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So Bad it Is Just AWFUL!
2 May 2021
PLEASE! Do whatever you must...but at all costs...AVOID this dog of a film!

To say it is horrific is a VAST understatement!

It would be better for the world if S. M. A. R. T. Chase had never been made, considered, or even made it out of the brains of the screenwriters.

*If you decide to take a chance on this abysmal movie, just remember...you were warned!
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Soul (2020)
What a Complete Waste of Time!
2 January 2021
I had the unfortunate opportunity to watch "Soul" last night, and I came away with one single positive of the entire droll and uninteresting film...the all too little jazz music that was presented.

The rest of the film simply came away as a reworking of "In and Out," which I also found to be unfunny, boring, cliched and altogether awful.

The advertising that Disney put out for this movie made it look great. The reality was just the opposite as the Studio used all of the "best" parts in the trailer.

My advice...avoid watching "Soul" so that you don't find that you just wasted two hours of your life on absolute drivel.
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Cats (2019)
Save Yourself! This THING Called a Musical is Horrific!
22 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Cats, the movie was even worse than Cats, the theater musical. Seriously!

To say that Cats is bizarre falls far short of the truth! This vapid, incomprehensible, illogical, train wreck of a terrible acid trip called a "musical" is absolutely the worst, most horrific thing I have exposed myself to...ever!

The CGI is downright terrible, James Corden is awful in every sense, and the wonderful talents of many cast members are totally wasted on what amounts to the latest so-horrible-it-really-IS-horrible movies along the line of Ishtar, Gili or Pluto Nash. Three quarters of the show consists of character introductions, with only slight storytelling thrown in. The final act...thank goodness!...wraps up this insipid assault on the brain with its eponymous, overwrought song, "Memory" at the very end. The best (and only good part) of Cats, is when it ends, and the audience gets to flee the theater, and go try to erase their 'memory' of ever having seen this disaster! Please, save you money; save your sanity and avoid seeing Cats at all cost!
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Black Panther (2018)
Aside from Michael B. Jordan, the Black Panther was Awesome!
20 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I almost love the film, The Black Panther. It's visuals are stunning, the CGI is wonderful, the cinematography is sumptuous, and the acting is really good...and then there's Michael B. Jordan. To say I was disappointed with his acting is a vast understatement. I get that he's supposed to be angry, vindictive, etc. But Jordan's interpretation of his character was like watching some bad '70's black revenge flick. It was all about being from the hood, and the whole 'we're an oppressed people' attitude that really sinks Jordan's acting and the reasoning for his taking the throne. For a character who is supposed to be so educated, so highly trained, he only came across as an angry man who is only out for revenge. Add in the ridiculous and incongruous fact that, despite all his anger throughout the film, he suddenly reverts to a contemplative man who says he always wanted to see the beautiful Wakandan sunsets his dad had spoken of years previously as he sat dying near the films' conclusion. Such a change in a character is either terrible acting, bad scriptwriting, bad directing or editing, or a combination of all three. Jordan is a decent actor, but his performance in the Black Panther is just terrible and completely detracts from the film as a whole. Too bad. This movie could have been spectacular.
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Lameness in Abundance
4 July 2013
If this year's incarnation of American Ninja Warrior is presented like in season's past, then it will be a complete waste of time. I started watching this two years ago but had to stop after just a few episodes because they took about 08 minutes worth of usable footage and stretched it out to an hour-long show. How? By endlessly rehashing events after every commercial break; by having way too many commercial breaks--and commercials; and by creating completely false drama in order to try and make this Lame show more exciting. Too bad the producers missed. This could have been a great competition show. Instead, they turned it into a boring, endlessly redundant snooze-fest that is totally unworthy of the Ninja Warrior moniker.
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