
2 Reviews
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Cow and Chicken (1997–1999)
A cow and a chicken, brother and sister... mum and dad human... enough said.
4 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
So funny, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to understand the jokes... Mom and dad had a cow and a chicken, according to the song 'dad was proud he didn't care how.' just to add to the fun confusion, there is a baboon called I. M. Baboo who is an idiot to put it fairly :) the big red guy is so funny, he appears in nearly every episode, and hardly ever himself :) watch out for Flem and earl... probably the best looking on the show.. and that is saying a lot !! They are cow and chickens best friends...

the best ever episode i ever watched had to be the one with the sumo wrestling!! You have to watch out for that one :)

well Falwell for now x :)
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Thirteen (2003)
A film based on the real suburban life of a 13 year old girl, who along with a troubled best friend, starts drugs, smoking and sex.
31 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
the film is OK, i saw it with a friend whilst on holiday, i really enjoyed it, i think it is real, although not everyone goes through what she does in the film, it is still based on real life...

her life was taken over by sex, drugs, fashion, crime and trying to have her own identity...

holly hunter said 'from the minute i read it, i felt it had a primary kind of power; it was like a gigantic wash of color, extremely visceral. it felt up-to-the second talking about what's going on now. it had an energy very much like beating around a bunch of 13 year olds who are scatter shot and ricocheting'

apparently the film was meant to be a comedy but a heart wrenching story was so much better :P
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