
12 Reviews
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Música (2024)
Sweet, funny, original
6 April 2024
A creative and clever movie about a different kind of guy, Musica shows us what it's like to live with synesthesia, hearing rhythm in everyday sounds.

Musica is filled with bright colors, percussive movement and beautiful music. It's a coming of age film that shows Rudy struggling through life and love as he strives to be himself. And yes, there are puppets.

This is a sweet story of a young man finding his way in the world. Rated PG-13 you could watch with your mom and not be embarrassed for a moment.

Anyone from an ethnic family - any ethnicity - will get the nuances of the family relationships, the ties to the neighborhood, and always being asked if you've eaten.

I highly recommend this entertaining and lovely movie.
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The Dare (2019)
Nothing like Saw
19 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand how anyone can compare this move to Saw. In what way are they alike?

What we see is a group of pre-teens bullying an outsider. Because of their actions, the bullied boy is kidnapped and lives a horrible abused life. The thought that this child could could, 20 years later, track down a group of kids he knew only briefly is ridiculous. He didn't know their names or where they were from. He knew nothing about them. After they brutalized him, he was kept captive and had no contact with the outside world. He was completely isolated. How would he find them, much less take them hostage? I'm fine with suspending disbelief but this is too much. This is just a dumb movie with a bad script that makes no sense. Of course there's also the "hey, I forgot all about that kid I terrorized that one summer. I guess I do know all of you" reveal. Was that supposed to be a plot twist?

Don't waste your time watching.
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The Visitor (2022)
Bring your laundry
4 April 2023
There are some movies you watch with friends and family as an evening event. There are others you watch when you're folding laundry. This was a laundry folder. Not a bad movie. It kept my interest. There is nothing I can say that was truly awful about it. I just wanted there to be something more. Maybe a different ending that would have surprised me. Maybe a different telling of this familiar story. The acting was fine. The pacing was good. The music was fine. The climax didn't seem to match the story that was presented up to that point, so the ending seemed out of place, as if it was an idea tacked on from a different story. Still, it was a serviceable close to the movie. I'm glad I didn't pay to see it in a theatre but it was perfectly fine streaming in the background while I was doing housework. Watch, but don't expect too much.
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Red Rose (2022)
Of course they do dumb things...
19 February 2023
Because this is a horror series. If they did all the smart things, there would be two episodes, not eight. And people in horror movies rarely do the smart thing. That's how horror works. Ignore things like the group not paying attention to warnings, going out alone, walking in the dark, defying parents at every turn and never bothering to involve police. Just enjoy the ride. Great acting by young folks, believable characters, exciting plot, and dynamite music.. It isn't perfect but it is fun and certainly entertaining. Like any other series, some episodes are better than others. Episode 4 dragged a bit, 5 revived things. Satisfying ending. No need for a sequel.
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American Horror Stories: Milkmaids (2022)
Season 2, Episode 4
They went for the gross-out
14 August 2022
In any anthology series there will be some episodes that are good and some that are not so good. This was awful. They went for the gross out right out of the box. But that wasn't the worst of it. I had to ask my partner if it was just me or if the script was all over the place. It seemed like they just stuffed in too many elements. Pox! Pus! Adultery! Sex! Religion vs Science! Misogyny! Hypocritical religious figures! Cannibalism! Lesbians! Homophobia! Mass hysteria! Slow down for goodness sake. This was a train wreck of ideas looking for a plot line. Not at all enjoyable.
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Headgame (2018)
Bad. Not even bad in a good way.
27 July 2022
I love bad horror movies. Bring them on. But this mess has no redeeming qualities. The acting was mediocre. The effects were simple. The music was annoying. And the story? There was lots of hinting about a bigger premise of a secret society with nothing to show for it. Worst of all was the total miss of the premise. People with cameras screwed to their foreheads? Then shouldn't there be POV footage from said cameras? This was an opportunity completely lost. The ending of the movie seems tacked on as an afterthought and adds nothing to the plot. So many questions unanswered. Skip this one.
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A piece of Halloween candy for the fans
24 October 2021
Definitely not an Oscar contender, but it wasn't meant to be. It's just a little silly fun with a few characters wrestling fans know and love. Make your own choices through this 30 minute romp and you'll probably beat The Undertaker at his game. Don't take it seriously - just have a good time.
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In Extremis (2017)
Not horror, not a thriller, a father in deep emotional pain.
26 September 2020
This movie is very predictable. It is obvious what is happening within the first 15 minutes. Still, I wanted to see how it played out. The background and sets are beautiful in an extremely eerie way that makes the story seem like a very bad dream that you're relieved to awaken from. This is a very heavy emotional drama. Be warned that the subject matter could be triggering.
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Perry Mason (2020–2023)
Just ignore the title
16 August 2020
I watched the entire 1050s era Perry Mason series not long ago. I loved it.

This is definitely not that series.

This a great show. The story is compelling and the characters are well drawn. All the actors are excellent. The city of Los Angeles plays its own alluring character. The slow jazz score highlights the action perfectly. The tight drama is never overdone and plays out well

If you have a problem with this being something other than the tv series you know and love, just ignore the title. Ignore the character names. You can love this series on its own merits. Beware, it deals with a sad topic and characters with dark backgrounds. There are elements that are grim.

Still, I highly recommend it. Definitely a 10
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Play it again, Sam
8 August 2020
The actual Mandela Effect is simply a lot of people who happen to misremember they same thing the same way. Breadcrumbs that prove we live in a computer simulation? No.

This isn't a bad movie. The acting is good, the music is fine and the cinematography is pleasant. Unfortunately, it just doesn't develop the premise. The writing is lazy and the ending doesn't deliver. There was more they could have done with the plot to make it more well rounded and an overall better movie.

It's still a decent film. Just enjoy the ride and don't expect too much.
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Don't (2020)
Don't bother watching
27 June 2020
Adam Scott is seems completely uninterested in what he's doing here. He adds no excitement and no interest to this dull show. As the host, he should display some emotion, especially when selecting his "new Best friend". I really don't enjoy shows that ask people to be knocked down, hit with objects, or eat things for money. There are a lot of game shows to choose from and this one seems vaguely abusive. I can't recommend it
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Badland (I) (2019)
Mediocre at best
19 April 2020
The inclusion of an Oscar winner and a two-time Oscar nominee can't save this sad production. The dialog is slow and can't decide whether to be period or modern. The action is cliched and every turn is easily expected. Nothing here is creative or exciting. There are so many good Westerns to watch. Don't bother with this one.
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