
1 Review
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Ramy (2019– )
Must-watch for Arabs in the 'West'
20 April 2019
Speaking as an Egyptian-American Muslim, I can relate to a lot of what happens on the show. I've been through similar struggles before and I'm even currently going through that same identity struggle. One of the great aspects of the show that I can't stress enough is it's authenticity. While these struggles obviously don't portray what every Muslim goes through, I have been able to relate to most of the aspects of the show through either past experiences I've been through myself or through someone else I know. From the struggles that Ramy personally experiences, or the struggles that his sister and parents deal with, they all show a truth that many of us have lived with and it's refreshing seeing this accurate depiction.

The show is obviously controversial, as it deals with the struggles a Muslim might face while trying to balance beliefs and desires. I think it deals well with the controversy by not shying away from it. Not everyone might like the way that a Muslim might be portrayed but I think it does well in showing this other side of faith and having to deal with that struggle, and that even the most devout Muslims should be able to empathize with.

Regardless, the show is extremely well done. Everyone's acting on the show is beyond incredible, and goes to show the insane amount of talent that a lot of these actors have, even characters with minor roles. The writing is a bit iffy at times, but it still does an overall incredible job and provides a perfect mix of comedy while still keeping true to the purpose of the show in beautifully showing Ramy's identity struggle. Loved the soundtrack as well!

Before watching the show I was a bit skeptical at how it would turn out, but I have been incredibly surprised. It's amazing that there's finally a show that deals with the life of a Middle Eastern person living in the 'West'. All in all though, this isn't a great show because it's the first of its kind. This is a great show because it simply is a great show. An incredible job and I can't wait to see more of either this show or similar projects in the future.
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