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Black Privilege (2019 TV Movie)
the award goes to the gayest assassin i have ever seen..
15 July 2019
I found it entertaining, its one of those movies where your like omg how long is this movie it feels like its been on for hours and 15 min has passed, only for it to end and your like wait is that it i was expecting more.

This film feels like it was supposed to be either longer or come in multiple parts. Im sad to say, i dont think the story will continue because most people wont even care and just write this off as a bad movie that has horrible storytelling. If Netflix doesn't get support for it we'll most likely never see what happens cause the ending is missing, as well as a lot of the story-line.

While i've seen longer run times on and much better plots on kids cartoons i dont think it was a complete waste of my life that i will never get back, i kind enjoyed it.
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