
17 Reviews
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So overrated
19 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Don't get the high scores for this film, poor cinema quality picture and poorly executed film. The characters and cast are ok, but unfortunately the storyline which was looking great for a long time in this film, losers it when it matters most, near the end. Bringing religion into the story, just ruined it. Could've of been so good, if it didn't take that silly turn. The storyline was so interesting and the premise great, bringing the fact he was Jesus Christ, made me and friends laugh. Before that, it was a great discussion about what if. Could someone be like this, always interesting thought.
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Had potential
11 June 2024
The lead actress is great with what she has to work with, script and characters are off. The casting was poor, token ugly black guy is the husband, which makes sense because she beautiful 😂😂😂the movie moves along ok if you can suspend your belief, at her husband and her being anywhere close to believable. The bad guys are ok, but the flashbacks and poor decisions made during filming ruined what could've been a 5 out of ten lol 😂 predictable and sad at the end, unoriginal and just bad. I guess if you're studying film, it's a great movie to watch to see what not to do. Fell sorry for the lead actress, what could've been.
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6 June 2024
Poor casting spoils the movie, the girl is great, but her love interest is way below her level. So makes it so non believable. The rest of the cast is ok and tries it's best, but watching with my girlfriend and one woman in the film says he's hot, my girl said if your blind I guess. Tries its best, but it's so important to get the lead actor and actress right. Unfortunately they didn't here. It's worth a watch, but I prefer more realistic movies myself. Delta is so good and lovable, just didn't see her with Mr average. Will say the story and scenery and great, not too bad for an aussie film. Always get something wrong in them, but that's life.
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The Wrong Son (2018)
19 May 2024
The people who gave this a good review, must be easily pleased. The premise is ok, but the storyline is nonsense. So many red flags and wholes you could drive a truck through. It should be a comedy really, characters that behave ridiculously and are non believable. Never said this is rubbish, so many times ever. It could have been so much better, but for the script. Hilarious that some people enjoyed this farce. Sad that they keep making rubbish movies, with poor scripts and non believable characters. If you have time and don't care about plausible stories and characters, then you'll like this waste of time !
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Bliss (I) (2021)
16 March 2024
Ridiculous premise, so dumb and stupid I wish Hollywood would burn down lol ! So many brain dead people actually like this BS. Wonder what movie they were watching really, sad fact of life most people have bad taste. If you're into movies like iam, you're saddened by what gets put out there today. A lot of people with too much money, wasting it away on rubbish like this film. Don't know why Owen Willson read the script and said yes to it. Guess you hope it will work out, but the script would say otherwise. Only thing good about it was the casting really, storyline and characters were so not believable.
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Windfall (2022)
22 February 2024
One of the dumbest robberies movies I've ever watched.plot and storyline is hilarious and so dumb. Instead of letting him leave with the money in his possession, the victims tell him there's more money ! So stupid it made me mad, so unrealistic and silly you actually wonder how they get funding for films like this. The script must give you a clue about., how this is far from a thriller and more a sad reflection on Hollywood and the rubbish they put out there for us to watch. If you switch off your brain and want to kill some time, than this pile of rubbish is just for you. Good luck to you poor saps, I'm out !
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Deep Fear (2023)
31 January 2024
Story and acting sucks, don't care about any of the characters in this. Sad what crap comes out of Hollywood now, shark is great and you cheer for him to eat them all. The two female characters are so ridiculous and unreliable, the villains are not the least bit scary ! I'm really into to shark movies and even the bad ones I at least I found funny to me, this one just sucks, the end is a sad copy of so many Hollywood movies. Where they keep getting money to make these disasters is anyone's guess, must be a lot of rich people out there who don't care if they lose money. So if you have time to waste, give it a watch !
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Vanished in Yosemite (2023 TV Movie)
Hilarious !
1 January 2024
Great comedy and ridiculous storyline, supposed to be a thriller I guess. To me and my friends it was far from that, the premise is laughable and the bad guys are just so lame and dumb. Switch off your brain to watch this crap, and get ready to laugh at how bad it is. Only good thing was, we did have a laugh at this film. Don't think that's what the film makers were arming for with this lame as movie. Don't understand the ok reviews from other people, but if you have time to kill and waste, this movie is for you. Myself I need it to be at least plausible and enjoyable to give this movie a miss and look for something good !
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Space Oddity (2022)
Waste of time
25 November 2023
One of the dumbest movies I've seen, has its good moments and that's all. Actors are ok, just the storyline is ridiculous, if you enjoy seeimg mental illness at play this one's for had potential to be a great movie, but fails because of its ridiculous premise ! Could have been so much better if the characters and story made sense. Don't know why people have given it a good score, but must have watched something different than I did. If you like a romantic movie I guess it's ok, but the story has to make sense I would think. Has a good cast, unfortunately everything else is a miss. Time waster for sure !
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18 November 2023
Right from the casting you know it's not going to be any good. Main couple not believable and the rest poorly cast. I get the political correctness, but going to lose the audience before it even gets a chance. Disney can attest to that, Hollywood running out of ideas, and remaking movies and missing them up big time. Stick to the older versions before all the nonsense came into play. If you don't mind wasting your time, give it a go. Bit for me new Hollywood movies a mostly disappointing and unwatchable. But they seem to green light mediocre films all the time now. Thank god you can watch older movies now on demand, otherwise YouTube is where to go !
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28 July 2023
Not the best waste of time, storyline sucks. Casting not that great, his daughter especially. Gotta be believable and least. First was ok and had its moments, this one you just get irritated and annoyed. The love interest of the daughter is way too good for her and makes the story even more unbelievable. The head bad guy is ok, with what he has to work with. Paul's character is so unfunny and pathetic it's sad. Was hoping it got better but that was a mistake too. Sometimes you should just say no to a sequel and not try to cash in. If your bored and have nothing to watch, just watch YouTube instead of this movie.
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Alone (V) (2020)
2 June 2023
I don't know, who the people are, who rate this nonsense. The plot and premise are hilarious and the characters are so lame and sad. Truly a pill of crap, the lead character is as scary as a bee, and the female is as useless as a dog with two legs. Not a good sign when you hope the sad pathetic villain is the one you cheer for. Always amazes me, the film maker, makes none like this, but hopes your brain dead enough to enjoy it. So if you enjoy storyline's you can ridicule and plot lines that turn a thriller into a comedy, this is the movie for your low iQ ! But hey burn what's left of your brain cells on this, if you must.
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26 May 2023
Hilarious comedy,the characters are so lame. Plot is so stupid and pathetic it's almost criminal. The bad guys couldn't scare anyone, let alone to dumb chicks. Kinda small dick losers, that you'd laugh at. Sad that this crap made it to film really, but crap is all that seems to be made now. Sometimes I wander what's going on in Hollywood that idiots get a chance to make crap like this film. But I guess they'll take any content, even this sad unoriginal film. With thousands of books out there, you'd think they would have better ideas to choose from. But if you have a few extra brain cells to kill, this is your film.
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Guy has women's luck !
17 April 2023
Great comedy film, don't know what film the other reviewers watched ? I saw a hilarious comedy, the acting is so bad, the plot line sucks, and like every so called horror movie where the woman trips over nothing, so does the lead character here. The other main character is ok, but the rest let the movie down badly. If you don't mind losing a few brain cells, give this movie a go. Now hopefully your better prepared, you can sit back and mock this movie like I did. Does have a couple of good moments, like how useless the main character is, and how he should identify as a woman, cause he has all the luck of one in a standard horror movie !
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Backcountry (I) (2014)
3 March 2023
Who goes into the wilderness without some kind of weapon and a compass. The characters are ok, just the storyline and what happens is hilarious to me. Found myself cheering for them to die. Does every girl have to trip and fall in every horror movie really, are they that useless ? Other than that, the film kills time. It's nothing great, but it's worth a watch, if anything, what not to do and bring when going into the wilderness people. There are better filters out there for you to see, more interesting plot lines as well. The female lead in this is good, despite her character being useless and that goes for the male lead as well.
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How to kill a franchise !
4 February 2023
The movie sucks, the characters suck, the storyline sucks, actors suck, director sucks and so on. Someone put up the money for this rubbish and someone put this out to be seen. Main couple are non believable as a couple and unoriginal, but it's the storyline that's so bad you can't believe someone thought it should be a movie and make it. Shows one thing, anyone can make a movie, not everyone should tho ! I enjoyed the first two in this franchise, third was very lazy but watchable, this you'd have to be high to get through it. Had a joint halfway through and still didn't make it better. So if your a fan like I was, give this a miss and pretend they never made it.
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Hollywood PC endings
22 November 2021
Great movie and cast, only thing let this film down was the Hollywood happy ending. Don't know why they had to do that, 10 out of 10 if they just let her live on and not do that fantasy ending !
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