as a pulpit to preach from.

Although it was lacking in theme, it was unintentionally funny in a LOT of places. I give it two stars for that reason only. Rent it if you must, or wait for it to go super dollar store bargain bin.

Liam Neeson rounds out the cast.
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Contactblow (1995 Video)
Yikes! Absolutely Yikes!
14 March 2005
Watching bad films and learning to walk away from them CAN be an art form. I must say that this film is one of the closest brushes with "death" I have ever encountered. This film is terrible. There I said it. I will also say this is one of the worst films in existence. Perhaps due to its tiny budget, a myriad of terrible acting and poor locations, poorly made and shot action sequences. Poor derivative screen writing shot on a home movie camera, from the looks of it. Whatever the reason this was simply one of those movies where no amount of quipping can make the hurting stop. Rent it if you dare! Buy it if you must! This movie is one downer experience i have yet to forget!
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