
3 Reviews
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Christine (1983)
My review of Christine
3 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Of all the movie's i've seen that involve cars (only cars) driving by themselves, Christine takes the cake. I love this movie and I too think that it's neat how 'she' can fix herself. I think they should make a sequel even though Stephen king never wrote a second Christine book because at the end when she is crushed into a cube, she slowly starts to fix herself. Anyway, great movie, great car, great acting. For those of you who who enjoy motor vehicles and horror movies or horror movie involving vehicles like I do, this is the movie for you. Overall, this is one of john carpenter's greatest horror film's that he has ever made in his career.
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Twister (I) (1996)
Best Tornado Movie Ever!!!
22 April 2006
All I can say is this might always be the best movie about tornadoes in the history and future of movies, but what do I know. I once heard they were going to make a sequel, but i was then disappointed when I found out there wasn't going to be one. On the soundtrack my favorites song was Van Halen's 'Humans Being', recently I found out that the song's Dusty listens to in his bus aren't on the soundtrack. There's a museum in Wakita, OK (which is where the movie pretty much revolves around) dedicated to the movie. Here's a link That's not all You can also visit the actual farm in which the final scenes of Twister was filmed, here's a link about it.
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Tornado! (1996 TV Movie)
Not Better Than Twister
22 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I love this movie, but i think twister is a hundred times better, but this is good for a TV movie about tornadoes. I like the action in this movie, the coincidence that it takes place in Texas which is where I live, and many other things. From what I remember, only one good view of a tornado is shown through the entire movie. in this movie, like twister, they try to put a short instrument pack that looks like an old fashion grill. inside of a tornado which i think has the same name TOTO as the actual instrument pack that was used by storm chasers bit never worked and then was replaced by TURTLES which are flat instrument packs. Owverall this was still a good movie.
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