
11 Reviews
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The Good Sister (2014 TV Movie)
Pretty good
8 December 2020
This movie really held my attention. The actors were very believable. I loved the plot and storyline and the! I didn't see that coming at all! Definitely worth a watch.
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Thriller (2018)
Who, what, when and WHY?!
30 November 2020
There really isn't much to say because this movie was just that bad, but I do have 4 questions:

First, who at Netflix approved this? Secondly, what were they thinking? Thirdly, when will it be removed? (I want to spare others) And finally- why in the world did I sit through this entire movie? (This is the biggest and most important question of them all and one I can only blame on boredom)

All of it was bad: Acting, dialogue, flow, situations - every scene, every word, e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g. I kept waiting for the 'thriller' part but nothing remotely scary or interesting ever happened. I laughed a lot. So that why it received 1 star. As someone has already said: it's not even worth a breakdown.

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Dirty Teacher (2013 TV Movie)
Way to Go LMN...smh
27 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What a great unintentional comedy. I laughed from beginning to end. The acting was hilariously bad. The lame dialogue had me intrigued because I was amazed at how a Writer could create a script this horrible. The situations were so unbelievably unrealistic and silly that I had to rewind several scenes just to make sure I saw and heard what I did.

No one talks or acts like these people and even for a Lifetime movie it was pure gunk. The seductive teacher? Weird, over-the-top and ridiculous. The parents? Pointless, stale and clueless. The 'kids?' (who looked like they were in their 20's and about to graduate from college by the way) - unrealistic, corny and boring.

Nothing about this movie was remotely entertaining. The flashbacks were one too many and added nothing to the plot outside of why this teacher is creepy and trapped in an adolescent's body. Although I know most horny teenage boys would totally go all the way with their teacher if given the opportunity, the way this woman threw herself at the main character was embarrassing and quite comical. In one scene she outright flirts with him in front of his GF in the classroom. Yeah, right. Then there's the scene where she texts Danny (the teenage boy) and asks him if he knew about cars and if he would come look at hers. He's at a party but he leaves to go to her house. So he can fix her car. At night. With no tools. LOL. See? Pure comedy.

Don't waste your time watching Dirty Teacher because it's a hot, dirty mess.
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Bruh (2019– )
Nope, nope and NOPE
20 November 2020
Here we go again: another ridiculous, unrealistic, stereotypical show from Tyler Perry. Another show where there is no character development (which means no background or history on these people), no realistic plots and nothing with substance worth seeing or raving about. Yet again TP has created a show that has nothing but buffoonery with a boatload of unnecessary profanity and forced one liners that are suppose to be funny but always miss the target.

The characters are one dimensional: it's always either/or with TP: either the man is extremely good or extremely bad. Either the woman is extremely saved or extremely ghetto. Either the plot or situation is extremely unrealistic or extremely corny. Either every man looks like he just stepped out of a photo shoot and every woman can't keep her hands off of him or the man looks like someone's cousin BoBo who sells drugs, beats people up and is an unrepentant loser.

His characters and storylines have ZERO balance and lack any intrinsic characteristic that makes them worth caring about. The dialogue is atrocious, the chemistry among characters painful and the acting is embarrassing (although I can't blame the actors entirely because they have nothing good to work with in terms of a script). And don't get me started on the set. What the...??

And I thought The Oval and Sistas was bad. Having seen Bruh I can honestly say that all three of these shows are in a three-way tie for the most horrible show on TV.

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Kevin Hart: Zero F**ks Given (2020 TV Special)
A bland, boring, unfunny SNOOZEFEST
19 November 2020
Will the funny KH PLEASE stand up?

KH loves to remind people how he's a 'brand' but his brand is also synonymous with bland because he has lost his funny bone. This stand-up special was painful to watch. His stand up just isn't funny anymore and I don't know if it's because he's gotten more money and fame or if he just doesn't have anything funny to talk about and he's gotten lazy.

All I heard was a lot of annoying screaming (typical), same tired stories about his wife and kids, a lot of F bombs (which were overused), and haughty bragging about how famous he is and how much money and status he has. Nothing of substance and nothing to laugh at (seriously, I didn't laugh one time). It's obvious the people in the 'audience ' were people who worked for him for two reasons: 1) He allowed them in his home and 2) they were laughing hysterically and nothing he said was funny.

I hate comparing people because I know everyone is different and have their own style and personality but KH seriously needs to expand and get outside of his bubble of repeated, tired jokes and stories and study Dave Chappelle, Chris Rock, Bill Burr...these guys are a few great storytellers and their material is funny and engaging without being recycled. And more importantly, their stand up doesn't bore or annoy you.

KH is super successful and we all know that. Congrats Kevin. You did it. You made it! Now we just need you not to let that go to your head (TOO LATE) and be funny again.
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Sistas (2019– )
Oh, it's bad.
6 November 2020
I gave this show a chance thinking 'Hey, how bad could it really be?' Oh, it's bad.

Bad like stinky feet bad. Bad like left out the meat and it spoiled bad. Bad like a faulty alternator on your car bad. Bad get the point. It's soooo bad.

Someone please help TP. Please help him with dialogue, character development, real situations, a sense of reality...

Someone please tell him that no one is one dimensional and that all black women, all black men or all gay men don't behave the same way. Please tell him that he needs help writing scripts.

Someone please tell him his sex scenes are obnoxious, totally overused and over acted. Please tell him that he can give his characters range like seriously...the thick sista doesn't have to be the loud, funny one, the men don't all have to be dogs, weak or pitiful or look like they stepped out of a magazine spread. Please tell him to give his characters depth and history because it's hard to care about characters when you know nothing about who they are as people and why they are the way they are.

And if he's going for a dramedy element here, he so missed the mark. The jokes are corny and sophmomist. . The 'drama' is silly and unrealistic. Omgee, I could go on but a lot of other people have already said it. It's sooo bad.

Don't waste your time on this show unless you're bored and you need something mindless playing for background noise.
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Obsessed (1992 TV Movie)
Horrible even in a quarantine.
27 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So let me get this straight:

This 100 year old man name Ed falls for a twentysomething year old psycho name Lorie within a month. Oh, and he knows absolutely nothing about her other than she's young and good in the sack.

They make love (which is like watching a girl actually kiss a grandpa - DISGUSTING) and in the next scene she's saying she's in love and they will be together forever. Grandpa Ed says he loves her too. Wait, what? You don't even KNOW her Grandpa Ed.

Grandpa Ed has been married twice but he has the relationship intelligence of a banana because he can't catch the red flags that psycho Lori is loco. She moves in without permission, starts to be super clingy and needy, has daddy issues, is super jealous and Grandpa Ed is still oblivious. (Eye roll)

Grandpa Ed's daughter (who looks older than Lori) is like dad, get away (along with his friends) but ole Ed sleeps with her one more time like a horny teenager. Lori starts to really flip when he finally cuts it off and that's when the crazy bumps up a notch. Popping up unexpectedly, suicide attempt, cancelling Grandpa Ed's credit cards (not even near possible unless she stole his info but still not possible because the bank would have contacted him, smh), stalking, setting fire to his know, the typical crazy stalker ex-girlfriend stuff. I won't give away the ending but it's nothing new or exciting to see here. I will say you will laugh.

Terrible all around: the acting laughable (oh, it's sooo bad), the music atrocious, the pace ridiculous, the dialogue painful to listen to and the premise is just silly. I mean sure - a twentysomething year could fall in love with a 100 year old man but come on - pyscho Lori goes crazy over Grandpa Ed? HA - Yeah, right.
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22 October 2020
I couldn't even get past the first 15 minutes because of how slow and boring it was. So in all fairness I am giving it 3 stars for what I did see.

From a lot of the reviews it doesn't look like I missed much, though.
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A Wife's Nightmare (2014 TV Movie)
Wait, what??
4 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It was a Thursday I think and there was nothing on. So, I go to Prime to find something to watch that would hold my attention. I saw Jennifer Beals (or Bette Porter - where my L Word fans at?!) and I thought "Ohhh, this might be good." I mean, I love Jennifer Beals and the description seemed to pull me in. So I pushed play.

And this is when it started.

It...was...bad. Like 'what did I get myself into' bad. But I had to watch it until the end because I had already wasted an hour of my life and if I would have stopped I would have laid awake wondering who the daughter really was. So I kept watching and again, it...was...bad.

How bad you ask?

Acting: cringeworthy and embarrassing. The son? Sheesh. It was like watching a bad afterschool movie about the dangers of being mean to your mom.

Script: it would have been better as a comedy, because the dialogue was hilarious. The situations were ridiculous and the character chemistry was non-existent.

Plot: what the...? Ok, so the daughter is really not the daughter but she pretends to be because she is having an affair with the creepy, insensitive, lazy husband who has no job and can't even finish his album? Said creepy husband has an affair with this young, idiotic 19 year old while his oblivious wife is hospitalized for a mental breakdown and he thinks the best thing to do is to move his mistress into the house and pretend he's her dad?

Wait, what?

How did this dirtbag think he would have been able to keep up this charade? Like people know you Genius - are supposed to see you with your 'daughter' one week and then see you wifing her up the next? What about your son? How were you going to tell him? And how were you going to leave your wife? I mean, she's literally taking care of you, so you and the 19 year old would have been living in her car, eventually.

The wife catches on but he convinced her she's crazy, which is probably the only thing this movie got right because I felt crazy watching this pile of cow dung.
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The Oval (2019– )
Wish there was a negative rating for this mess...
14 December 2019
I am tired of TP and his poor excuses for quality scripts and storylines. Now don't get wrong: I applaud this man's hustle and his come up, but his writing is atrocious and some of the direction he chooses to go in is only an attempt to draw in people of color so we can say "Well, at least Tyler Perry puts people of color in primetime!"

This show is HORRIBLE. I watched the first two episodes and couldn't stomach any more. I am not a prude but the unnecessary sex scenes, the unnecessary profanity at every turn and the unnecessary twists and turns was ridiculously bad. From the gate there were 5 different issues going on and this was on the very first episode! No build up, no history of characters, no substance.

Please TP, just stick to mindless Madea movies and leave the serious dialogue and dramas to writers and directors who actually care to take the time to bring about real drama with real actors who offer real talent. Take some time to study shows like Queen Sugar, How To Get Away With Murder and Scandal. These are shows that are not perfect, but they are quality programming with great storylines and great actors who care enough about their craft not to throw together a show just because they can.

It's great that TP has the money and power to do what he does, but it's so sad that he won't grow beyond where he is to bring us quality television. No wonder this is on BET. And as a black woman, I am disappointed that this is even considered 'Entertainment.'
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Kevin Hart: Irresponsible (2019 TV Special)
This is What's Next???
6 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
There are 3 things I do when I am not interested in a movie: 1. I randomly search the web and read articles. 2. I get up to wash dishes without pausing the film. 3. I check to see how much time is left so I can watch something else (I am always determined to finish watching a film from start to finish - even if it is painful to do so).

Well, I did all 3 while watching this stand up special because this...was... very

I mean, honestly, I didn't want it to be another Seriously Funny, but seriously Folks, I thought it would at least be funny.

Not one laugh.

Nope. Not a one. I cringed and rolled my eyes a lot, though; that usually happened when the camera swung to shots of people laughing uncontrollably. Huh? Did I miss something?

It's not that I don't think KH is funny. I think he is, especially in interviews and in situations where he appears to be relaxed and natural, but this special and his "jokes" seemed forced. In addition the jokes felt more like listening to your coworker ramble about various things that happened to him over the weekend and as you sit you're thinking "Pleaseeee get to the point!" Every joke in this film had a 5 minute set-up to the punchline, which didn't even hit a funny bone. I waited 5 minutes for that?!

The porn jokes were cringe worthy, the kids and wife jokes were tired and boring and everything else was just his attempt to make you laugh by overacting, yelling or laughing at his own jokes.

I respect KH's hustle. He is a true business man and has much success. I applaud anyone who works hard and is dedicated to a craft. But man...but his stand-ups just aren't funny anymore.

For those who haven't seen it, here is a summary: kids, (he yells, he screams), wife, sex, baby, dog...(he yells, he screams)... porn, friends, something... something (I zoned out)...Vegas...(he yells, he screams)...more sex...rollercoaster...yada, yada (zoned out again)...hiking or something...the end.

To say I was disappointed is an understatement. This is definitely not award winning material.

But you know who deserves an award? The audience for pretending that any of his jokes were funny.
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