
2 Reviews
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In many ways better than Hostel I and if you watched part 1 you need to see Part II!
12 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Actually this should be the pilot film. Way much more storytelling and character building.

Of course the story could be much better but we have to remember this is "part 2" and out of that reason they made it much better than expected.

This time you got women instead men.

One of them is not only good looking but smarter than the others & smarter than the torture elite. A rich daughter but not a sissy princess. Other like her best friend which is a tipically party girl and the other girl a nerdy student experience her first time outside the bubble "nerdy" world.

And exactly that is the weakness of the two friends. One wants to have fun with alcohol, drugs and boys - she will get catched. The other is blinded by her normally "nerdy" world and experience the live outside of the bubbles. She too gets catched because of a boy she met at the village party. It seems like a big romance and the journey of here live. Instead it will be the end of her life.

Meanwhile they also show the other side. One men won an audition to torture the main character long before they are really catched and ready for torture.

The part with the audition also was a great scene and shows the various kind of killers in their normal familiy / business life. A message pops up (mobile phone or computer) and they all are invitied to the audition.

The winner for the torture of the main character informs a friend and both will for the first time get ready to torture.

While the friend seems like a normal family guy - the other seems like a "macho" type of family men who just want to kill someone. The introduction to both of them is good.

And the normal family guy will be the more sadistic. The "tough" one can talk the talk but not walk the walk. Also a great twist at the end for the 2 villian characters.

The torture scenes are not too much and not to less except you want to enjoy no storyand senseless torture.

If this is the case you better not watch this movie.

But if you like this kind of genre as all around skeletal structure with a strong & intelligence main character, a quite good story and an very good ending for a movie like this you will enjoy watching it.

It is not a waste of time and those ~ 90 minutes are perfect to watch while at home and just want to "relax" and watch a movie while doing this.
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Night Hunter (2018)
Outstanding Movie - great character and storybuilding - psychological masterpiece
12 October 2019
I also don´t understand some low ratings. I assume some just wanted to see so much the "game with the young girls".

Instead they are getting an exciting psychothriller. The backgroundstory from the main and co-main characters was told scene by scene. And the villian character is simply amazing.

Finally a new type of evil - the psychologie is a little bit disturbed but if you watch the whole movie with all character build up - it is not disturbing it´s impressing. Thank you for that kind of art.

Reminds me a little bit of the Joker character (R.I.P: Heth!).

The movie has entertaining thwists building up to the most satifisying great final battle between good and evil.

The ending will give you goosebumps.

More in detail would have to much spoiler.

Thank you for that incredible movie - better than 0815 Hollywood these days and deserves an kind of oscar - at least I can honor this movie and I give it a MUST SEE!!!!
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