
19 Reviews
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Fun one-off episode
14 August 2023
This is a fun one-off episode like a holodeck episode on TNG, VOY or DS9. It's meant to be a transient look into the crew's emotions while singing. This one wasn't meant to be a deep dive like the prior Doc/T'gal episode.

It may be off putting for some, but I found it entertaining. The singing spurts don't last too long either. It's not like the whole episode is signing.

Additionally, I must add that on top of the stellar writing for this show, that the set design is very nice as well. The crew quarters feel real and lived in. They sets feel like they belong and the ship design is excellent as well. I really like the cozy and colorful bar and the lighting choices.

This season so far I'd say: Set Design 10/10 Writing 9/10 Directing 7/10 (sometimes the cast's body movements or facial expressions don't match the dialog.) Production 9/10 keep it up. I like how y'all are keeping it similar to TNG/VOY/DS9 but also having fun. And thank you again for no extreme gore or cussing in this series; that's what turned me off from Discovery and Picard.
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Keep up the TNG-style
26 July 2023
I am really enjoying these self-contained episodes much like how TNG/DS9/Voy/ENT did it. I am also enjoying that there is no swearing or extreme violence/gore like Discovery/Picard had.

The writing and set design are also really good in SNW. The plot was concise and had good pacing. The visual effects in SNW are always striking and the ship while pristine looking feels inviting like Ent. D did.

Keep up the good work.

I do second others in saying that the audio could be better. Often the music/bass/effects are overpowering the dialog. Also the tinnutis ringing was painful coming out of speakers.
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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Spock Amok (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
6 July 2022
Fun Star Trek that feels like OG and TNG is back!

I did not like Disco or Picard because it was too dark.

This calls back to what made Star Trek good, with logic, good writing, fun pacing, professional dialogue, good plots, and Episodic type episodes.

Welcome back Star Trek!
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Severance: The We We Are (2022)
Season 1, Episode 9
Wow Wow
4 July 2022
I rarely rate finales but damn this one IS INSANE.

What a great finisher! The writing and plot are 10/10 the whole series. Everyone acts their butts off. What a great series.
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The Orville: Electric Sheep (2022)
Season 3, Episode 1
Change in tone
2 June 2022
All around it's a good episode, however it is a slight change of tone of previous Orville seasons. There is much less comedy and season three episode one. This is fine, however the first five minutes have more comedy than the rest of the episode. So the tone was a bit off throughout the episode for me simply because I was expecting more zingers.

I'm fine with this show overall in the future being more of a drama than a comedy, because it reminds me much more of Star Trek the next generation than Star Trek Picard on Star Trek discovery. It's reminding me now or Strange New Worlds. Seth is good in mimicking a Picard TNG style in his own way.
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Looking Up
21 May 2022
This is a return to form to some degree as opposed to STD and Picard - so give it a chance.

So far the 3 episodes:

Writing has been 6/10 only because the producers here need to work on allegory. They don't need to tell us what we know ALL the time. We can pick up that Pike respects Una ourselves after what he said at the end of episode 3. We can infer your message on bigotry, respect, hope, faith, love, etc without having to say it immediately after.

Set design and costumes 9/10

Acting and dialogue trips up a tad sometimes but a solid 7/10 (sometimes hard to understand what Spock, Una or the Dr say).

Character strengths: 8/10 - a return to TOS, TNG, VOY, DS9, ENT style of professionalism between the crew. Thankfully the crew doesn't cry every 5 minutes and have a military mindstyle and respect for one another.

Character weaknesses: Can't find many right now. I do like the characters and I actually know their names. Whereas DISCO took like 3 season for me to remember anyone but Michael and Saru.

Story and episodic nature returns to VOY and TNG style so thats a good 9/10

Tone big here - I'm happy its not violent/cussing/gore filled mess that DISCO and Picard are - so 10/10

I hope the plot continues to be optimistic and not have a END OF THE UNIVERSE tone to EVERY season.
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Strong Start
10 May 2022
Like everyone pretty much says here, the pilot is off to a strong start and decent character development.

Like other's say: Let's just hope the writing stays good.

I'm happy there isn't any swearing or gore/violence so far. It feels more OG Trek **** FOR NOW****
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Entertaining mayhem!
15 August 2021
Pros: Entertaining mayhem Well written and concise Plot moves the story points along without any confusion Entertaining characters and bad guys

Cons: Only a couple of character powers don't make sense Quinn kind of steals the story but it is entertaining to watch her Idris is forced to take her spotlight some but does it well

9/10 - much much better than the Suicide (sky-beam) Squad movie.

Note it is Rated R with heavy gore and violence.
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Lore (2012)
Lore is fantastic
27 July 2021
Well done performances all around especially by the lead Saskia Rosendahl.

Cate Shortland did a well done and well executed movie. Like most reviewers said, the ending wraps it up if you are patient. It is a period piece at the end of WW2 and focuses chiefly on this family and how it slowly tears them apart; but in the end it changes their overall outlook on the true enemies of the war.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
Fun movie with a well-executed and tight script
26 April 2021
It's a tight script and fun adaptation for a video game movie. McQuoid (Director) and Russo (Screenplay) work well together it's apparent.

Good world building even for newbies and solid CGI. Orders of magnitude higher than the previous MK movies - but that's not saying much lol

A solid 8/10; would recommend.
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The Old Guard (2020)
An excellent premise of immortals that leaves me wanting to see more!
16 August 2020
Theron and team do an excellent job and performance in bringing a (nearly) The Boys level superhero immortal type film to Netflix. It defently appears they will make a sequel, and I'm looking forward to it. Props to the cast and Kiki portraying the marine, great acting!

Tagline: A covert team of immortal mercenaries are suddenly exposed and must now fight to keep their identity a secret just as an unexpected new member is discovered.
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Avenue 5 (2020–2022)
Silly Sci-Fi
6 August 2020
It's a silly sci-fi show like Idiocracy in space.

The constant rapid-fireness in dry humor and one-liners will turn off some people, but it's a funny plot.

Hugh Laurie does a good job with what he's got and Ira is a 2nd favorite as the smart one that keeps the rich owner of the Judd Galaxy program in line.

Like many say, watch till the end to see stuff roll together and some loose ends tied up.

Season 2 maintains the same tone, pacing and humor. Hugh looks more comfortable and looks like he's starting to enjoy his role more.
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Radioactive (2019)
An interesting biopic
27 July 2020
Radioactive is a solid movie with some interesting screenplay decisions and directing. Overall it's effective at getting MME Curie's motivations, ambitions, and accomplisments across. Thorne and Satrapi provided an interesting take with mixing modern applications related to radioactive decay and uses both for good and war.

I thought Rosamund's performance was excellent and Riley's as Pierre was also good.

As a bonus, teachers have access to a guide that goes into her work and chemistry more on the movie page seperate from the movie.
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A well written and filmed sci-fi
17 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This was a very well written, tight shot, and well filmed sci-fi with two leading perofrmances by the young actress and actor Sierra McCormick (Fay) and Jake Horowitz (Everett). Think X-files in the 1950s. Sound design could have used a little bit of work as it was often hard to hear what they were saying when shouting over music.

Spoiler: the ending leads me to believe that there will be more episodes or that this may turn into somewhat of a mini sci-fi Amazon universe. Both sound intriguing, and I want to know who finds the recorder in the field and what happened to Fay and Everett!
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The Assistant (III) (2019)
An office and character study in the Big Apple
6 May 2020
Julia Garner deserves praise, more work and awards for this movie. The plot is in the minute details of working for an evil person and how disconnected we all are today to some degree. She keeps in touch with her family, but like most families they don't know all. It's a tough world out there, and Julia portrays the role well in struggling AND adapting to just make it thru a single day. While the script could have used a bit more work, I think the story is fleshed out and it ends well albeit abruptly. It helps when viewing this movie to have subtitles on, as you might miss some phone call voices or office voices.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Episodes peaked at middle kind of
27 March 2020
The last two episodes were JUST ok at best. The following is a pro/con list of the whole season. TL;DR: It's bad when you don't look forward to the next season.

  • Picard is trying I believe, moreso in 7 and 10. But the character needs to be written better.
  • Supporting cast is stronger at this point already than Discovery, which is not saying much.
  • Episodes 7,9 and 10 are the strongest and tie up loose story ends, not well but ok-ish enough. (only a couple story ends, there are still many questions and some plot lines were just dropped)

Cons -Alex Kurtzman and the other top 3 producers made a non-family friendly Star Trek-CBS PLEASE REPLACE THEM --cussing - F word pretty much every episode (WHY) --decapitation --gory violence --quickly killing off beloved characters --depressing often BLEAK --No star trek fan want's this!

Summary: CBS please pick a different showrunner who respects Star Trek as everyone else does. WE WANT REGUALR HOPEFUL STAR TREK IN EPISODIC FORM LIKE TOS/TNG/VOY/DS9/ENT
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Funny short
25 January 2020
It's a cute funny take on the song, and who doesn't love Phoebe from Fleabag? If you have a few minutes around Christmas time, check it out on YouTube.
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Fleabag (2016–2019)
Congrats on the GGs!
25 January 2020
Funny, painful at times, cuts deep with reality. Excellent show and definitely worth of the Golden Globes! I hope Amazon and the actors get on board for a Season 3 even though it wraps up nicely at the end. Phoebe is so great, and the supporting cast is awesome. I hope to see more!
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Predator (1987)
The Best Predator
20 January 2020
The original Predator is still the best when compared to all of the sequels, especially the most current "The Predator" from 2018. It's plot is simple and there are small but defined character arcs unlike the most recent movie. It's an action movie thru and thru with a bit of sci-fi thriller in it to throw you off guard. Sure it's CGI from the 80s, but it is terrifying the way the predator stalks its prey in this. Watch this one and skip all the sequels!
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