
2 Reviews
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Powerful Story about the world's favourite princess
4 July 2011
Catherine Oxenburg's portrayal of Princess Diana is spot on in this movie about Charles and Diana's failed marriage. She shows a full range of emotions and the audience can relate and feel for her character. This movie allows the audience to feel closer to Diana and to understand why she did the things that she did in her life. This is a very insightful look behind the palace doors and a fitting tribute to the late princess.

The actors who portrayed William and Harry did very fine jobs and everybody's character was believable, it felt like the real people were right on the screen, we were just looking into the life of Diana and Charles. Some parts were a little overdone but overall this allowed for more of an understanding of the most celebrated Royal Family in the world, a must see for any Princess Diana fan!
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The BEST Meryl Streep Movie I Have Seen... Grab The Kleenex
3 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A story of a family coming together in the hardest of times, Meryl Streep gives another amazing performance as a mother who is stricken with cancer, she is a doting housewife and the family begins to fall apart as she is the glue that holds the family together. As Meryl's character, Kate, gets sicker the family's problems are unravelled.

Meryl Streep is an exceptional actress and her emotional range in this movie is amazing to see. She goes from a fun-loving, outgoing mother to a more withdrawn and frightened but strong character through out this film's journey. Though the film does focus on Ellen, Kate's daughter, the performances by all the main and supporting actors are very strong. This has remained a top favourite of mine since i saw about 9 years ago. This is a film worth watching!
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