
14 Reviews
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No Way Up (2024)
Decent Movie
19 February 2024
After reading the reviews I just had to see this movie to see if it was as bad as so many stated. Turns out it was decent and deserved a watch. Makes me wonder just how many decent movies I've missed because I relied on the reviews of others who apparently expect each movie they review to be an Oscar winner or it isn't worth watching. Needless to say, I will be considering a lot more movies in the future and relying less on the reviews. I also wonder if the people giving bad reviews have some sort of agenda? I would hate to think so but nowadays just about anything is possible. Anyway, enjoy the movie and if not, consider your expectations maybe need adjustment.
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12 January 2024
The actors were good and it was nice seeing Kurt Russell but the main star of the movie was missing... Godzilla. At least, Godzilla should have been the main star but except for about 30 seconds in the last episode Godzilla was MIA. It's never a good sign when you find yourself yawning during a movie. If the actors had been subpar I would have rated this series a one star. It looks like there is the possibility for a second season. If it follows along the same lines as the first season my recommendation is... don't bother. I certainly won't be watching a second season unless they can assure me it will be a monster series and not a drama. It could have been so much better.
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Like One Long Video Game
23 May 2023
And, I do mean LONG. I like a good fight scene but this was too much. Also, there were many instances that were simply unbelievable. If John is supposed to be a fantasy creature who can survive that which would kill any other human then so be it but I thought he was supposed to be human. I rated this movie three stars because of the quality actors and I like it when they don't put something together cheaply. So, if you can disregard all the improbability and just enjoy constant fighting you'll probably enjoy this movie. I prefer more substance and I don't play video games so there you have it.
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House of the Dragon (2022– )
Wasn't Impressed
21 August 2022
Not as good as GoT but I didn't expect it to be. I'm hoping it gets better. I'll continue to watch, at least, for the time being.

I know looks shouldn't matter but they do. I miss Emilia Clarke who not only looks much better than the daughter but seems to be a much better actor.

Action scenes were good as was the gore but otherwise I found myself looking at the clock. Not a good sign especially for the first episode.

So, I gave it a five in hopes of it improving. Had it been a movie I probably would have given it a four, maybe even a three.
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Very Sad
4 May 2022
Sad because it was boring and sad because it will be one of Bruce's last movies. I hate to think many will judge him on this movie and others like it. He doesn't have much of a part in it but he does well for what he has to work with. I actually found myself nodding off several times. That in itself is sad for a so-called action movie.
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Stay Home... Read a Good Book
24 December 2021
I suppose if I were a gamer I would have probably enjoyed this movie since there was plenty of action but then again, maybe not. It's a long movie and constant fighting just gets boring. Besides, if you're into the martial arts you know that these choreographed fight scenes are more like dancing than anything related to real self-defense. Because I like Keanu I gave the movie a 2 but that's the only reason. Stay home... read a good book.
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Loki (2021–2023)
14 July 2021
I suppose if I were 10 years old or younger I would find this series entertaining much like a Looney Tunes cartoon. At least it has real actors with the exception of the clock thing. Having seen all six episodes all I can say is... meh. I'll give it a three for pretty colors. If it has a second season maybe it will be better but I won't know as I won't be watching it.
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The Ice Road (2021)
Excellent Action Film
26 June 2021
Glad I didn't take the advice of all the naysayers on here. Plenty of action and, no, it won't get an Oscar but it was fun and well worth a view.
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Possessor (2020)
Made it through the first 30 minutes and for that...
23 June 2021
... I deserve a medal.

You know how you can tell the moment a movie starts and it just shouts at you "CHEAP"! Then, as it continues you start to question what anyone saw in this movie that deserved more than one star. To be fair, I didn't watch the whole movie so maybe it improved dramatically but I doubt it. A lot of people seem to have liked it so maybe you'll be one of them. If so, I'm happy for you. We all have different tastes.
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Locked In (I) (2021)
Decent Movie
18 May 2021
I love it when reviewers think they are knowledgeable about what makes a good movie, acting, etc. They think you can't be a good critic unless you nit-pic about every little issue and give it a thumbs down. This is not a great movie but it's worth watching. The acting was fine. Those who say it was unbelievable are probably the same ones who have no problem watching cars turn into robots. I have to wonder how many good movies I've missed in the past because I read someone's review who didn't have a clue.
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The Fugitive (2020)
Decent Action Series/Movie
19 August 2020
Yes, it was stupid to make 14 eight minute episodes. It would have been better to make it into a single movie. So, do what I did and gather the episodes together and watch them one right after the other. It's a decent action series/movie and Kiefer Sutherland does a good job of being a real A**Hole of a cop. Worth a watch.
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Utter Garbage
5 April 2020
I've been seeing a trend towards garbage like this. Seems writers feel the only way to be noticed is to come up with silliness that even a child of seven would find beneath them. Have to give credit to the actors, however. They did their best. Why they would accept a script like this is a mystery, though. I guess good work is hard to find. Anyway, just had to give my view and a warning to stay away from this poor excuse for a movie. I would recommend, "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" over this one. Consider yourself warned.
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Itsy Bitsy (II) (2019)
1 September 2019
I'm not a horror fan. If I were I'd probably give this movie a seven. Good special effects. I was especially satisfied with the acting of the children. As with many such movies there are implausibles that go against known science but are necessary for the movie to work. I won't mention what they are as to not give anything away. Not as good as "Arachnophobia" but worth a view.
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Game of Thrones (2011–2019)
Short and Sweet
11 June 2019
I'll make this short and sweet. I just finished watching all 8 seasons and would rate this series the best of any I've seen. For people to say they were disappointed with season 8 makes me wonder. Is it because not all the characters ended with a happy ending? To me, that made the series just that much better. If you haven't seen this series do as I did and watch all eight seasons over a period of a couple of weeks. There is so much going on that to wait a week between each episode would make it hard to keep track of all that's going on.
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