
6 Reviews
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DC's Legends of Tomorrow (2016–2022)
Getting better and better
1 August 2020
Didnt enjoy this show at all in The beginning, had the show at a rating of 4. But at season 4 it started improving, and especially season 5 has been hilarious. If they keep this up, its definetly gonna be a rating of 7. Best series in The arrowverse without a doubt now when arrow has ended.
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Absolutely zero substance
12 April 2020
Extremely shallow guys, even more shallow girls...Bad actors, extremely bad story. Oh, you be bad kid, off to Japan. Oh, still being bad? Well, you are the hero so it doesnt matter. The Only thing keeping this from being a 1 is the production value...
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Viking (2016)
Did I watch a different movie?
9 July 2019
I really do not understand the rating and the hate for this movie. Is it because it was made by a russian and they speak russian in the movie? I can understand if thats the case, the hate for everything russian is strong in the world, and the language can be quite off putting. I had a bit of a hard time trying to remember the russian names...

BUT, this movie is really great. Definetly looks like a lot of money has been put into it. It definetly looks very authentic and realistic. I have no idea how historically correct this movie is with the story since I dont really know anything about Vladimir, but there are so many other things that would compensate for it. The fighting scenes for example are excellent. Never seen so realistic fights in a "viking" movie, not even in the show Vikings. It is also really nice to see that they make a good use of spears in this movie, which very rarely happens in viking movies, despite being the most cammon weapon.

I found the story exciting and there were not many dull moments in this movie, despite it being quite long. As a Swede it was also really nice to hear some swedish in this movie, and to see the swedish actor Joakim Nätterqvist, who played the swedish templar Arn in the movies about Arn.

I feel this movie is a strong 8, especially when you compare it to other "viking" movies the last decade. Like "Viking Legacy", "Viking Quest", "Viking the berserkers", "Vikingdom", "Northmen - A Viking Saga" etc. Those movies are a complete joke compared to this movie. Worse acting, worse dialogs, worse story, worse realism, worse budget etc.

I would definetly recommend you to give this movie a chance instead of trusting the rating and the reviews of this movie. They are absolutely not fair against this movie according to me.
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Could have been quite good
8 July 2019
Lets start off with the positive things about this movie. Visually this movie is really stunning. The camera man did an awesome job. Nice looking environments, and most of the gear. The fighting scenes are actually really good compared to many other movies. Its a faced paced movie, which is nice. Pretty much no slow moments at all in it. Really action packed. If this was a silent movie, I would probably have rated this 7 instead of a 4.

So whats the bad parts? The story is quite weak. And illogical. And not that interesting. The acting is also not that great unfortunately, despite several seasoned actors. Might have been the directors fault though... But worst of all, the main reason this movie only gets a 4 from me is the dialogs. The dialogs in this movie is just a 1 or 2 out of 10. They are horrible and cringworthy, ALL of them. They kind of destroys the movie.

With some tweaks to the story, better directing and completely rewritten dialogues this movie could easily have gotten an 8/10, because it looks really good, and never really gets boring.
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Why is not good?
7 July 2019
This is a very short movie, but for some reason it seemed very, very long. After 30 minutes it felt as I had watched it for 90 minutes. I really cant tell why, but this film couldnt keep my interest up at all. I was pretty much just waiting for it to be over. And Im not sure why. Because its not a terrible movie by any means, it's just not interesting at all. So a little warning, you might enjoy it though, since I cant even tell why I didnt like this movie. Except for a weak story that is.
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Definetly entertaining
7 July 2019
I was quite surprised by this movie since I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Pretty good story, some surprising events, and actually quite some nice battles for a movie this old. The acting is also quite good, and Boris Karloff makes an excellent creepy henchman. There are some inaccurate historical stuff though, but that is kinda excpected after all. Definetly a strong 7 from me
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