
2 Reviews
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First Time Design (2010– )
Please come to my house!!!
12 January 2010
So far the amateur designers have been AMAZING, and I hope this show makes it. HGTV cancels too many shows without giving them time to build an audience, but this is definitely a show worth keeping around. I'm sure we all have a room that could use a $7500 makeover, and it's great to see new designers getting their first break. I've also been impressed with the producers, that they haven't exploited the designers. The story is made in the editing room, and it's been great to see the show capture some very real and meaningful moments without turning the designers into the butt of a joke. I'm looking forward to seeing how the rest of the season turns out, and if it's anything like the first few episodes, it'll be a big hit!
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Spy Corps (2006 Video)
A few things they did right...
22 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Good job - a Christian movie, without the "come to Jesus" message, and no one got pregnant. I noticed a few setups and payoffs, so that was good. It looked like a student film, but it was in fact watchable. The story flowed, and it seemed to have a beginning, middle, and end. The production value could have been better, the acting was amateur (could have been the directing, the dialogue, the editing, or the talent pool), and the script needed another rewrite (it seemed a few key scenes and there needed more background info), but overall they made a movie that at least got on Netflix, which is better than most the filmmakers I know. I think in time they'll do higher quality work, and I'm looking forward to seeing what they can do .
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