
14 Reviews
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It was all an act
19 August 2023
Per Meghan Markle, from the engagement I terview to the wedding, we were presented with a rehearsed reality show. The bride was showed with a wedding budget that exceeded $32M, a tiara, gifts, and adoring crowds yet speaking to Oprah she declared this event was for the viewers, they were secretly married 3 days before in a private ceremony. Subsequent to this statement, the Arch Bishop of Cantebry was forced to make a public statement contrary to Ms Markles declaring that there was only one marriage and it was the one televised, anything else would have been illegal. As small as this fib may seem, it was bookend in the Oprah interview with another 14 CNN proven lies all wrapped up in race baiting and family shaming. It's so disheartening to see so much privledge and opportu ity squandered but the real story is the bride cast shadows and dark clouds over her own special day.
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Bupkis (2023)
Unique telling of a personal story
5 May 2023
You don't need to be a Pete fan but you might be won over by the end. This series will pool you right in without his name or input. His acting is quiet and so well done. He's almost a background character in his own life. He's surrounded by a super star in each episode who gives a similar deep performance. Each episode has a unique twist and perspective on how it's told, from 1-8. The writers, directors, actors and Petes own family all deserve a round of applause. There are a couple of scenes that are obviously dramatization like the joy ride, but it really doesn't matter. At the heart of this series are real people, involved in a few very unreal events (9/11 and stardom) but the beauty of it is for the most part they are grounded and like most other family's you know. Pete's mom may very well be the Queen of Staten Island, but she wears her crown to do dishes, run errands, play sport, and love her family, each for who they are. Loved it. Wish there were more episodes!!
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Station Eleven (2021–2022)
15 August 2022
What a ride tied to Shakespeare, a civilization lost to a virus, and characters who make it through trauma. This story has layers and goes forward and back through time. There's much to do now for another season. Please.
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Loot (2022– )
Swing and a miss
24 June 2022
With all of the talent and money in Hollywood, all I can think as I watch this is how? Who blackmailed Maya Rudolph to do this? I've Seen this house on YouTube, it's a known money pit yet it outshines everything else happening on screen right down to the ridiculous yard statue and weird foyer flowers. Maybe the homeowner had this thrown together as a covert real estate feature. This move is that bad and I was so excited when I saw the promos.
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20 June 2022
This story has it all; small town America, hippies, smuggling and the dirty deeds of our government who should be the good guys. Watch all episodes and form your own opinion; but highly engrossing. I think Gary had the right idea about questioning authority but his means didn't justify the ends for those who loved him. Rewatching Reagan now that I'm an adult, it's shocking how trusting and seemingly innocent our country once was. Biden makes a brief but smug appearance posturing for truth in government which is in contrast to the current administration. Neither side wants truth, they want control. From the human side of things, he had three children, his oldest was kept on the dark of what was happening and I imagine she realizes that while she felt slighted and hurt then, she got the better deal and seems far better off than her half sibling who were the real collateral damage at tender ages. My heart goes out to all three. The adults were selfish and reckless. This documentary is uniquely both entertaining and educational and maybe having you ask yourself a whole assortment of questions spanning a few decades about life and what is real. Key takeaway is hard drugs are a dead end.
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Girls5eva (2021– )
Tina Fey
5 May 2022
Tina Fey is a hit maker. You can see her signature on fast smart comedic writing. This is a cute show that is highly entertaining. One of those you have to watch a few times to catch every joke. Still wish Titus Andramadon would show up here.
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Based on a True Story
16 April 2022
This movie portrays a story of the murder of a middles-aged woman who was fighting a terminal illness. Her husband was accused and sentenced. The justice system and those sworn to carry out the law presented what they called an open and shut case but with no corroborating evidence. The trial was initially covered by a sharp local television journalist who felt like something about the conviction didn't seem right. Then, Dateline did a story on the case which kicked off national interest, followed by books by several people to include the original defense attorney plus a podcast which led Zellweger to become very interested in making a movie about it.

The story has become so ubiquitous that it's pretty well known and the movie brought nothing new to the details involved. Zellweger looked the part but the real life Pam hupp was a loud mouth know it all, the kind your elders called a broad back in the day, but she did it with a soft voice and didn't quite portray the real essence of the real Pam Hupp.

I enjoyed the movie because the story itself is unbelievable no gripping, but the acting was contrived and it showed.
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Dollface (2019–2022)
Let's hear it for Margot
10 February 2022
Margot Robby is the whole package. She's a girls girl, smart ass funny, and drop dead gorgeous. These girls are flipping fantastically cased and I cannot wait for season 2 to start tomorrow!
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Murderville (2022– )
Swing and a Miss
10 February 2022
I really wanted to like this show. I think Will is funny in a quirky way and I like other shows he's been in. I enjoy shows that the streaming services call irreverent comedy and Netflix told me this was a 95% match, so whatever filters or key words they used to make that call, it was not even a close match. Shows like Unbreakable Kimmy, Schitts Creek, Your the Worst, are irreverent, this is in your face 'let's throw some stuff together'. I would go as far as to say that this is worse than a Conan Obrien late night comedy skit and I just can't watch the entire season. I hope others find this to their liking but Netflix needs to target a different and a more appreciative audience for that to happen.
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A parody spoof that never reveals the fact that it's supposed to be absurd and therefore funny
29 January 2022
This series is a poke at lifetime movies. The problem is that the typical Netflix viewer isn't in on it, therefore they don't know they're the joke and you can't entertain people by making them seem gullable and trite. Netflix has soooo much money to do way better, so does the beloved Kristen Bell. This must have been a favor she did for the writers or the streaming giant.
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Kevin Can F**k Himself (2021–2022)
Dramedy for the new world
27 June 2021
The concept is brilliant. Those who have given this a low rating must long for the old school 80's/90's simpleton sitcoms and are then disappointed. What worries me about them is if they are the majority, those powers that be who create tv for the masses so that they can sell ads for revenue, are going to keep entertainment low brow. These types of reviewers perpetuate the poor image of simpleton Americans. About the show itself, it takes that sitcom image of the supporting character housewife and her bumbling but lovable husband and contrasts the laugh track to real world. This is the only way tv shows could evolve and it's perfect. The acting is great, the writing is very good and I'm grateful for the real thought provoking wokeness it portrays. If you don't love it, watch the creators talk about the concept and then rewatch the first show; free your mind from the programmed expectations because I love this journey for you. ;)
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Mr. Mayor (2021–2022)
Not the Tina Fey you're used to
5 March 2021
Huge fan of Tina Fey's work. SNL, 30 rock and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt is an amazing joke packed series you can watch over and over and still catch a new crack Everytime. But this is boring not fast paced not funny run of the mill sitcom stuff. Pretty disappointing for her name but not horrible as an average cute 30 minute series.
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The Morning Show (I) (2019– )
Must see
27 February 2021
This series is enthralling with an all star cast and supporting actors who steal the scenes they are in. Every minute is full of action and dialogue. Both lead actresses break the stereotypical roles you expect from them as well as Steve Carell. I watched all 10 episodes in one weekend. I hadn't heard about this show until I boarded a cross country try flight on American. Once I saw the first episode, I downloaded and subscribed to Apple TV. The only thing missing here is better marketing so that everyone sees it and we are guaranteed many more seasons. The storyline opportunities are endless and I need many more scenes with Billy Crudup. So we'll acted, so we'll directed, and so well written; this series is a top favorite for me personally. Thank you and bravo!
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
27 February 2021
I have so many shows rated at a 9 or higher because I only stick in there watching shows that are captivating and/or entertaining. This show is no different. I want to send Apple a thank you card for this gem. You don't have to love sports or Jason Sedakous (sp?) in order to love this series. It is entertaining, heartwarming, sad, and funny. For me, the best part is that the writers stealthily teach you a few life lessons centered on positivity and who cannot use more of this during a world pandemic? Loved it and cannot wait for seasons 2! Enjoy it like Coach.
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