
35 Reviews
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Thelma (2024)
26 July 2024
This movie is a gem! There are many laugh out loud moments and overall just a fun watch. For anyone with aging parents or grandparents, the small moments are so funny! I am sure the main character is everyone's grandmother! The scenes with technology are hilarious! I really enjoyed the premises of the movie and the small attention to detail in the scenes and the overall humor is great. It's not an epic or climatic movie, but a really easy and enjoyable watch. I was pleasantly surprised how much I loved this movie! Definitely worth a few bucks to rent and a for sure watch once it's free........
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Port Protection (2015– )
Got better with season 7
7 March 2024
I loved the first couple seasons but then it got pretty boring and monotonous. I wasn't really interested in the characters and a few of the men bugged me. The guy who kept calling his GF "dude" and would act like the expert even though she grew up in the life style. Totally annoyed me. I almost stopped watching, larger because of the new "bros" are just dumb, but then the series started to focus more on the women. Sure, I am bias because I am a women, but it was about time! I was getting really bored watching the men do the same thing over and over and over again. Sure Mary was front and center but the other ladies were not and it got boring watching the same people do the same things. Season 7, the ladies started to ban together and talk about things from their perspective. Smart move since not ALL viewers are men and not all of us can relate to these dudes.
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The Tourist (2022–2024)
One of the best series... EVER!
1 March 2024
I binged watched each season in a day. It is so well done! The acting is amazing and the characters have great chemistry, just all around a great series. I literally have nothing negative to say! Although the basic storyline is the same, season one and two are completely different. I was engaged from start to finish and would have never guessed the ending! This is a drama but also action and mystery... it's really funny as well, the humor is really cleaver. Plus Jamie Dornan, swoon! Seriously this is a must watch for sure! I hope there are many more seasons to come! Ok, there is my negative comment on the series, I have to now wait months for season three!
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Matt Rife: Natural Selection (2023 TV Special)
He's better unscripted
16 November 2023
I love Matt Fife on instagram and social, he is so funny and charming!.....but this wasn't funny. His opening 5 minutes was tearing down women and it wasn't funny it was just words. As was most of his act, rehearsing jokes that were funny in other settings but not stand alone. He definitely needs to feed off his crowd, he is so funny but this scripted stand up, lame. People know him from social and know he's funny so that will carry him a while, and his looks... but the kid should stick with small crowds he can engage. That is his thing, he's funny and on it. This stuff... um not so much. I will pass on anything else from him like this.
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Port Protection: Through Hell or High Water (2022)
Season 5, Episode 12
Breanna should not be hunting
25 October 2023
This couple has made me stop watching this series completely. They are so painful to watch. Between the boyfriend calling his GF dude and man every other word and them just not knowing ANYTHING but acting like they are experts.... its dumb and totally defeats the show. They clearly watch the first few seasons and decided they wanted to be on TV. The guy talks likes the rest of the cast like it's rehearsed and he doesn't know a thing. It's like they read a off grid for dummies handbook and they pretend like they know what to do. All that was enough but then Breanna shooting at sitting ducks?? Ok nope. I don't hunt but I am pretty sure that is not sports like! First of all, what if she didn't just shoot the water? She was aiming straight! What if there was another hunter or kayaker (which they have seen in the past)! Dumb and lazy. Good thing she can not shoot!
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The Golden Bachelor (2023– )
So delightful!
6 October 2023
First off, this is WAY better than traditional bachelor. The women are so great and positive and supportive! It is much more fun to watch than a bunch of cutthroat woman hating ladies fighting over some dude. They are mature and they have been through life, they are not petty and mean. Gary is delightful! He is such a sweetheart and you can't help but root for him and his path to find love. There are always some "villains" but they are still decent people with depth. I love this version of the bachelor and hope they have many more seasons! I just hope the producers don't ruin it by stirring up unnecessary drama and by picking lame cast members. IF they keep it real, this will be the best series in the franchise in my opinion!
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Reptile (2023)
Good but predictable
1 October 2023
The movie is entertaining but incredibly predicable with some serious dumb instincts and decisions from main characters, especially the cops. You figure out the plot within the first 15 mins. I kept thinking it won't be that obvious and there will be some twists but the twists are just further supporting the obvious. The acting and supporting story is good so it is ok but would have been so much better if they added some good twists! It has good actors but the story is pretty flat. They offer some "hints" throughout to give it away but honestly they didn't even need to bother with those details. There was no depth. It is a good watch if there is nothing else on. There is no way this is in the top 10 of netflix. I am convinced that is paid advertising. It is OK, that is all. Would never watch twice or recommend to a friend.
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The Unbinding (2023)
Doesn't make sense
21 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The film was done well but the story is stupid, to say the least. They swung too big with their solution or "history" of the artifact and haunting. They landed on an ancient goddess that was trapped in the artifact. An artifact that had new nails and rope around, that they concluded, through investigatory research, was purchased at Walmart lol. Even in the original post with it's pictures from 2016 the rope was new, and even newer in the film. IF the artifact was really placed in a cave during a ritual, it would not have been for that purpose. They could have gone with a different story that was believable. I mean anything else could have fit that narrative better. My guess is they troll old forums and blogs for stories that were once viral and twist them into a "documentary"... which again is totally fine, it's entertainment, but come up with better stories to back your tales. This one was just silly.
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One Piece (2023– )
So fun!
5 September 2023
I am, or wasn't, familiar with the anime story but this series is so much fun! You can tell right away it is based of an anime but unlike so many other attempts to turn them into movies or series, it wasn't cheesy. It was a perfect balance and so fun to watch. The main character is so sweet and the actor is perfect for the role. I hope he goes on to make many other movies and series, he is a great actor. Each character is lovable and engaging, even the bad guys. They did a great job on building the characters and storyline. You get hooked right way. I watched it all in a day, despite many attempt to stop! I really loved this series. I hope they are move to come!
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Fun watch! Other reviews are reading too much into it!
3 August 2023
This is a funny movie and so many reviews sound offended by the premise of the movie. So dumb! If we wanted to get into it, in a time when women's choice to have a baby or not is being taken away, why is it so offensive that this movie showcases one proactively making a baby? Lol men spread their love all over all the time, in movies and real life and nobody blinks twice. So what if this show has a spin on that! This is no different than a million other movies where men mislead women into sleeping with them... HUNDREDS! It's a fun watch and new spin on comedy. Lighten up people, most bad reviews are probably dudes thinking "how dare they" lol!
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Vivarium (2019)
Black Mirror/Twilight Zone type flick
13 July 2023
The bad reviews are too harsh. It's not an intense thriller and definitely a slow burn but good. Typically I work while I watch movies and I find action packed thrillers easier to do that than this one. I found myself completely watching the film with no multitasking, which is rare! I didn't expect that, especially after reading the reviews. I don't really like Black Mirror but this one kept me guessing. You get the gist pretty early on but you keep waiting for something to happen. Does it? You will have to watch but either way, it will keep you engaged. It's not for everyone and if you need constant stimulation, then you should pass this up. I liked it. The acting was really good.
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The Rain (2018–2020)
ignore the bad reviews
11 July 2023
Do the kids make stupid decisions, YES! However, they are children s, if they were super logical that would be unrealistic lol They act like most kids would I think. Plus what they should have done was stay in the bunker and that would be a boring storyline. With that said, I think it is pretty entertaining. It definitely targets teens but I found it a good watch even tho I am in my 40s. It's not the best but def. Not the as bad as the overall ratings and bad reviews. It is worth the watch. Give it a few episodes before writing reviews on series! It takes a bit to pull you in but once it does, the story is good.
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Great acting!
17 June 2023
Ok I have to admit that Holland was just spiderman in my head. Another cute young, charming actor playing easy roles for their personality. But wow! Nope, he did such and incredible job in this movie! The second it flashed back to high school and you see his demeanor change to this innocent shy kid, I was impressed. That was just the beginning of his performance! It transforms into such an impressive compilation of versions of himself as the film jumps around with flashbacks. He was great! Now I led with that only because I was floored and had no idea of his talent. However, ALL the actors were brilliant and Seyfried was incredible but she always is! All around great series! I am only half way through but can't wait for more!!
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Mafia Mamma (2023)
the bad reviews are way off
8 June 2023
First of all, I am really tired of men poorly rating movies that focus on women with female leads simply because they can't relate. There are hundreds of similar movies with male leads that rate better and are not better This movie is about a mom that inherited a mafia. It's not the traditional story that leans on love or women villainizing other women, but is just funny, entertaining and not a romcom at all! The people that are leaving bad reviews expected it to fall into that silly female lead and generic scenario, but it didn't. At first I thought that is where it was going, but it takes a hilarious turn. Great story, acting and entertaining!
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Saint X (2023)
missed the mark
1 June 2023
Last episode was the best and the worst and changed my opinion about the series entirely. First, this was too long for what it is, could have been done in 1.5 hrs. Second, you find out this whole other storyline in the very last episode that should have been a bigger part of the series. Like a HUGE tragic story that was not hinted, touched on or showcased in anyway during the rest of the series. Instead they wrapped it all up in 15 mins. That dropped my rating in itself. However, the whole story is good, just too long and drags on. Once they conclude the mystery it is predictable, disappointing and clearly they missed a key narrative altogether. The acting was good and the story was ok but seriously the last episode sums it up in the worst way.
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Robots (I) (2023)
Jack Whitehall ruined it
30 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I can't tell if it's because he is a bad actor or just a jerk in real life, but his energy is so bad. Shailene Woodley is a good actress and the storyline is clever and relatively original but it just didn't work. It was a combination of bad casting and little to no story or character building. The story just jumped right in without providing any character insight so the audience could relate or like anyone. However, that isn't what ruined it for me, it was Whitehall's performance. Both characters were unlikeable AND the same person. No depth in the characters. At Least with Woodley you could decipher the two roles, not with his. I like his standup, maybe stick with what you are good with and don't drag others down trying to do it all. The movie was not good or bad, just eh.
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Maybe I Do (2023)
Lazy and confusing dialog
10 April 2023
The story isn't bad but the conversations are unbelievably bad. None of them flow and most of time not even believable. I can't imagine anyone one in any of the situations would behave the way every single characters does in every scene. It's like they are all awkward individuals that can't communicate or act appropriately. Maybe one person might be weird and a bad conversationalist, but everyone in the movie? It makes the whole movie hard to get into and believe. I don't think it's bad acting, although it comes off that way, because it's a good cast. I think it is the writing that ruined the whole movie. It seems lazy and not thought out at all. There isn't a single articulate conversation in the whole movie. Such a bummer because the cast is great.
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The creators profited off someone's mental health issue...
13 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I give it 6 stars because it shares a story... a story the producers of this film created by making this film!! Sadly it ruined the kids life. As for the documentary, everyone is labeling him as a hero, which you can make up your own mind, he saved life at the end of the day. However as the documentary progresses there are many people interacting with him and clearly he has mental health issues. Not ONCE is there mention of this nor does anyone attempt to get him help. Instead they search for ways to profit off him. It is just a spiral of events that perpetuated his unhealthy behaviors. He was completely exploited and the media, and especially the producers of this documentary, are to blame for the following events. It is clear to viewers that he needed help from the first 5 mins of the documentary but they chose to exploit him vs help him. So for that reason I give 1 star for the documentary BUT I will give it a 6 so people will watch and be aware of the injustice. The creators of this documentary were careless with a human life and could have help prevent the outcome!!!! But I guess that wouldn't sell would it? I hope people rally behind him after watching this and get his sentence reduced and move him to a mental health facility. This kid does NOT belong in prison.
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Don't Worry Darling (I) (2022)
What is with the bad reviews!!
1 November 2022
I loved this movie! It had me guessing the whole time and I didn't even see the ending coming. Maybe not an original storyline but setup in a unique way and the acting is great! The setting is awesome but you can tell from the beginning, something isn't right. It's not 100% 1950s but you don't know what is up, it is subtle things and done beautifully. I loved the lady leads in this movie, they have depth and are really strong characters.

I really don't understand the bad reviews. Movie snobby nerds maybe. I found the movie totally entertaining and surprising. I could have probably guessed the ending but I was way to wrapped up in the movie to even think about it!
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Nope (2022)
I don't understand the bad reviews... great film!
28 August 2022
I do not understand all the bad reviews, this movie was fantastic! Totally unique spin on an alien invasion and I loved the main characters. It has depth, suspense, humor and keeps you on the edge of your seat. I didn't think it was slow as others claim, I was engaged the whole time. It's similar to Signs in the fact it's subtle and not over the top but still scary and keeps you on your toes. The acting is great and the effects are awesome! It's just a great flick. Don't listen to the bad reviews, I am glad I didn't! This is definitely worth the watch! I don't regret paying $20 to rent it, which I never do!
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Echoes (2022)
Good story
25 August 2022
I don't know what all the reviews about it being confusing are all about. It's not hard to follow at all. Maybe they are multitasking and if that is case, don't write a review. The acting is great, the story is full of twists and not predictable. I binge the whole season, I definitely recommend watching!
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Pretty uneventful and boring
31 July 2022
Men digging holes, talking about digging holes, pointing lasers at stuff, talking about pointing lasers at stuff, blowing stuff up, talking about blowing stuff up... more digging, more lasers, more blowing up stuff and not much more! Grasping at straws and no real encounters or evidence. I guess this is what happens when bored men with money get their own TV show. It has potential but just falls short. It's boring. Why is the security guy so involved in research decisions, dumb dynamic.

UPDATE: season 4 (in honesty, I only watched a couple episodes of 4) and 5... launching rockets, talking about rockets, launching more rockets... And what DRAMA kings! Everything is a big deal and they conveniently stop exploring certain things due to "illness" or some other fabricated drama. Just show all the results, not just ones that support some dramatic narrative. They leave topics hanging, unanswered when clearly they received the answer. I assume because they turn out to be something completely normal, like a badger carcass not ancient wolf... and why do the drilling projects always get interrupted never to be addressed again, at least in the same spot?? Are they dragging out the series? Is there nothing there? Does Dragon just need more airtime so they stop for "security" reasons??

Anyway, it's a bummer because there is definitely something going on on the ranch, but these yahoos are too concerned with making and spending money than finding answers. I really wanted to like this but I ended up just fast forwarding most of it because its the same thing over and over and over.
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So good!
13 June 2022
I hate waiting a week to watch the next episode! I love this series more than the movie because it goes into much more details of the book. The characters are great and the actors playing them do a terrific job, especially Theo James, I love him as Henry. This is definitely one you don't want to miss! There better be a season 2!!
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Interceptor (2022)
Don't listen to the bad reviews
8 June 2022
This movie was entertaining start to finish! All the bad reviews say something about how a small woman can't take on these big guys etc. I am sorry, Tom Cruise is a little man! But that is totally believable, when a tiny dude can kick butt but not a woman? Duh, it's a movie! You can't judge an action movie on realistic betrayal of strength, they are all BS. I thought she was a great lead and did a stellar job being a badass!
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Life & Beth (2022–2024)
Another brilliant creation by Amy Schumer!
20 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love this series! Great storyline and Amy is amazing, as always! The characters are all lovable and relatable. The story keeps you interested and has real depth, it's not just a comedy. I think this Amy Schumer's best work yet. Can't wait to watch more!
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