
2 Reviews
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A bit cheesy!
18 April 2006
Run, the floods are coming! The earth is getting warmer, and everyone is having a good time in the pools that the melting ice is leaving, but they won't be having so much fun for the long. They live in a bowl, and the bowl is going to overflow with water when the sides of the bowl's burst.What can they do?Well this films about them trying to get to the top of the valley before the bowl fills up, hence the theme of the film.

A slightly boring film, i have to say, with jokes that have been made a million times before, such as, when the possum gets flung out of a tree singing 'I believe i can fly', and then crashes into a tree. Really cheesy, and soooo not funny.

This film has other sideline ongoing things while they are trying to get out of the valley, such as the sabre being afraid of water, and the wooly mammoth trying to find another wooly mammoth.

If you want my advice, buy this film if you think it would appeal to you.

Rating:6 stars.
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King Kong (2005)
A great success!
18 April 2006
In this amazing, breathtaking film, we see Carl denom, film producer extraordinaire, taking on the spooky skull island which is reality was only just a myth.He hires out a boat and a crew, and gets going.

Bits to look out for are definitely the t-rex.vs. Kong fight!The special effects are amazing.The plot line in this film is very good as well. Even though it is a re-make, they have twisted it in a certain way to make it fresh and up to date(even if it is set in 1933!) This film is no way one to miss.When i saw it the first time, i though'yeah o.k, quite a good film', but then you watch it a second time and you get all those little bits that you might of missed the first time.

Top dog! Rating:8 stars!
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