
8 Reviews
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Auge da ficção
3 March 2021
Assiste isso bro é o auge da ficção comparável a Breaking Bad nunca chorei tanto vendo um pedaço de arte.
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Blair Witch (2019 Video Game)
Great game
4 January 2021
Amazing story that explores Ellis's mindset and his inner conflict. Bullet is also more than just a dog, him and Ellis have a heart warming relationship that almost serves as a beacon of hope for whenever the Witch is trying to crawl into your head. The horror element is hit or miss = sometimes the game feels a bit dragged out and repetitive when it comes to this aspect, which is obviously a bummer, but that's not always the case, as most scares do work on both a technical and psychological level. Many people talk about the bugs, but I only experienced very few, and they did not break the overall experience, not even once. With all that being sad, this is a breath of fresh air for the horror game industry.

Final score = 8.5 - 8.8/10 = Great! Worth checking out!
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Sea of Thieves (2018 Video Game)
Criminally underrated game
18 December 2020
This game is extremely fun and immersive, it's a shame people don't talk about it enough. My only complaint is that it doesn't really have an actual Story Mode, but I can let it slide simply because of how entertaining it is to sail through the seas and find new islands and secrets.
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22 November 2020
Boruto is finally getting good! The fight between team 7 and Deepa was so fire!
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The Promised Neverland: 150146 (2019)
Season 1, Episode 12
Best episode of the show
13 November 2020
Amazing characters, amazing setting, amazing mysteries, amazing plot-twist, amazing writing, amazing show.
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Black Clover (2017–2021)
Great anime
21 August 2020
Yeah, it has some like the clunky or, at times, straight up horrible animation. Story wise, however, this is an amazing show. The characters develop, the world is well thought-out and the plot is very well-paced. Overall a pretty decent show, give it a try.
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Attack on Titan: Midnight Sun (2019)
Season 3, Episode 18
How drama should be made
28 May 2020
This is, by far, one of the most dramatic episodes of any show EVER. The utter tension you feel while watching it is something very few shows manage to accomplish. Never expected Attack on Titan to become this amazing.
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Attack on Titan: Hero (2019)
Season 3, Episode 17
Everything I've ever wished from Attack on Titan. This is a perfect episode.
28 May 2020
This episode is, simply put, a true masterpiece. It manages to give us emotion, action, character development and tension throughout its entire runtime. Please watch this show if you haven't yet, it is something truly special.
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