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Black Ghosts (2015)
Why this is the worst movie ever created
26 July 2023
As an avid horror movie enthusiast, I have always embraced the thrilling experiences that the genre offers. However, my recent encounter with the movie that shall not be named has left me scarred and questioning the existence of any redeemable qualities in a film. This atrocity masquerading as a horror movie was an absolute abomination that brought neither fear nor entertainment but instead delivered an agonizing torture for every viewer unfortunate enough to endure it.

From the very beginning, it was evident that this movie lacked even the most basic elements of storytelling. The absence of a coherent script and meaningful dialogues stripped away any chance of creating an engaging plot or relatable characters. Instead, viewers were subjected to incomprehensible mumbo jumbo uttered in slow-motion, which only served to amplify the overall feeling of confusion and frustration.

The level of inappropriateness displayed in this film was appalling. It is one thing for a horror movie to push boundaries to evoke fear, but this production crossed every line of decency with explicit scenes. It became evident that the filmmakers relied on these cheap tactics as a desperate attempt to compensate for the complete absence of substance or true horror elements. It is utterly disrespectful to the art of cinema when a movie attempts to mask its incompetence with exploitative and tasteless content.

Moreover, the acting in this disaster can only be described as cringe-worthy. The unfortunate actors were left with nothing to work with, given the lack of any coherent direction or dialogues. Their performances seemed forced and amateurish. Such desperate attempts only served to highlight the film's desperation and ineptitude.

The pacing of the movie was nothing short of unbearable. Each passing minute felt like an excruciating eternity, and the urge to fast-forward became increasingly irresistible. The absence of any captivating or suspenseful moments left me struggling to maintain even the slightest interest in the unfolding nightmare before me. I resorted to increasing the playback speed to 2x, hoping that the suffering would end sooner, but alas, even that brought no relief.

In conclusion, this movie was an absolute catastrophe, leaving no room for doubt that it is, unequivocally, the worst movie ever created. The lack of a proper script, the inappropriateness of its content, the abysmal acting, and the agonizingly slow pace all combined to deliver a cinematic travesty of unparalleled proportions. I implore all fellow movie enthusiasts to steer clear of this monstrosity, lest you subject yourselves to a torturous experience that defiles the very essence of filmmaking.
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23 September 2022
Wow! This documentary was something else. It was something else for many reasons. It was well edited and a really interesting documentary. It gave more background information about Volkan and made a good case for him. I like what he said about his style of music. I think he can be taken seriously. His message is clear. He wanted to show the world what happens when you live life like you do. This documentary not only showed some of his background, but also showed his life as an artist. I thought this was a very solid documentary and I like what he had to say. There were quite a few scenes of him being interviewed that had the ring of authenticity to them.
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