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Nana (2006–2007)
Breaks your heart
13 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I fell in love with Nana just a couple of episodes into the show. It was beautiful, and more complex and mature than most other animes I've come across. It's hard to not fall for the two main protagonists. And it's hard to choose between them. Both have their own flaws, and their own strengths. Each might seem to be the polar opposite of the other, but both our Nanas love each other, and get along perfectly, contrary to our expectations. And the love they have for each other makes the viewers fall for them even deeper.

All the characters are well-written. Each has a backstory that's revealed in bits and parts as the anime progresses. And none of the side-characters FEEL like side-characters even with the lack of screen time because they're all so well-written and complex and real enough. And all their lives turn out to be more interconnected than we'd expect.

Each episode leaves you wanting more. The story gets more intricate amd complex, untill you find yourself staring at one glorious mess of a plot.

And then, perhaps, it goes downhill. You'd expect for character development. You'd think the strong flawed characters you fell in love with will atleast not give in without a fight. But they just disappoint you, in a way. Miscommunication, the tension of hurtful words once said, the absence of understanding between the characters, the lack of effort on their parts to mend things, everything results in a lonely bitter mood towards the end of the anime.

Nobody expected this to be a fairytale. Nobody assumed there'd be a happy ending. But... The ending was too heart-breaking. It shows the characters settling for the bitter surprises life throws at them. Accepting bad outcomes. Not properly trying to fix anything. Not even in the name of love, or friendship, or for the sake of old sweet memories they made together.

Basically, according to me, it was a story where "nobody lived happily ever after." But perhaps, if the manga is continued, we might get a more satisfying ending. Nevertheless, I am so glad I watched this series. It's beautiful in a way I never thought anything could be. And it strikes closest to home. Being as realistic, and imperfect, as the ending is...
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