
3 Reviews
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Without (I) (2008)
A disappointing venture, cinematically flawed and sadly never achieving social commentary
17 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
With a noteworthy media promotion in the days preceding its premiere at the 49th Thessaloniki International Film Festival, expectations were inevitably high for a film which promised a raw representation of interpersonal relationships as influenced by the arduous undertaking of living in these fiscally challenged times. Given the current worldwide financial crisis, the timing could not be better for the release of such a film. Sadly, a combination of technical errors and a weak plot renders the film almost unwatchable. The set-design falls victim to exaggeration and irony as the 70's decor though imputable to a lack of funds in reality exudes of extravagant vintage items. The editing and slicing of scenes is abrupt and deprives the film of any smooth continuity, thus making it harder to ingest the plot. The latter is weak at best, in part due to undeveloped almost 'wooden' characters whose inclusion in the plot is far from justified. The sequence of events come and go and though the film feels longer than its 80 minute runtime, the viewer is left wondering if there was any purpose to the plot after all. To add to the above, the director's choice of blue filters and overall use of low lighting accentuates the film's already sombre mood and becomes too much. The end product is disappointing, social commentary is not achieved and the lead actors are damnified (especially Efi Saoulidou who gave a heart-warming performance in the Brides).The title is indeed inspired if only in relation to what the film lacks.
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Brides (2004)
Yet another gem of the up and coming Greek cinema!!!!
29 December 2004
This is a wonderful film which manages to combine a historical film and romantic tearjerker all in one. The cinematography is nothing short of amazing with beautiful imagery of both the mysterious and oh so distant world of the north eastern regions of Greece and its residents. But it is not only our eyes that are offered such a visual feast as the plot is utterly engaging and the chemistry between the lead characters so immaculate that before long the audience is completely captivated and can not help but submit to the passion and sadness of the two lead characters in the face of unrequited love. A journey rich in cultural elements represented against backdrop of nostalgia, passion and love!
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A fulfilling experience where magic and harsh reality unite!
10 January 2004
A thoroughly enjoyable film which at times becomes quite dark, but the balance is cleverly restored with humorous scenes. It offers an interesting insight into Greek culture yet makes itself appealing to an international audience!
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