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Hannah Gadsby: Nanette (2018 TV Special)
Why the divide?
7 June 2020
So I've decided it doesn't matter if this is comedy or not, is it entertaining, thought provoking and well executed, to which the answer is yes. That is not the problem. The problem is that Gadsby IS funny, in fact Douglas her second special proves that. But all the negative reviews here don't get that far because its negated by her (understandable) outrage throughout. So if she really really wanted to get everyone on board (because fans of hers are not the ones needing the lecture) then sure include all the pain, but do it later on in your career, instead Gadsby lets it define her from the start. Take Eddie Izzard for example, one of my all time favourites growing up. Now he could of focused on being trans but instead they're just bits in his routine. Now if Gadsby had just focused on being funny for her first show without relying on her own personal misfortune to dominate the entirety of the set then I think she would have a better chance of reaching the people she wishes to reach in the future. Having said that Nanatte has become a huge talking point because of that content. But she's mostly preaching to the choir. Im not saying she shouldn't of done what she did. I just think if she got the respect of being a great comic first then her agenda (which obviously needs to be heard) potentially casts a wider net for the future. Ultimately though should you watch it?...yes...for many many reasons...comedy however is not necessarily one of them.
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poor writing...makes no sense...
30 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
You know those movies where you immediately go "hang on why didn't they just do this?" because that's what anyone with even half a brain would do..well this movie has a ton of them! to the point where I can only presume this was a pet project of someone with the right connections, the ability to get a movie made with incredibly poor script. None of it makes sense. The concept is actually ok, thats about it. The main issue I have with this is the protagonists actions just aren't believable. I don't know anyone in there right mind who wouldn't be over the moon of someone giving them 7 grand with no strings attached...There are a ton of other super annoying choices made, plot, story but I can't be bothered to go into them, the writer certainly didn't. Maybe they were too arrogant to listen to someone elses opinion. Because 9 out of 10 people would have huge issues with it.
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Outer Banks (2020– )
17 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Wow what a fantastic and polarising show! overall I loved it however I've never been more frustrated with a show during key points of specific episodes but I'll get to that in a sec.

From the opening scene I thought oh here we go, more beautiful people with subpar writing and storyline, happy to say that is not the case. Its incredibly well done on all fronts, actors are awesome, storyline is awesome, pacing is great...howeverrrrr......something is amiss....every now and then there would be a scene that was poorly written or didn't make any sense...It wasn't until half way through the season that I noticed it is indeed written by multiple people. Well one of those writers is really off (or is it a producer interfering? ) for example (small spoiler ahead)...

Even the most basic of human beings would realise that going to a pawn shop with a massive lump of gold would arouse suspicion, I could of just about got on board with it if they hadn't of done it in town!!! I MEAN REALLY! so everyone knows about this lost gold and kids turn up with a 150k worth of it...I actually yelled at the screen I was that annoyed, and then it gets worse with them robbing the drug dealer! WHY WHY WHY??!!! they all knew JJ needed 25k...Wouldnt it of made more sense to just by some scales, chop up 25ks worth of gold and then drive out of town to trade it?...that would of been just as entertaining! you could of had Barry the drug dealer follow them, steal the gold and then they steal it back (if you really wanted the drama of that episode). There were quite a few of these situations throughout the show...I bet there was an argument with the writers over these scenes.

so why do they matter? They matter because it takes you out of the moment. They matter because most people want to relate to the protagonists but if they're that dumb then you become less invested. Problem is they weren't dumb! They were great characters so it didn't make sense. This could of been a slam dunk 10/10 with just a few creases ironed out. And this isn't a debate, there's a right way and a wrong way to do it. (eg breaking bad- game of thrones) love both..didnt feel short changed with BB finished. We all felt it when GOT finished.

But I digress..actually nope I have a few more..why didn't ward figure all this out in the first place? he had everything in front of him! (maybe I missed something there)

something I definitely would love an explanation for...how the hell did John b get back into the well by himself? Also the fire in the bell tower? really? This annoyed me the most.

If we're supposed to care for these characters then it helps if they're not totally inept. Because 80% of the show is incredibly well written. Smart choices are made more often than not but occasionally some really really dumb ones are thrown in. I'm almost certain this is one person thinking its a good idea and the other one giving up and saying ok fine whatever...whether that be a producer or one of the writers the other person needs to put there foot down. This show is perfectly strong enough without the need for sloppy transitions. Oh and for some reason the name John B was really annoying, It was too distracting, sounds pretentious, maybe that's just me though.

Sounds like I'm hating on this but its actually the opposite, I enjoyed it so much that when these scenes did happen they infuriated so much that I had to write about it!

If there is a season 2 then please please please do not make these errors again....Hell I'd love to go over the script with you guys! Someone needed to...I could give numerous ways to connect the dots in a more believable but just as entertaining way...of course its a lot easier to say that with hindsight but some of them were just glaringly obvious...Still overall you guys did an incredible job and I'm sure it will be renewed for a second season.
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Chris D'Elia: No Pain (2020 TV Special)
14 April 2020
Chris D'Elia has built up a pretty solid the fan base over the past few years, and quite rightly so, he's naturally a very funny guy. Much funnier than his previous stand up would suggest, because of that I'm sure he felt under immense pressure to deliver on this one, which he almost does...Theres a lot of bad reviews on here and I think that's in part to the opening bit which is by far the weakest bit in the whole special, it does get better after that and is definitely a decent stand up.

I have no doubt his next special will be better. I think Chris would absolutely shine in a Little Britain/Monty Python style sketch show...in fact yep thats what he should do next for sure because some of his insta videos are genius. I still don't understand why Bryan Callen's special hasn't been bought by Netflix for a lot of money because its amongst the best out of the la scene right now.
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6 Underground (2019)
can we take a moment here...
13 December 2019
If you know Bay then you shouldn't be expecting some deep John Le Carre character arc. What he has done is one upped himself in the effects and stunt department. Yes the editing is a bit nuts. But the technical achievements in this movie are quite breathtaking. Just because something has a huge budget doesn't mean people didn't work there ass off trying to create something exciting and new and it is at the end of the day very entertaining. The CGI combined with the real parkour footage is particularly impressive. The opening car chase alone must of taking months to prepare and shoot. My hat goes off to the stunt guys. Its worth watching for that alone not to mention the locations are really quite exquisite. And Reynolds is on form as always.
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Jenny Slate: Stage Fright (2019 TV Special)
next time...
22 October 2019
First off I'd like to say that I think Jenny Slate is one of the most talented voice over artists working today. She brings characters to life and pretty much stole every scene in Secret Life of Pets. So when I heard she had a stand up show coming out I was very excited...however this could of been so much better than it was. I realise It's probably the hardest medium to work in so anyone who even attempts has my utmost respect but with that being said this is a missed opportunity.

I could literally go through this whole set up and break down which bits to expand, which parts to drop, which parts need tightening up, so why didn't anyone else do this with her?

My frustration is that Jenny is funny and this could of been so much better with just a little more work and refinement. I'm not a critic, but as someone who loves standup and appreciates it as an artform I can't help but express a certain level of disappointment with certain specials of late which just aren't up to par when you have the status and resources that someone like Jenny has.

Why doesn't she have a mate saying "hang on, you need to work on this bit" or "that's not needed. And Jenny if you read this I genuinely think you're incredible and would gladly put my money where my mouth is. And as far as your question about romance goes...I think its pretty obvious that your dad isn't someone who opens up about his emotions freely and you probably didn't feel enough of that as a child. Not his fault of course, and its made you into the person you are today but I think thats a more honest answer than "romance being built in" not that you were avoiding it.

I love the concept of threading a mini doc about who you are and your family thoughout the show, but you could of delved deeper. You're family are clearly very interesting successful people. Hearing that your sisters are happy in love and why you're not is such a great theme to explore considering how "successful" you've become in the public eye...a discussion about you're achievements and how its affected the family would be great...that might seem a little personal but then you were open enough in other areas. One of the cornerstones of great comedy is uncomfortable truths and suffering. So next time play to your strengths. And if you're not sure what they are then get someone who loves you and wont sugar coat it to tell you and I'll go through the whole show. At the end of the day you still did it, so fair play and congratulations, but you have it in you to be truly awesome, and you damn well know it.
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