
12 Reviews
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The One (I) (2021)
14 March 2021
Better than most Netflix series released in a long time. I really don't understand a lot of the negative comments; camera work is steady and decent, as well as acting. Characters are a little too flat, though. If you expect science fiction, you'll be disappointed. Otherwise it's a gripping relational crime/drama series around a very interesting and plausible futuristic theme. Absolutely deserves a 2nd season.
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Clarice (2021)
Very disappointed
13 March 2021
When you stuff at least 6 episodes of material into 42 minutes, you get this unexciting, tired mess with over-simplified characters and plotlines. I'm very disappointed, could have been much better. Don't blame the actors, they just can't make anything decent of this terrible script.
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Next (2020)
Typical formula series
5 December 2020
Typical low-budget formula series, with all the usual ingredients (the estranged parents, the hero kid, the weirdo scientist, the disabled victim, the clever agent, and so on). Not particularly bad, but certainly nothing special, and with a lot of illogical situations and events. Next is a filler, for the few days you've absolutely nothing else to watch, and it's too cold to go for a walk.
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Only watchable as persiflage
29 November 2020
Revised from 3* to 2*. ST Discovery is only watchable as some kind of a hillaric persiflage of all real ST series. When will Michael starts to cry this episode? Do we have to wait a full excruciating 30 minutes this episode, or only 4? And how ridiculous is this squirming emo crew kiss and make up to each other this time? But I keep watching, maybe because of my vain hope some Romulan warbird decloaks and blows Discovery to smithereens. That would be a great ending of this abhorrent series, and an act of mercy for all fans, and even the whole Star Trek Universe itself.
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Bad Banks (2018–2020)
Completely spoiled by hypernervous camera work
19 November 2020
Story got me very interested, but unfortunately I had to stop watching during the first episode. This seems to be another series completely spoiled by hypernervous camera work. Every few seconds another shot, almost always moving, and lots, lots of closeups. After 8 flashshots of a conversation with just 3 or 4 sentences, I quit. A series who draws that much attention away en obliges you to be aware of the camera ALL the time, is unwatchable and no fun at all.
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Okkupert (2015–2020)
Ridiculous premise
27 October 2020
Well executed series, but on the completely ridiculous premise that Russia would invade Norway for maintaining gas/oil production. Even more ridiculous: the Norwegians are depicted as fools for voting for an environmental extremist who fulfills the dreams of some of the most antisocial climate activist groups today. Maybe it's some kind of a weird comedy? I don't know, but when a government kills its main source of income after a hurricane (completely unrelated to carbon emissions), then a country is clearly run by a lunatic asylum. Unfortunately, these preposterous starting points make the whole series totally implausible.
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Away (2020)
Forget scientific realisme, it's about relations
26 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of procedural, technical en scientific flaws, but this is not really science fiction (although it looks great, very realistic). It's about relations, character development, and human struggles. Away succeeds in this and is convincing (though you'll have to ignore some obligatory PC 'inclusive' elements, like a black jewisch orphan, a lesbian Chinese, a disabled husband, a girl with Down syndrome... it didn't really bother me, but it's a little too obvious). Deserves a second season.
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Cuties (2020)
Undeserved hysteria, this is a well done drama
20 October 2020
Like many other Netflix subscribers I got intrigued by the hysterical reactions, like 'promoting pedophilia'. Well, that's absolute nonsense. Yes, the young girls perform some very salacious dance acts, but the obvious point is to show the contrast with the very conservative islamic culture of the lead player. The last scene of this well done drama says it all: this is not about sex, but about finding balance in a confusing world of contrasting values. People who call this movie 'sexualizing kids' obviously didn't watch it.
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Lieve Mama (2020–2021)
Watchable, but barely
19 October 2020
I'm not familiar with the book 'Dear Mama' (Dear Mom), so I can't compare. This 6 part mini series is watchable, but barely. You'll have to ignore a lot of illogical, or downright stupid choices by the main characters, and twice as much improbable conversations and situations. Acting is flat. Plot is very predictable. Rifka Lodeizen can do a lot better than this. Due to the tottering scrip she obviously couldn't make much of her role.
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White Lines (2020)
Nice surprise
29 May 2020
At 50+ I didn't expect much of this, due to low ratings. But I found White Lines a nice surprise, better than some other, overhyped Netflix series. Dancing and sex is just a small part of this murder mystery. Maybe the story isn't that great, but the characters are interesting and mostly believable. Add just the right amount of pace and humor, plus the beautiful scenes of Ibiza (compliments to overall cinematography), and this becomes an enjoyable series to watch.
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The Stranger (I) (2020)
Way too hasty
8 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Within the first 10 minutes 'the stranger' already presents herself to the man with 'the perfect family'. He barely spoke to his wife on the phone. Within ten minutes he distrusts his wife en searches his house and on the internet for clues. No proper character or background introduction, no time to get affiliated with the main characters, no motives, nothing. So it's way too hasty, even sloppy. Bad writing, not worth your time.
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Ares (2020)
Suspense overkill
20 January 2020
Like other viewers noticed: nice cinematography, but that's the only positive thing. Starts promising, but after the first episode there's absolutely no character or story development, just one mysterious suspense / horror scene after another. After five episodes with this total overkill you couldn't care less what happens to the main characters. Unfortunately yet again another Netflix fail.
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