
8 Reviews
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Minotaur (2006)
"movie for TV" doesn't mean "bad"
16 September 2006
What do you usually expect from movie where Coward is looking for his kidnapped girl. Sure, he'll turn into hero who will save the girl and be honored by his co-villagers. Right? NOOOOO. Not in this case. the plot is real pleasure for the movie watchers who are ready to think a little bit and don't count the budget of the movie instead of following the journey of the main character. because he's the real one who deserves the greatest attention of the watcher. I was clicking' the channels at the night, and actually wanted to go to bed, but this movie in few moments attracted my eye. Thanks to God director didn't try to restore the historical truth and didn't do the "Discovery movie" about "what they worn, what they ate" etc. This movie stays on the thin line line of simplicity and effect. For me the greatest zest was the changing of main character (Tom Hardy, marked him for my list of the best actors), who for love, for his aim turns into brave, then into mad and inhuman and reaches the despair. At the end the main character is not the well known hero. He's the broken and lonely man, who'll search in future only for silence and peace. MY Mark for "Minotaur" is 10. Thumbs up.
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Tempted (2003 TV Movie)
firm 5
15 February 2005
This movie is quite good for spending an evening with it. Actually I caught it on Hallmark channel, so it means it' supposed to be made for the whole family. So the main lack of the movie is the ending, completely unreal. Probably it was dictated by that obvious rule - tell the moral at the end and praise the family values. What we got? Woman, that is every day tortured by the daughter, who complains that mom doesn't understand her, husband, that drawn in the routine of life and turned his family life into deadly boring thing. And when she met gorgeous guy who fall in love with her, what does she do after? Yeah according to these stupid family movies' rules - return to her family - back to her home hell. I mean she had chance to escape everything that burdened her in life before she came to Hawaii. This decision seems to me unreal. The end of "Tempted" is like banishing from Paradise. The heroine doesn't look like she's making the step to new or at least refreshed life. She's bravely returning to her family, but it does look like if she's making a DEED - not a joy or happiness. The views of Hawaii - beautiful nature and Jason Momoa will be a bonus:))while watching.
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Hero (2002)
About love, peace and autumn leaves
29 July 2004
I've read the other comment and must say - I'm disappointed. It's a real shame to compare such a movie with old Italian westerns. "Hero" is extremely beautiful movie, in spite of battles it's very peaceful and relaxing, as my aunt said - "it's possible even to meditate while watching it". I don't think it's worth to discuss the plot - it's very simple, with clear ideas: that's war is the way to destruction, that sometimes it's necessary to refuse your revenge in the name of the happiness of other people. But the video, the picture, action/fights like dance - oh Lord!!! - I swear, I was impressed greatly and two eeks after I could speak only about this movie. The movie is made like the story that consists of a few parts colored in green, red, white and blue. So everything in the part supports the color - landscape, clothes. Every moment of "Hero" is a precious picture, that if not worth of thinking, but for SURE worth of watching. Some moments aroused complicated associations - like that fight on the lake, swords that become thirsty and got into the water to refresh, dualism of landscape: what's real- the reflection of the mountains or the real ones? Many hints, many things not said but to be thought over. Action scenes are made in classical style of Asian fight movies with flights while fighting, striking back arrows. But to abuse "Hero" for these features is as the same to abuse Egyptian pyramids for having such a form. It exists, it's traditional and you have to accept it. So I advise you just to simply watch and enjoy this movie. I consider it being better and more beautiful then "Crouching Tiger".
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Hidalgo (2004)
I enjoyed every moment of it
16 March 2004
Today I watched "Hidalgo"... that's how I needed to start because for me it was a real event. I haven't seen such "touching" movie for a long time. I said "touching" in the meaning that something in it - humour, breathtaking adventures, worth of respect friendship of man and horse, magic of arabian desert and idea of will, both human and animal, that is the reason for success - all these are mixed in unique brew, called "Hidalgo". I would recommend this movie to all people of all ages, whose hearts are still alive and able to sympathize. Take your kids or go alone - anyway manage somehow to watch this movie. It is so pure and mood lifting,so I can compare it in its influence on viewer only with "Big Fish". I'm not a critic and I won't talk about "actors' play, plot", etc etc etc. I'm just telling about my own experience and feelings that this movie put in me. Wish you the same good movie-evening :)))
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Great to spend time with
9 March 2004
I've read, someone has written "not worth of watching". That's all blah-blah-blah. I looked it through this evening, and I can't even say how many times I've already seen it. None of the modern US comedies could be compared to "Bachelor Party". They are all uninteresting and pure in humour. It makes me think how free were american movie-makers in 80's - they could do and allowed to say everything they wanted. I'm not American and the modern comedies for teens I watch now forced me to believe that as a genre comedy is dead in US. That's why I advise you to watch this movie, old but full of jokes about sex, crazy parties and true love, that means keeping promises.
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Antikiller (2002)
truth about Russian Mob
20 September 2002
Warning: Spoilers
***SLIGHT SPOILERS*** The movie is based on the famous in Russia novel of Daniil Koretskiy, who is trustworthy in everything that concerns Russian mob, as he worked in Police. I'd like to recommend this movie to non-Russian watchers as they could see the realities of modern Russia and almost real Russian criminals(it would be hard to translate Russian slang of convicted in English or other language), who don't sing songs about Mother-Russia, don't play chess a lot and aren't so fool as foreign movie-makers try to show. Still movie depicts Russian temper, people who act fast and don't talk much, hard choice between revenge and law - "is punishment equal to crime?" and how close are they? - these dilemmas has the main character Fox. And in the end he's waiting for the death or life,he's standing by the window and knows that there the sniper's waiting for him and boss of mob, Krest, drops the coin to define Fox's end.
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Dykaren (2000)
not so bad as it may seem
9 August 2002
I saw this movie only once and I guess it's not so boring(I was watching it not since the very beginning, it may be the reason) as some people had already said. I'm not greatly familiar with Swedish or Dutch actors that's why my sight was caught by Isabella Scorupco and Alexander Domogarov,I like and respect him much. I agree, movie has big holes in the plot, little bit stereotypic heroes, false story about Russian mob. I'm Russian and I felt the lack of emotions, though it may be the peculiarity of North. The great thing ,I can thank authors for, is genuinly caught the features of Russian temper - this ability to be on maximum point of feelings, nevermind whether it's love or hatred. As one American said: "Stupid but very romantic". The end is also charming. Domogarov's hero could take Scorupco's hero as hostage and try to deal with his enemy, but he shot himself and sank, and before he said he loved her. I'm not crazy about stupid romantical movies but this one I liked. Nice , charming and I don't think my evening was wasted.
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Cold Harvest (1999 Video)
The movie I liked
13 June 2002
I consider this movie being one of the best Gary Daniels' works. The range of his roles rarely goes further then "good guy, saving the World". And "Cold Harvest" I like exactly for this role of Daniels- tough bounty-hunter, not typical for him. Actually, English have a strange gift to perform villains, making them charming(Jason Isaacs, Alan Ricman, etc). Fights are very dynamical and if I'm right the director of fights was Chinese. So it only helped this movie. And do not talk about Dolph Lundgren on this place. Daniels is O'K. And I think this movie is a sort of joke, game about future. Who knows what will happen in future? No one. So let guys to play.Gary Daniels is very energetic.
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