
4 Reviews
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Melancholia (2021)
A Beautifully Done and Moving Series
11 April 2024
Given that Mathematics of any kind were always my very worst subject in school, I was fascinated by the fact that I was so quickly drawn into this series. A math teacher with a respected position in her academic world encounters a new student who is a Math prodigy at an astounding level. She finds that working with him is full of surprises and pushes her beyond her own boundaries. His skills are so exceptional, that she is challenged to keep up with him, much less actually teach him. She becomes more of a guide as he navigates his way through creating proofs of equations and living in two worlds - one inside his own mind, and the other on the outside, dealing with other people and the realities of life. Their relationship becomes close, and they are accused of engaging in an inappropriate relationship, which had a major impact on their lives and the trajectory of their increasing closeness, even though it was untrue. Of course there was a large age gap between them. There was also the issue of a female Principal of the school he attended, who was devoted to turn the school into a noteworthy center for talented and gifted children. She became involved in dishonest monetary schemes in order to elevate the school's reputation. Math itself became a "character" in this Drama, and the teacher warns her student not to "Fall In Love" with a proof. Over a long period of time and events, their relationship continues to grow as they both mature. This is a beautifully presented Drama. Math is the glue that holds it together but is not the whole story.
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An Important and Memorable show!
18 November 2023
Once again, South Korea hits it out of the park, and does what they do better than any other film maker I can think of. This is a story of a Psychological nurse (Park Bo-Young), her nursing team mates, and doctors who serve the population of folks with Mental Health Issues, ranging from Depression to OCD, Panic Disorders, Delusions, Anxiety and the like. These illnesses are not glossed over but portrayed realistically. In Korea, there is a lot of pressure to perform and serious competition for "First Place", which can wind up being soul sapping and even downright dangerous to one's mental health. No one is immune. Park Bo-Young plays a gentle, nurturing, warm hearted, shining example of a caregiver in difficult circumstances. The loss of a special patient to suicide on her day off creates a crisis point for her, and she must navigate her way back from Depression very carefully with the help of those who care for her. I teared up from emotion several times during this show. There is a little bit of romance, but not enough to steal the plot away. She has two men interested in her. One is a friend from childhood, and one is a Colo-rectal surgeon from the same Hospital. Both of these have issues of their own. The subject of unwarranted fear of people with Mental Health issues is also explored. In many ways, this was an "educational" show, without being heavy handed or "preachy". Everyone who watches will learn more about the subject, as was intended. There are humorous and light moments as well, which keep the story line from becoming ponderous. Park Bo - Young delivered an outstanding and realistic performance. The realism extended to other parts of the story as well. To my eyes, at appeared that the cast did not wear any makeup, which would be a "First" for K- Drama! There is a lot to learn, appreciate, and love in this show, and I urge you to watch it!
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King the Land (2023)
Wait for it......
23 July 2023
As a dedicated Junho follower, of course I have to watch this. I agree that the beginning of the series was pretty terrible. But it is starting to find its way now, as both his and Yoona's characters are pretty firmly established, and we can see that he is going to have to prove himself to drag the Hotel into this century. He is the fresh blood and approach that is needed. He understands that the Hotel is more than a building - it's the spirit of endeavor. Its success, or failure, depends on all of the people who are the dedicated underpinnings of the venture - the staff.

On a side note - sort of - I can really understand why Junho took this role. The Red Sleeve was a "Super Nova",and cannot be easily repeated. The best remedy was something light and fun. This man likes to WORK. So, laying around waiting for a prize winning script to show up was a "waste of time" (listen to some of his song lyrics).

But the Bonanza in this show, is Yoona. I'm also an amateur astrologer. He, the Aquarius, is perfectly matched with Yoona, the Gemini. Their charts line up very well. Since they were born only a few months apart, in many ways, they mirror each other. So, my suggestion to them is....... take excellent advantage of this time together. You two can light up the world - together. Go For It. One thing that I noticed about them together in this show, is that they both seemed genuinely happy together. I think they might be sending us a subtle message!
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This Show Sneaks Up On You
13 September 2022
The premise here is not unusual. Yoon Son Ah is the sunbae (boss) and Chae Hyun Seung is the hoobae (subordinate who is learning). Son Ah has lots of experience and he has basically none. We are talking about a company that makes and distributes cosmetics of all kinds. However, this is really a tale that presents several couples, one of which is these two, who have what I would call an "unbalanced" relationship, in which one person clearly has more love to share and a bigger emotional investment in the relationship than the partner does. Because these two are connected in a working relationship, the fact that they are seriously attracted to each other develops more slowly than it might otherwise. She goes "kicking and screaming" and he is all in much more quickly. He just loves her. Just because she "is". Added to all that is the angst of trying to keep the relationship secret, and not open to the work group they are affiliated with. That of course, is a waste of time, as they all figure it out promptly. However, they are only one of several relationships in the drama which encounter the same imbalance. This is about real life, not some fantasy. Hyun sung has sisters, and they all seem to have the same issue in one way or another. Either they or their partner is much more emotionally invested in their relationship than the other.

Rowoon owns this show. He is entirely engaging, sweet natured, and loveable the entire time, and in love with a woman who has been seriously hurt in love - recently. He is patient beyond belief. He rarely asks for anything for himself, but always steps in as a protector when least expected. Jin Ah-Won is really good as the sunbae, Yoon Song Ah. She has a strong personality, but she is tiny compared to this "bear" of a man who loves and protects her. But the road to happiness for them has speed bumps. It takes her time, and some distance, to truly understand what a miracle has happened in her life, and what she must do to protect that.

I really enjoyed this and will probably watch it again. I particularly applaud Rowoon for a totally believable and on spot performance. I really hope to we more from him in the future.
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