
1 Review
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Gave me courage for Puberty!!
25 August 2001
In 1960 I was a 13-year-old boy, undergoing the initial fires of puberty, pimply and awkward and ugly (well, STILL ugly), when I saw this movie. BONG!! Immediately wanted to BE Steve Reeves. Thought if I saw the movie enough times, I might metamorphose. Sigh. For me, this was THE Steve Reeves movie - didn't see "Hercules" till much later. Thrilled with the music, too, I wrote a letter to the studio (amateurishly addressed to "Hollywood") asking if an album was available. A few weeks later, a copy of the soundtrack album arrived, gratis! That album was damaged in a house fire, but the cover, a photo of the lead actress in arms-raised dancing pose (underarm hair!?!) is still largely intact. I dream of seeing this movie again before I die!!!! Pleeeeese, powers that be, DVD it for me!!
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