
6 Reviews
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Good and bad, what could have made it better.
17 July 2016
So I went in with low expectations based on all of the negative criticism I've heard and the awful trailer. So, on the bright side, it is better than the trailer made it out to be. In fact, most of the stuff in the trailer were my least favorite parts about the movie, such as when the black ghostbuster girl falls in the crowd and makes a racial joke.

I am not the kind of person that cares a lot about special effects or any of that stuff. I like movies for the story and the characters. So having said that, where does that leave this movie? Well, I liked most of the characters. In many ways they mimic the 4 personalities present in the original ghostbusters movie. But the one character that just absolutely ruined it for me was "Kevin." The best way i can describe him is that he is the "Jar Jar Binks" of this movie. He is so absolutely stupid that it makes the character unbelievable. He would need an IQ of about 10 to say some of the things he says, in which case he would not be able to use a computer, or a car, motorcycle, etc. It's one thing to make a character stupid, but this just goes too far. Even if it were a blonde girl with the blonde jokes, it still went too far. Because nobody is that stupid. I hated every scene that he was in.

Other than that, I liked the plot of the movie and the character development from the beginning to the end. In fact, I think the plot was more interesting than Ghostbusters II with the painting that came to life.

I also did not care for most of the music, especially the modernized version of the theme song.

I gave this movie a 6. If they had taken Kevin out of the movie, I might have given it an 8.
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Very good for a fan film.
1 March 2016
If I had to rate this along side official Star Trek productions, I would say it falls right in the middle. Much better than the really bad official stuff, but not as good as some of the best Trek out there.

In fact, my only complaint has to do with the videography. There appears to be this ambient haze everywhere, especially inside of ships. I don't know if this is a result of green-screen usage, or just creative license. But I didn't like it. I kept thinking "Why is the ship always full of fog?" But it certainly wasn't a deal-breaker. Really a minor nit-pick more than anything.

The characters and acting seemed different from regular Star Trek, but not necessarily bad. In fact, I'd say these characters were more like real people.
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Doctor Who: Sleep No More (2015)
Season 9, Episode 9
Seriously, don't watch this.
17 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The first thing you see when you turn on this episode is a guy telling you not to watch it. It would be in your best interest to take the advice. I've been watching Doctor Who since the 3rd doctor and I can honestly say this is one of the worst episodes ever made. I would rank it in the bottom 5 for sure, it is really challenging "Fear Her" for the worst spot ever.

The episode started off mildly interesting. But once it is discovered that the monster that threatens the universe is actually the sleep dust left in people's eyes when the sleep, well, it just lost all credibility for me at that point.

I realize with science fiction you have to suspend disbelief somewhat. But this just goes too far. I felt more like I was watching something made to scare 5 year olds and belonged in some sort of fairy tale book.
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Best German movie I've seen so far.
4 March 2009
As an American, I like to watch German movies to help me better learn to speak and understand German. But I have to admit most of them aren't any good. I can count all of the good ones on one hand, and I'll place this one right on the top. I wish I could see more good movies like this coming out of Berlin. My wife watched this one with me, with the aid of subtitles, and actually enjoyed it.

The use of modern, popular music is something I rarely see in foreign films. Yet there were several such cases in this one movie alone.

This movie has much faster pacing than what I usually is in foreign films, much closer to what one would expect from a similar type movie out of Hollywood.
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Very lacking on plot
23 July 2008
This movie is mostly chase scenes and special effects. It is very weak on plot. Most of the computer talk was just mumbo-jumbo. I watched this because I was a big fan of the original War Games movie which was based mostly on computer fact and real computer terminology. This movie had none of that. Most of the computer scenes were not only impossible and highly unrealistic of real computers and networks, but just lame. It is like it was written by somebody who has no comprehension of real computers.

The ripley game was lame and was essentially just an arcade game. No real hacking, so what was the point? Movie was boring. Lame sequel.
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All of the things wrong with this movie
8 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I'm sorry, but the rating of this movie is crazy. It is one of the worst movies I've seen in a long time, and I'll tell you why. For starters, this movie dragged on and on for me. The plot (did it have one?) never moved. It was just one machine gun battle after another. I think there was no more plot in the movie than what we saw in the theatrical trailer. When I saw the trailer to this movie, I figured that they were trying to get this woman to some place where scientists could study her. I figured people would regain hope, civilization would be saved, etc. But no, we don't get any of that. Instead we watch a 2 hour long movie with nothing but gun battles between various factions that aren't even explained. What are their motives? I still don't know. This "human project" was never explained and all we got to see of it was a boat in the water. When the end credits came, my wife and I looked at each other and said "That is it?" Usually when I watch a movie I expect to have had some kind of plot resolution by the time we reach the end. Instead, I felt like I watched a movie about somebody washing their car or doing the dishes. Nothing happened. I thought when the army stopped firing as the baby was carried across the battlefield that surely this would be the climax of the plot and that the army would call the government and tell them there was a baby and the war would stop. But no, they just start shooting at each other again as soon as they get across. How stupid is that?
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