
61 Reviews
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Civil War (I) (2024)
Fell short, ended with nothing
17 September 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So the message was stellar; there were many similarities to what is going on right now with the current Presidential election and Trump's approach and the things he constantly says. The message being "be careful what you wish for - this could be what happens."

However, for entertainment value - it kind of went nowhere. A bunch of journalists driving around, capturing the civil war on camera, and eventually getting shot and killed.

It was a good warning movie for so many Americans who seem to be extremely misguided and heading for civil dystopia, and perhaps that was all that was needed. However for a non-American looking for entertainment, this wasn't it.
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Keeping Faith (2017–2021)
Really slow and drawn out
9 September 2024
We loved this show at the onset. The acting was really great. But then, it dragged in slowly, we got to E5 and gave up, saying they had dragged this out to 8 episodes when it could have been 4.....only to realize there are 3 seasons! OMG how on earth can this drag out for 3 seasons?

There are many shows these days that do the min-series approach when the story can be told un a movie or 4 episodes max. And one of those.

Sorry but it just got too boring with the long drawn out looks, etc. The scenery was nice but not enough to carry this through some 20+ episodes. I wouldn't waste your time, although others have loved it but admit it's slow.
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The Bear (2022– )
Good show but so much yelling
9 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
We initially loved the show, and though it started with lots of the characters in chaos and yelling at each other, we assumed that would calm down after a couple of episodes.

Things did get better......there was still yelling etc. But not constantly, and then along came the 3rd season. One episode was nothing but Chef Carm thinking back over his life, then the next episode was just the characters constantly yelling at each other and 15 mins of, no, no - it became so annoying and irritating that we fast-forwarded through. Both episodes felt like "filler". Eventually we just had to ditch the series as we just couldn't listen to the chaos and yelling any longer.

We started out liking the young black female chef, but eventually got so frustrated with her character as she was constantly either "frozen" and wondering what to do - or yapping constantly with motor mouth that never stopped.

I know a lot of people will hate this comment, but as we went along with this show, we felt it became very "next generation" like with so many constant emotional outbursts, and constant bickering and discussing things, yet much less actual "doing things", being productive, getting your butt in gear, being progressive and actually accomplishing tasks, rather than constantly just talking about everything. Yes, I'm a boomer, the "just do it" generation. My apologies if anyone is offended.

The storyline was great. The premise was great. The acting was great. However the characters became so annoying it was impossible to watch. I guess if you're used to loud noisy chaos constantly - it wouldn't bother you, but for quiet reasonable people, this show will drive you nuts. Too bad, we loved it initially.
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Ambulance (2022)
Terrible movie
1 July 2024
Warning: Spoilers
We watched it because Jake was in, so we mistakenly thought it would be good.

After 2 hours of hanging in with it, we're simply exhausted. High octane car chase, cars constantly crashing and flying in the air, and shoot-em-up for the entire 2 hours. The plot made no sense at all, with giant holes and very stupid parts, as others have also said. The ending was predictable, despite what Jake's character kept saying.

The acting was good - it was really the only redeemable quality. I think this might be the first Jake movie we not only disliked but despised.

Unless you love high octane constant action with no real plot, I wouldn't waste your time. Why we hung in with it to the end remains a mystery, I suppose we kept thinking it would get better and then wanted to see how it ended, which turned out to be no surprise at all.
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Close (I) (2019)
Not bad....until the end
30 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
We enjoyed the movie, it was light entertainment. We like Noomi. I agree with one reviewer about how silly it is that the inept emotional daughter suddenly has the skills to take out a terrorist.

However, the ending left us wishing we hadn't bothered watching the movie. So many movies just end with no closure or explanation of what actually happened, and this was one of them.

The mother just says "I was being blackmailed" through the door, and that made everything all right. By whom? Is that the truth? What happens to the money and the mine, is it split then between the daughter and mother? No answers, it just suddenly ends.

Why do movies do that? They make you feel like you wasted 2 hours only to be dissed at the end. Too bad.
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The Handmaid's Tale (2017–2025)
Great show but.....
26 June 2024
We enjoyed the first 5 seasons although it does now feel like this show has run the course and it's time to end.

Elizabeth is excellent in this role. She has the ability with her looks and her acting skills to be gorgeous and kind, or plain looking and harsh.

The only caveat we have, is that it's taken so long to get near the end. I realize there was Covid and then the actors strike, but this show in particular has taken an exceedingly long time.

This isn't the only show delayed; we find that with most shows these days, by the tine they decide on another season and get around to filming it, we've forgotten a lot of the details of the show and have lost interest and moved on to something else. Gone are the days of loyalty to a particular show.
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Julia (2022–2023)
Awesome series
19 June 2024
We saw Sarah Lancashire in Happy Valley and really liked her/it. We both saw some of Julia's shows decades ago.

Wow. Sarah is absolutely amazing as Child, you get lost in the character and don't even recognize Sarah, she is that good!

My husband and I both loved the show. We haven't seen many shows we can really say we love these days; too many superhero movies and shallow fluffy stuff that's hard to relate to, but this show was awesome.

Bebe is great as her down-to-earth friend. David is good as her husband also, two actors we haven't seen much of since Frasier.

Overall it was a great show.
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Elvis (2022)
Austin was great
25 May 2024
Austin did a great job, as did Tom Hanks. It did show the abuse that Colonel Parker dished out.

What we didn't like, was the rap music! They actually had rap music playing around the 45 min mark in the movie. Rap music didn't start until the 70's. If there is annoying rap music in a movie, we skip ahead to where it ends. It seems to be in so many movies but we certainly didn't expect it in a movie about the 50's/60's. A movie loses something when they put inappropriate for the era dialogue or music in it.

Other than that, the acting was good, the music was good and the costumes were awesome.
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Ok if you're a child or adolescent
26 April 2024
I appreciate that these producers are trying to make these health shows more interesting and understandable for everyone. So we watched it for 15 mins to give it a chance.

However, from the giggling of the presenters to the constant cartoon displays of what looked like stuffed animals representing gut flora and functions, it just got much too childish. I felt like I was in kindergarten.

Unfortunately this style seems to be a trend today, and I wonder if humanity has dumbed itself down to the point where this is the acceptable norm for most shows, or does it reflect the wants and needs of the newer generations. Not to be a buzzkill, but we can't learn or be entertained by nothing but cartoons and superhero movies.
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Rushed (2021)
The main character never ever shuts up
1 April 2024
We watched only 10 mins, in FF, trying to get the main character off the screen, before we realized she was the main character and would be there for most of the movie. She talks relentlessly to the point of being so annoying we couldn't watch any more of what looked like it might be a decent movie.

We've seen lots of movies with characters we "love to hate" or quirky personalities or they are somewhat annoying, forms a part of the movie. This was just downright totally annoying. The main character goes from scene to scene, nattering and nattering - to the point where you just can't take any more of it.
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I don't understand how people like this show now
31 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The first episode was great. Yes, it was great to see Rock Grimes again and great to see him and Michonne find each other and hook up. Then it went downhill.

The following couple of episodes were all about Rick and Michonne fawning over each other, philosophizing about their lives, love got so boring we FF to the end.

We've tried to watch a couple of episodes since, but that same philosophizing goes on and on, sometimes between Rick and others in the group he ended up with - with the odd zombie poke in-between, and that is also so old and predictable now.

And finally, at the end of - wait for it - EVERY EPISODE - there's a "how we made this episode" piece. Sure you can ignore that part, but combined with the other things I've mentioned, this series feels like it's become very contrived and about nothing really.

We abandoned the series. Enough is enough, it's obviously been turned into this elaborate she and he drama, with a few action scenes splattered in. Sorry, but most of my friends and family agree.
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Constellation (2024)
Another drawn out story that doesn't wrap up the loose ends
28 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So it started out slow, we hung in there, and then it go interesting.

However once we got invested in it, we expected questions to eventually be answered and a wrapping up of the details. But....sadly that wasn't the case.

As with so, so many shows now.....the story telling is fragmented, repetitive, and never really wrapped everything up.

We were left with 3 possible answers in the end.

1) according to what the "first woman" astronaut says at the end, they realized that "the astronauts go mad" in space. So how, if she knows all, does that explain the multiple dimensions or universes with multiple doppelgängers.

2) astronauts die in space (e.g. The Russian floating corpse, or the main character) - yet the main character, who apparently died in space was talking to the 2nd daughter on a regular basis?

3) multiple dimensions - yet taking pills even though you've switched dimensions with your doppelgänger (which isn't well explained) fixes this.

Then there's the old male astronaut who gets hauled in for crimes his doppelgänger committed - but they don't explain that well (where are these 2 guys) nor tie down an ending to that. We get the old astronaut saying "I'll get you" referring to his double. That premise wasn't properly flushed out, you're left hanging.

So we felt we wasted 8 hours. We got cheated in the end, and we still don't know which of those 3 premises is the one the movie wanted to portray.
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Like everyone else said, no ending
3 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Yes sometimes movies leave it to you at the end to interpret it. This wasn't that.

This was a great intriguing movies that held our attention, good acting, and then suddenly just ended w/o tying up any characters or plot. We were all left just hanging wondering why we wasted 2 hours.

This happens now all too often; we have been burned many times. We feel the quality of movie-making has gone right down the dumper. Too much filler like love scenes that go in for 10 mins (really.... I don't need to see their private parts, if I wanted soft porn, I'd watch that). Flaky reality style TV. Long drawn out scenes - that make the movie painful to watch - and - movies with no endings. Like this one.

I'll never get those 2 hours back but I'll surely read the movie's reviews before I invest the time from now on. Except for the occasional well-made movie - good movie making seems to be behind us, like so much now, in our newer generation world.
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Horrid audio mix
1 March 2024
Many others have written about this in reviews here. The audio mix is awful.

Many shows today STILL (I remember my Dad complaining about this 60 years ago!) have the MUSIC/SOUNDTRACK much too loud in relation to the verbiage.

They've never figured out that we don't want the soundtrack blowing us out of our chairs, while we have to raise the volume so high so that we can hear the speaking.

This show was the worst (for that) ever. The soundtrack is SO LOUD, CONSTANT and PERVASIVE that it not only drowned out a lot of the speaking, it's just plain irritating.

So after 60+ years, and all the tech we have - we've gotten absolutely no better at mixing this stuff.

Another issue is that around E8 Ramsay started calling restaurants and eliminating them over the phone, but there was no explanation as to why. Then I read that the original show was 12 episodes, but they aired only 9 episodes. So perhaps they skipped over the episodes where some of the semi-finalists eliminated. It detracts from the show when out of nowhere, suddenly there are eliminations without the benefit of seeing/hearing/knowing why.

The show itself was pretty good. Too bad they spoiled it with their sound issues and eliminating some episodes.
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Warhorse One (2023)
Not a bad movie, but.....
25 February 2024
The soundtrack, like so many movies, is loud music that drowns out the dialogue. Much of the dialogue is very low or almost a whisper, and then with the constant loud sound track on top, makes it impossible to hear some of the dialogue.

Other than that, we didn't mind the movie. As one reviewer said - I've seen worse and I've seen better.

The young girl's acting is great and Johnny Strong is good also. Yes, the terrain with the beautiful trees and streams isn't how I picture Afghanistan. And yes, the final scenes are....entertaining.

However overall, it was worth spending 2 hours watching. We can't say that about half the movies out there.
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Hell's Kitchen (2005– )
Used to love this show
31 January 2024
We watched S1-S18. Unfortunately S19 and on were not offered for Canada on Prime.

We enjoyed the first, maybe 10, seasons. However, just like My Kitchen Rules - the show devolved into how much childish drama they can inject into the show. It became obvious to us that unskilled idiotic mouthy contestants were allowed to stay - simply for the drama, while other, what appeared to be, better cooks/contestants were kicked out. Many other folks have said the same thing online.

I'm sure there's folks out there who love "watching a train wreck" but I just felt like I was wasting my time watching childish outbursts and the contestants thinking they are so much better than they actually are (sounds like next generation issues, doesn't it?) the contestants were almost all in their 20's decide.

We did find S21 & S22 on cable, my hubby is a cook and likes to watch this show. However, honestly now with the dunk tank, chasing pigs around in mud, snakes, the dumping spaghetti sauce on contestants and how the punishments have devolved into slapstick just isn't my thing. I was never a Laurel and Hardy fan, although I appreciate their act fit the era they came up in.

Another reality TV show now caught in the cycle of constantly trying to come up with more sensationalization to hang on to it's reality TV lovin' audience.
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Iliza Shlesinger: War Paint (2013 TV Special)
The worst of her specials
10 January 2024
We first saw Iliza on Netflix and loved her show. So we watched another, and enjoyed that one too. However, when we stumbled across this one we were excited but lo and behold, it was not like the others.

I agree with other reviewers; the noises and weird voices were funny but were way overdone and went on too long. After a while, we got tired of them. Actually, we found this special a bit "weird" and we eventually abandoned it.

Too bad, we did not enjoy this special anywhere near as much as the first two we watched. Sometimes too much of a good thing is a bad thing and restraint goes a lot further.
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Baby Ruby (2022)
The incessant crying
19 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Unless you're a new mother, I wouldn't waste your time on this movie. We kept skipping ahead to get past the constant crying of the baby. It becomes really, really annoying.

We didn't feel the story went anywhere, perhaps if you're a mother you can understand it and get more out of it. All the delusions of the mother reminded me of my mother who had Borderline Personality Disorder......and who eventually spent half her time in delusions.

It was a waste of time for us, and the ending where she splits into 2 people.....which was what? A metaphor type visual of her obvious postpartum depression. Not explained at all, and then it just....ended....
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Okay but poor ending
18 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Apparently this was a true story. So.....obviously the female cop got caught and they pieced together what she'd done.

You'd never know from the movie. It was okay, some scenes weren't quite believable, for example the Police allow her right back out on the job, alone, facial bandages and grief over being "accosted and raped" according to her and after she shot someone dead. I doubt THAT would happen, she'd be on leave.

The worst was the ending. As mentioned.. obviously the Police figured it all out and eventually caught her, yet at the end of the movie she drove off smiling as though all was fine. It felt like half the story was missing. It left us scratching our heads.

Somewhat entertaining, but leaves you flat in the end. If we'd known, we wouldn't have wasted our time watching it.
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Why we don't American military or cop/FBI movies
16 November 2023
We love action films. However, we have started watching European action movies and avoid American made action films. Why? Australian or British or other European movies use realistic looking actors, especially the females - gritty, no makeup, possibly a bit overweight, and completely believable. What do American made movies show us? Beauty queen cops or FBI agents or military personnel with perfect hair, makeup, nails, and figure. Completely unrealistic. Female leads more concerned with ensuring their lipstick is perfect.

This movie is no exception, we could tell within the first 2 minutes of watching it. Poorly acted with lots of young girls with perfect makeup......."saving the world". Sure. Better make sure "badges" are handed out.

The American movie industry seems to have gradually devolved into really shallow fluffy.....dare I say it.....garbage. Perhaps this is next generation stuff, but honestly it's hard to find anything you can get your teeth into; it's all this whimsical shallow fluffy stuff (oh wait, sorry, I said that already).

What a farce not only is this movie, but we feel.......most American movies now. The end of the American movie industry. Thank God for Britbox.
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The Cellar (2022)
We talked over most of the movie
9 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A good movie for chatting with friends or spouse, then watching a few minutes here and there.

A very typical horror movie, the old basement/cellar ghouls. The usual noises and moving objects, doors closing, etc.

What we didn't like, was the ending. The movie left you high and dry, yes not every scary movie has a happy ending, but these days it feels like most movies don't have an ending that resolves the plot; this was the same.

If you like meandering horror movies with the usual big old house, creaky doors that close on their own, horned "entities" that look like the devil etc. Then this movie is for you!

We weren't seemed like every other house haunting horror movie. Nothing new, everything the same.
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Not well explained
6 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had some really violent scenes of violence towards women, a bit disturbing. However the biggest disappointment was the story. It appeared to be about a violent sociopath who randomly kills people and tries to find ways to cover up those killings by involving/blaming other people.

Then -- I read the Wikipedia description of the book and novel and was flabbergasted. Most of the finer details about his past, for example why he killed the people, what actually happened to him as a kid and who was responsible, the plotting he had done with the prostitute he killed......none of those details were described in the film. I feel like I must have slept through half the film and missed the details, reading the actual story was eye opening and brought much more clarity to the plot.

I'm shocked that this film was nominated for 5 awards and had 2 wins. It didn't come across that well to us at all and the details were buried. It just came across as being about a sadistic sociopath with random impulses.
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Black Snow (2022– )
Went on too long
19 October 2023
First off, those smashing annoying drums as the background music - how do producers figure you'll enjoy or even listen to that? No, we turn down the volume until it ends, it's SO LOUD - it's really off putting.

Secondly, we enjoyed the show for the first 3 or 4 episodes, we love Travis Fimmel, but the show got really bogged down with small conversations and too much back and forth from the crime to the present. Quite frankly it eventually got boring and exhausting. We fast-forwarded through the final 2 episodes.

And finally, sorry but why do many shows have a final episode now, that shows all the ins and outs of how they filmed it, the director's dialogue on what he was aiming for, how he brought it into the show, etc. Honestly who cares? If it was a many-season show you're very invested in, for example Walking Dead or Yellowstone or Sons of Anarchy - sure, that would perhaps be interesting. But for a 6-episode show.....who cares? Seems like everyone is so self-invested that they have this sense of such importance now, with a need to explain every little detail of what they did and why. We skipped E7.

Productions have really changed these past few years, and we feel not in a good way. Many are not well filmed, not well edited, or they drag out the story far too long into multi-unnecessary episodes.....and this show would fit into the latter. Too bad, we liked the show at first. In the end, it just became annoying.
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Paradise City (2022)
Yep, gitchy B-movie-ish, but the SOUNDTRACK, yikes!
17 October 2023
As others have said, it has a gitchy B-movie feel to it. Too bad - the location is stunning. Bruce and John are definitely far from their best.

What was the absolute worst part for me, though, was the soundtrack. Music and background are SUPER LOUD and the voices much lower. So you're being blown out of your seat one minute, scrambling to find the remote to lower the volume, then madly turning it up the next minute so you can hear the dialogue. Why oh why do they continue to do this in movies? It drives us nuts and makes watching the movie so onerous, up and down with the sound volume.

I actually have a headache as I write this from the sudden loud soundtrack that blows up in your ears. Unfortunately this movie was far from being good enough to overlook that. We abandoned it 20 mins before it ended.
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Misconduct (2016)
Not worth watching
12 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I won't go into how poorly this film was put together; many other people here have laid that out better than I ever could. The premise was good, well known good actors, yet it falls completely flat.

Not well directed or edited, not sure which. The characters are like islands, each doing their thing - so you don't get that "who-done-it?" feeling as you're just lost until they attempt to tie it together at the end.

Even all the good actors couldn't pull this out of the weeds. Josh DuHamel's wife is the worst of all; no emotion at all, nothing you can relate to, even though she turns out "bad" at the end.

Too many unexplained events. Too flat.

A very poorly put together film. Too bad.
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