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I Love You... But I Lied: Adopted/Caught (2015)
Season 1, Episode 1
28 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
So basically this woman from a small town who gave up a child for adoption when she was 14 relocated to NYC and is now 35, she met a guy that she thought was 28 and brought him out to meet her sister because she thought they were getting serious, the bartender asks the guy for ID and it shows he's not 28 but 21. The 35 year old gets upset that she was lied to and runs out leaving the sister with the mans ID. The woman starts getting upset in a NYC street saying this guy lied to her and he said when we met we really hit it off and if I told you I was 21 would you have gone out with me to which she replies no. So now it jumps to the next day and they talk and she says that she doesn't know if she wants to see him because he is too young and she is looking to settle down and have a family (when she was 14 she gave a child up for adoption) and she feels he's too young to commit to that but he insists he wants the same things and they make up. Later that day the 35 year old goes to her sisters house and they talk about what happened oh I forgot to mention the 21 year old was adopted. So the 35 year old tells her sister did you see his ID to which the sister says yes. The sister says I was so upset because I really love him and was so upset he is so young. The sister points out the bigger problem is that the man was born on the same day the 35 year olds son was born and since they came from the same small town he was probably the son she gave up for adoption.

The 35 year old doesn't want to believe that and continues to see the 21 year old but he senses something is wrong and she finally tells him that her son was born on the same day and what are the chances that 2 baby boys could have been born and given up for adoption on the same day in such a small town so she is upset. The 21 year old is upset too but says it's just a coincidence but they agree for peace of mind to have a DNA test. So now a few days later their relationship is in limbo and then the 35 year old gets the DNA results in the mail. The results state that he isn't her son and they are relieved but it seems like their relationship has changed.

Fast forward to 6 months later and we find out that they haven't been seeing each other but now 6 months later they decide to meet up. The 35 year old asks the guy if he has been dating and he says no and she says neither has she because she couldn't stop think about him and really loves him, he says he loves her too and they agree to give their relationship a try.

Now here we think that the story ends and just wonder if the age difference will eventually be a problem when the guy appears on the screen and tells the audience that he's been keeping a secret because he was so freaked out about the fact that this woman could be his mother that he didn't use his own DNA sample but gave her his friends.

Moral of the story he is most likely her biological son and now they are dating again and will possibly have children together.

I have to admit I didn't see that coming but the show says that all these stories are true stories just with the names and locations changed so I felt a little sick after seeing that. The sex was that good that this guy has no problem potentially being with his own mother and that just makes you feel sick..
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Wild Bill (2019)
This show shouldn't have been cancelled
17 December 2023
This was a good show and each episode was unique. It had an American take over a police force and that alone made for interesting viewing. Each episode showed a little more about Bill and his relationship with his daughter, new love and new colleagues beside the crime solved in each episode. It also had a foreign bad guy that had some hold over powerful people. Because this was a slow burn it left so many unanswered questions which I assume they did with the hope of getting a second season and it was disappointing that they never got to finish telling the story. It's still worth watching as it will keep you guessing who the murderer was and what their reasoning was but it's a shame the show ended prematurely.
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I really wanted to like this but the daughters acting is terrible
20 July 2023
Raylan acts the same way he did when he was on Justified and he's always good but the script isn't as good as the original but the daughter just can't act. Her voice is even more annoying than her acting if you can believe that. With so many young seasoned actors out there I can't understand how his daughter was the first choice. As for the character it seems unrealistic that with Raylan being Willas father and her by the book mother that the child would turn out so uncouth and disrespectful. In the very beginning for a minute you don't know if the daughter is a perpetrator or his daughter because he's taking her to what seems to be a mandatory camp for juvenile delinquents. We all wanted to see what Raylan has been up to and Timothy Olyphant never disappoints but from what I've seen in the first two episodes they should have left us with the memory of the original show. If my opinion changes I will update the review after the season ends.
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Murder in Provence (2022– )
Why is it set in France?
29 June 2023
I love Lady Felicia from Father Brown and was pleased to see her playing the lead in Murder in Provence and liked the crime stories but hated that they are in France and everyone speaks English. The worst part is all the people have French names and British accents. I don't understand why a Judge is roaming around like a detective and the Police are relying on him and his psychologist girlfriend to investigate and solve the cases. Judges are brought evidence not sent out to collect it. In the third episode another Father Brown actor appears and it was lovely to see him on screen again. Overall it is a good crime mystery.
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Good Cop (2012)
27 June 2023
GOOD COP, SERIES FINALE, BBC ONE Vigilante policeman reaps karmic whirlwind in delayed conclusion

It was tough luck for Good Cop that the real-life killing of two female police officers in Manchester prompted the BBC to postpone its fourth and final episode, judging that its plotline of rookie cop Amanda Morgan acting as bait for a couple of knife-wielding thugs who preyed on women was too near the knuckle. This intrusion of headline events into the progress of the drama was also somewhat paradoxical, since while Good Cop presented some of the common symptoms of the mainstream policier, these were blended with an unusual mixture of morality play and psychological speculation.

This lent the piece a broody and philosophical air, in which the nuts and bolts of policing in Liverpool (the daily station routines, banter between officers, friction between the uniformed and detective branches etc) frequently faded into the background as we zoomed in on the internal conflicts of the protagonist, John Paul Rocksavage. Perhaps giving him a name like that, which is at least one syllable too long and sounds like a hatstand for all sorts of metaphorical baggage, was writer Stephen Butchard's way of telling us that Rocksavage wasn't one Good Cop so much as a device for addressing a portfolio of questions about what the police are for and what we expect from them.

Rocksavage, played with skill and soulfulness by Warren Brown, certainly had plenty on his plate. He was looking after his terminally ill dad at home (played with Ringo Starr-esque Scouse laconicness by Michael Angelis), while catastrophically failing to come to terms with the collapse of his relationship with the ominously-named Cassandra (Aisling Loftus, pictured above). His Good Cop attributes had earned him several professional commendations - he was efficient, brave and showed plenty of initiative - but the brutal killing of his partner Andy by a bunch of low-lifes led by the loathsome Finch (a genuinely scary performance from Stephen Graham) had tipped him from being a diligent public servant into Merseyside's Dirty Harry, exacting vigilante vengeance with a gun because lumbering police bureaucracy was proving utterly unfit for the purpose of reeling in the perps.

Boosted by a cast displaying impressive strength in depth, from Kevin Harvey's Sergeant Middleton and Mark Womack's abrasive DCI Costello to Kerry Hayes's Amanda and Christine Tremarco as Rocksavage's part-time lover Justine, Good Cop lured you into feeling twinges of sympathy for Rocksavage, even if it became increasingly incredible that Costello & co still hadn't worked out that he was the one bumping off his partner's killers. Similarly implausible was the way Rocksavage smoothly juggled the frankly incompatible demands of being both an implacable assassin and a dependable form-filling copper duty-bound to follow procedure, though the strain began to tell as the body count rose.

In this concluding instalment, police regulations meant that he was ordered give up on his high-speed pursuit of the women-attackers on their motorbike just when he was about to nudge them into a fatal accident. "What's the fucking point?" raged Rocksavage, who, aided by a tipoff from loveable car thief Kyle (Shaun Mason), duly popped out with his pistol to finish the job properly. However, this time the karmic backlash caught him at full blast as he accidentally shot the hapless Kyle, who'd blundered into his sights at precisely the wrong moment. A cynic might argue that the story had merely boiled down to the bathetic moral that murdering people, even if they are evil bastards, is a Bad Thing with dire consequences. Possibly, but a fistful of subtle performances and richly evocative use of melancholy Merseyside landscapes made Good Cop feel more substantial than that.
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Causality (2021)
So this is what happens
24 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A woman is waiting for an internet date to arrive at a bar and after and hour she contacts him to say she's leaving. A homeless man comes by and takes her picture distracting her while someone else puts a date rape drug in her drink. I should mention that every year for the last 10 years someone calls her phone on November 27th and doesn't say anything and today is November 27th. After the woman walks away she passes out and the homeless man puts her in his shopping cart and takes her to a hospital down the block. They picked the bar because it was on the corner of the hospital. For 1 1/2 hours you see a cast of about 8 in this dilapidated hospital get up to weird stuff like security guards yelling at nurses and just stupid things. The woman who the homeless man brought in disappears because someone is scrubs puts a wig and shawl on her and takes her. For 1 1/2 hours this nurse is looking for her with no help from security. We find the woman chained to a chair and restrained. She breaks out of the arm and leg restraints but has a chain around her ankle so she can't leave. She finds a draw with pictures of herself, one Polaroid for every year on the 27th of November. The woman stabs a doctor who she thinks locked her up and then another man goes into the room and asks her what she did. Then a timer goes off and we see a video of the woman knocking a woman down with her car and leaving the scene of the accident. That woman was the wife of the man that captured her . His wife was pregnant. The man the woman stabbed was a Doctor who the wife was brought to after the accident but he was drunk and didn't save her. So the plan was to kill both these people. When security guards arrive the man holds the woman's hands (she is holding a scissor) and screams that she is trying to kill him like the Doctor on the floor and the security shoots her dead. Such a waste of two hours.
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This movie is terrible
23 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I just realized I only write a review when a movie or TV series is bad or terrible . I think because when I find a movie so bad I look up the reviews to see if I am the only one. Truthfully toward the end I felt like this was a Christian movie when're forgiveness and God is mentioned like an episode of David and Goliath, for example the wife that was cheated on goes to the mistresses house and says that her husband is a great Father and that's why she forgives him for cheating on her and tries to talk to the mistress about parental rights. I should mention here that the baby's Father never met him nor did his wife but when the woman is found dead the wife shows up and an older woman is holding the baby and the wife walks towards them and the older lady says to the baby look who's here and then hands her the baby and they walk to the car, no social services, no taking the baby to the hospital for a check up like normal procedure no nothing just handing the baby over to a stranger. After that the Father is with his wife and his two other children on the pier pointing to a church and talking about God and the movie ends. I suppose this was the scene where they were going to tell the children about their new brother.

Here's one of the very many stupid parts of the movie. In the movie and not real life although they say this is based on the true story a man leaves a bag of drugs in the woman's car. Now mind you just before he does that a man gave him the bag and said don't lose this your life is in this bag and continued to say do you understand me if anything happens to it you will pay with your life. So the next scene obviously this man is going to leave the bag in the mother's car. Then they go back to her house to retrieve the bag with drugs and one of the men kills the woman. Now instead of taking the bag of drugs out of the car the man who stabbed her just goes back into his car and the man who lost the bag takes the baby from the car and puts him in the house and then leaves. The whole point of their visit was to get the bag of drugs yet both of the criminal masterminds leave the bag there? They killed for the drugs but didn't take them???? This movie is absurd. They didn't develop many of the characters and it was hard to understand their relationship to each other. .

Finally, the acting was terrible. I honestly can't believe anyone was paid to act in this. This is honestly the worst acting I have ever seen. Was a requirement to be hired to work on this film was to find the worst actors? It's baffling.
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
50 years from now people will still be watching this
28 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I can honestly say this is one of the best shows I've ever seen if not the best. This is one of the only series I've ever watched more than once. The acting and writing is so good it captivates you. Even though I already saw it I am on the edge of my seat during several scenes like the scene when Gus kills Victor, I know the outcome but the tension is built up so incredibly that you find yourself memorized. I was lucky enough not to watch it until the series had already ended because I couldn't wait to see the next episode and would have been annoyed if I had to wait. I love Bryon Cranston in everything he has been in. I can't think of any other series that comes close to this except for Six Feet Under, The Sopranos and of course Better Call Saul.
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The Pregnancy Promise (2023 TV Movie)
15 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Lucy (Macy Jacob) is the secondary protagonist/redeemed villainess from the 2023 Lifetime film, The Pregnancy Promise (airdate May 11, 2023).

Lucy is the best friend of main protagonist Skye Simmons, with the film establishing that she spends a lot of time with the Simmons family, mainly to get away from her mother, Tracey. In addition, Lucy was also in a relationship with Skye's brother, Aaron Simmons, and it resulted in Lucy becoming pregnant with his child. Skye later became pregnant after a tryst with her boyfriend, Jake Dawson, leaving Lucy pleased that she and her best friend would be pregnant together. However, Skye would be subjected from cyberbullying and harassment at school, with Lucy suspecting the school's head cheerleader, Brooke, of being the culprit.

In a stunning surprise, Jake's search for the IP address behind the messages led to Skye discovering that the culprit behind the cyberbullying was none other than Lucy. A confrontation with Lucy at her house ended up revealing everything; Lucy had been focused on wanting to spend more time with Skye after their high school graduation, though Skye was planning to go off to college, while Tracey was forcing Lucy to go to work after graduation. After becoming pregnant herself, Lucy turned heel by sabotaging Skye's birth control pills, doing so by replacing them with her mother's pills, which resulted in Skye's pregnancy. In addition, Lucy sent the bullying messages as part of her twisted plan to increase their bond as pregnant teens.

Lucy confessed to the sabotage and the bullying messages, admitting to planning their pregnancies and voicing her desire to be with Skye, who later accused her of the harassment towards her family--which had been occurring throughout most of the film. Lucy denied harassing Skye's family, and despite their friendship suffering due to Lucy's revelation, it was repaired in the film's climax when Skye was suddenly abducted, and found Lucy tied up in the same place. The climax revealed that Tracey committed the abductions, as she had been planning to blackmail the Simmons family out of jealousy over Lucy's adoration for them, with Lucy revealing Tracey's heel turn to Skye. The fully redeemed Lucy, after being freed by Jake and Diane Simmons (along with Skye), confronted Tracey and managed to talk her down from attempting to kill Diane, and the film ended with Lucy giving birth to a baby girl, named Emma.
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Ordinary Lies (2015–2016)
Good but a little disappointing
4 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Season 1 introduces the viewers to various characters at a car dealership but Season 2 picks up with all new characters in a sporting goods warehouse. Season 1 had many continuing stories so one would expect it to continue. A husband that was missing finally came home after a year and a half in the last episode and his wife started a new relationship with her boss so we wanted to see how that panned out and I assumed the story would pick up in Season 2. Another story had two co worker's go away and become drug mules and one got caught and the other one came back and continued to work at the dealership then she found out that the co worker that had gotten caught was being transferred to a prison in the UK and she was taking a week off to go and see her. We wanted to see what happened next but then all of a sudden the next season starts off with new storylines. One man cheated on his wife and had a six year old as a result and his wife was about to find out and then nothing they just start new stories with new characters. I haven't watched Season 2 yet but I suspect at the end there will be a few stories that don't get resolved.
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This show is getting more preposterous by the episode
8 April 2023
Where to begin, when did Nikki become lead detective on every case??? Whenever Nikki miraculously finds clues all the detectives miss half the time she runs to investigate them before informing the Police and always seems to solve the case. In this episode while looking for forensic evidence in an apartment she sees a menu and deduces by the logo that the moped she has seen near by could be involved in the murder. Of course just at that moment someone decides to come back for the moped and takes off. What's even more stupid is Nikki asks a detective how long she has been doing her job because she is over 50 if she's a day and she says 3 years ago she was teaching math and this is her mid life crisis. In what world do you go from being a math teacher to a plain clothes detective in 3 years???? You wouldn't even be eligible to take the sergeants exam. Nikki is so frustrating because she is always too involved in everything and refuses to accept no as an answer even if she put her life and others at risk ie Mexico. I am all for diversity and people with disabilities being portrayed but come on Clarissa speakers fluent Japanese besides knows everything about everything and is the only one in a healthy long term relationship? This show was a lot better when Sam was the lead, this show is supposed to be like Quincy M. D. not Nikki the magnificent.
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Beni Affet (2011–2018)
Dragged out stories
20 November 2022
Every story is sooooo dragged out and illogical. Characters don't ask the next question any sane person would ask in any given situation in order to drag out the drama and it's ridiculous. Ferdie says the same thing over and over again for 50 episodes and has the same expression on her face. Handan is constantly lurking in the background in a shot or following someone but never seems to get caught and she also forces herself on Beret and he just accepts it. It's ridiculous. They also do the long pause after something is revealed. The woman who plays the housekeeper is a very good actress and very believable but the others are mediocre at best. Only watch if you are extremely bored and keep the remote close by to fast forward Ferdie crying about the same thing in most of her scenes. What kind of woman would repeatedly go back to a house with the same story when she keeps getting humiliated and thrown to the ground when she is thrown out. Watch Ezel if you want to watch an excellent TV series.
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Missing Mom (2016)
You have to fast forward to one hour
16 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
They act like the Mother is missing like something bad could have happened to her or she just walked off and then an hour later you find out her parents disliked her and took custody of her children and she didn't want them to, they bullied her into giving up her kids and that made her take off. Her parents are vile and the Grandmother was getting legal papers for them to sign to give up custody so why are they acting like they don't know why she took off. She left because her Mother took her children and she do want to put up with dealing with her vicious Mother. I think the Mother always knew where the daughter was and when Rob got closer to finding Terri her Mother sent Rob the number. Their family is messed up. I don't agree with the Mother taking off but her Mother was manipulative and controlling.
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Yago (2016)
I was baffled by the ending !!!!SPOILERS!!!!
26 October 2022
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Why would Yago get back with the girl that got him sent to prison and forgive another friend that was the shooter? Then the most ridiculous part is that after all that Yago commits suicide when the girl dies. How could Yago leave his parents after all he put them through? And we are supposed to believe that he would leave his son without a parent after he fought to see him. It makes no sense. Then the very end leaves it open to interpretation where you have to decide if the lead Yago really killed him self. So many people say the light house signifies the after life. How a man could get back with a woman who got him sent to prison for money is beyond me. Yago was tortured and abused for 8 years and was innocent. Good story but horrible ending.
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This movie is ridiculous
20 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The premise of this movie is insane. A woman starts a women's only retreat that you have to commit to staying at for 3 months and pay a hefty price for the privilege. Once you are in the compound you find out you can't leave. The woman running it makes it like a work camp and if you don't do your chores you are locked in a room that the owner calls confinement. The camp is basically a prison. Then we find out that people go missing and are sold in human trafficking. The owner tells a mother that if she wants to leave she can but she can't come back and that she can't take her 17 year old daughter unless the girl wants to leave. No one would get away with this and this place would have been shut down and the woman who runs it would have been in jail for many years. It's very scary and sad to see a woman preying on other vulnerable women.
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Tunnelen (2019)
This movie was terrible
11 October 2022
The main characters were boring. The Father trying to move on with his life and the daughter being a brat at what looks to be at least 17 years old was stupid. I don't understand why other then the drivers the other people just didn't leave the tunnel. I would have instructed anyone in my car to continue on foot and when the tunnel opened I would pick them up. I hate tunnels so I wouldn't want to be stuck there not knowing when we were getting out. After a half an hour I would have to try to escape. It's sad seeing movies like this when you know this is a true story and so many people didn't make it out alive.
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