
3 Reviews
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Must watch for any fantasy lover
5 August 2010
I won't even bore you with why this film is great. I am just here to say that I watched it with my mates tonight not expecting much and we were blown away at how it sucked us into the story. It's so well written and the acting is outstanding. How this has been poorly rated and not won any awards beats the hell out of me.

The special effects for such a low budget film were amazing, we couldn't tell if they were effects or not to start with. The locations for filming were just spot on and beautifully put together shots. The mise en scène was clearly carefully looked at and just pays off like a dream.

If you get the chance definitely check out this film!!
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Prison Break: Greatness Achieved (2008)
Season 4, Episode 9
One of the best PB episodes...
5 November 2008
Prison break season one captured many peoples attention with hooks and gripping story lines. Much of that carried on into season 2. Then came season 3 which in all honesty was a little bit of a let down but season 4 has picked up and this episode touches the heart.

They have made you care a lot about the characters and play on those feelings to the extent that i was shaking at the end of this episode. Characters you hated you feel for deeply and see past they're awful side.

If you are a PB fan you can't not watch this episode. As i said in the title it is one of the best episodes.

P.S if you didn't know, Prison break rules!!! :D
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Prison Break: Go (2006)
Season 1, Episode 21
amazing, keeps you on the edge of your seat
10 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I've been hooked on prison break since the beginning and every single episode is amazing and makes you want to see the next. But when i knew the next one was the one for there escape i couldn't wait, and when it came i was blown off my seat. Basic story line for this episode is that Michael tapes up pope into a wardrobe making him call off the search for belic, they all meet in his cell and go into the pipes, belic nearly gets found because he scraps off the tape round his mouth and starts shouting for help. But the crew get there just in time to stop him from being found and carry on to the drain pipe. They all put on their white suits as Michael dressed as belic goes into the phyc ward and sets of the fire alarm, when all the phyc's come out, the crew come out of the drain pipe and blend in with the phyc's. Michael jabs the phyc ward guard with some shot that knocks him out, they all then leave through the phyc ward to the medic room. They take out the window with a hose pipe tied to the bars, and the other end to the lift which they send down to pull the bars off. They all get over the wire except db cooper who can't and stays behind, and the fat guy snaps the wire and gets caught because the secretary finds the pope who sounds the alarms. That is just a brief over run of the episode. Hope you found it helpful. I recommend prison break to ANYONE. Best drama ever! Can't wait for the final episode.
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