
5 Reviews
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Love & Anarchy (2020–2022)
Déjà vu?
29 December 2021
This show is interesting and made me think to a French movie from 2003, titled "Jeux d'Enfants".

The main characters play a similar games, but starting earlier in their lives, and continuing through adulthood.

The love interest between a married mature lady and a younger man is typical.

This hit home as most of men have one day or another been in love with an older lady, the so-called mother figure.

There are some side plots and while we all know there will be an affair between Sofia and Max, it does not happen to quickly and it feels natural.

All the usual ingredients are there, the complicated environment on both sides, and some other plot lines revolving around the publishing company.

The show is entertaining, and contains some surprises which make it addictive.

Especially the dare period between the two characters.

If you like this kind of challenges between men and women, I recommend the French movie Jeux D'enfants.

I will happily watch Season 2 if it ever comes out.
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So you thought the plot is unrealistic? preposterous? not so fast...
13 March 2021
I have perused through the reviews, and one general idea that came out was the plot is unrealistic.

Why? after all, Doctor Foster is a respected physician, and as such, completely unlikely prone to the kind of behavior depicted in this show.

While I accept that some of her actions are often associated with male, women that have been hurt can exhibit some of the obsessive compulsive reactions we see here. Something nobody, not even themselves would have imagined possible.

I am going to give a single example of such person. Search the Internet for Jodie Arias. You will find out what someone who feels deceived is capable of. And do not think it is an isolated case.

I have personally experienced the wrath of ladies who felt they were unfairly treated. Fortunately, in the vast majority of the cases, people move on. But I have been surprised by how some people could react with completely unexpected destructive actions.

Doctor Foster becomes a raving lunatic because she is unable to accept the deception she is faced with. She actually leads herself in a down spiral by refusing to admit it. She goes through several states of emotion, including the desire to be reassured that it was all a fling, and some sort of normality would prevail. When her hope for normalization miserably fails, she seems to lose touch with reality, and goes from Doctor Foster to Doctor Jekyll. Those personality changes can happen. As I said above, we are sometimes completely oblivious to what we are capable to do until we have circumstances acting as a compelling trigger.

To sum it up, I believe Doctor Foster accurately describes such a situation that we could face in extreme conditions. The acting is extremely tight, especially Foster.

I found the show enjoyable to watch, even if it was difficult at times. There were some incoherence, mainly Foster's colleagues at the practice. I do not believe they would have forgotten about being bound to secrecy with their patients. That did not really made sense to me.

Doctor Foster's destructive behavior was though!
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Subtle, intense, full of innuendo, not just another variation around a stereotype!
1 February 2021
The main actors are impeccable in the rendition of their respective characters. While we would expect it from a star of Lambert Wilson's caliber, Diane Rouxel is extremely credible in her portraying of the successful student with many diplomas and having lost sight of what she should be doing next.

I am older, so the French army was different then. Many of those who chose to embrace a career in it, did it for lack of better opportunities. And at the time, females were restricted to office work, if ever.

I found the depiction of the family relationship true and authentic. For having experienced it on first hand and observed and discussed it with the other recruits. Most of our parents were reluctant to have us chose the army over something "better". Most of us gave up on our sentimental lives quickly after we started training. Somehow, anything outside of the Army bubble became irrelevant.

Laure becomes entangled into her own emotions and feelings, and her motivation to get acceptance grows exponentially as the movie progresses.

Commander Rivière completely incarnates the gruff officer, ironclad and intransigent with everybody, himself included. Trying to hide some emotions that he perceives as weaknesses. We are surprised by his actions all the way to the end.

Obviously, not everything is perfect. This a budget limited movie. The "commando" training is much more demanding than what we are led to believe. Diane Rouxel's body hasn't got the muscles necessary to even attempt it. Mentally, I have seen ladies with the same "go getting" and more than male counterparts. However, part of being in a commando implies that you carry weapons and ammunition with you. This makes it a physical impossibility for someone who is said to weight only 120 lbs. Anyone of you who did the military knows how heavy ammunition is. Once it ends in your backpack, you have to take it with you, as with your main and reserve weapon. Even men with strong built struggle.

The fraternity that military people embrace is also shown, and the aggressive and competitive spirit there is when you do specialty training. This is something I lived to.

I recommend this movie. It does not let down and you get surprised to discover it is a little unknown gem in its own domain.
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Lehiyot Ita (2013–2021)
Although initially unasuming, this Rom-Com turns out to be riveting!!
19 December 2020
As others have reported, this is addicting. I watched the two seasons in two days, back to back, and I only regret there isn't another one, or more ready to go.

First, I liked the fact that it is in hebrew. Not that I speak or understand it, but it is much more authentic this way.

The writing is misleading, because we think we know what is going to happen right from the first episode, but as it turns out, we get wrong each time we thought we had it figured out.

I spent 10 years of my life in Sicily, and I have to say that the depiction of the groom's family is on point! everything show there is applicable and very close to the truth.

My favorite character is Eden/Daniela; I really bought into her undivided passion of an overachiever. Again, I did not see her coming at all either.

I think the character who is the least credible is the brother. Again, taking the Sicilian model as example, he would not have done some of what he has. Other than that, he really acted the part. To me, he was more Napolitan than Sicilian.

I am going to watch both seasons again, to absorb some of the details I most likely missed.

I am very impressed with the author, and I am really hopeful he is actively writing the next season.
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An issue which is becoming very common nowadays
5 September 2008
I enjoyed this movie, because it exposed some of the reality in today's life. The movie is simple and easy going. You already know what is going to happen and you will not be surprised when it does happen. However, how the two characters will deal with the issue is the real question. I am seeing these same situations develop everywhere. Younger women seek love with seasoned men, and I am not talking about the carnal aspect of the search. Several of my colleagues have now married several decades younger ladies. They have taken it all, kids, past, no past. And they seem to be doing very well too. This movie treats of the questions one has to front when starting such a relationship. The movie ends without telling us what will be next, but we can all think about it as it suits our imagination. I recommend this movie, I spent a very good moment. It is no blockbuster, but it is refreshing. Mellow and romantic lessons included too.
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