
4 Reviews
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So perfect in so many ways...
21 March 2024
It's sci-fi, it's art, it's romance. Great plot, great story lines, great music and the science somehow holds really well together! I don't say this too often, I'll be watching it again in this universe and probably in all the others were this show and I exist in the same timeline... Even if you can see the end coming somehow (and you will and you won't) it won't matter because it clicks like I said, perfectly. You will be better off for meeting "If I hadn't met you". For now, I'll just try to get the songs out of my head, brought to you largely by the cast of the show itself. Moltíssimes gràcies Andrea!
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Stowaway (I) (2021)
A well acted, well directed, well shot disappointment.
24 April 2021
I love Tony Colette. And she doesn't let down here. All the actors are great. But the plot holes are SO big that they turn this movie into a boring movie for kids who don't ask questions. And kids don't watch these movies. I would have rather had good old doctor Smith stowing away in the Jupiter II. Don't worry Tony, I'll keep watching ;) Did I say the plot holes are big?
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Stargate SG-1: Family Ties (2007)
Season 10, Episode 18
G'donya Sam!
21 September 2020
About at 29:45, Sam has a go at the producers about the "Stargate" program not having the support it needed, implied. Two episodes to go and missing it already!
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Time Trap (2017)
Finally a movie that makes you think!
13 October 2018
It's been a while since I added a review here, but when you come across a small title that delivers like this, you feel pity that so much screen time is spent on garbage and makes us often miss out on gems, and A GEM THIS IS. I didn't give it a 10 because I disagreed with the "duration" of one particular scene (can't spoil it for you so sorry for that!) but it is a 10 in my view and it is totally for the whole family. Superb.
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