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Surprisingly enjoyable
5 June 2024
I started watching this for old times sake. I have to admit I am enjoying it more than I thought I would. The episodes go by so fast. It's a nice brainless show to watch when you're bored.

I really like Brandon. Although he is the youngest, he has such an old soul and is quite mature. I'm sure he has had to grow up quickly having famous parents. Seems to me Pamela did a wonderful job raising him. I love that he is girl crazy too.

Another surprise is how much I like Spencer. The guy is in his own world with his wife and baby but still has moments of shadiness. But he is not mean spirited at all. Him and Heidi have shown the most growth in my opinion.

Audrina has always been a lovely but boring person. I like that she is keeping her child protected and not showing her (I'm only on episode 10 so that may change). She has to toughen up when it comes to men and just let relationships flow organically. It's like she is always trying to romanticize men.

Stephanie is by far the drama queen of the bunch. She seems to enjoy that role. She's not very likeable and looks way too plastic. She needs to start aging gracefully.

Brody and his girl bless them were never meant to last. When a "married" man shows no real interest in being a father I think that's a red flag. Caitlyn needs to move on (which I think she has). I have to say though that he is a gorgeous specimin of a man. Such eye candy.

Whitney...oh lord what can I say. Her way of talking just irks my soul!!!! It may be the valley girl thing but I truly have to look away when she speaks. It is nice to see her happy and stable though.

Ashley and Jason seem happy but it's worrisome seeing Jason struggle a little. He seems like he is really trying to stay sober. Sometimes the ghosts of the past keep you in a chokehold. I hope he works it out because she seems to be a great partner.

Justin is a cutie and has grown on me but he seems like he was playing games with Audrina. He knows how she is and should have made it clear from the beginning that they are just friends. He seems like he really wants to be a player for life. Pisces people are odd in general...hahaha

Something about Frankie I dont like or trust.
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Scrublands: Episode #1.4 (2023)
Season 1, Episode 4
Good watch
29 May 2024
It was a quick watch and interesting enough. I dont think there was any shock as to who the mastermind was. He was a dead giveaway.

I'm still not sure how I feel about the priest. Yes what was being done to him was very cruel and unfair but what he did was pretty gruesome.

It may have been better had he chose another solution but perhaps he did not see another way.

Quite a lot happened in this mini-series. Not sure what another season will hold. Perhaps another interesting mystery in Dubai??

I will be watching. I enjoyed the journalist and his quest for the truth. He was relentless and honest probably to a fault.

Would recommend.
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Scrublands: Episode #1.3 (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
29 May 2024
Now I'm not so sure about this priest. I gave him the benefit of the doubt on the first two episodes but his involvement in everything and his motives seem to be questionable.

Only one more episode to go and hopefully all will become clear...Unless they want to save the conclusion for the second season. I hope not. I need to know what is really going on and who is pulling all the strings.

It has been an interesting ride so far.

The journalist is really putting himself in danger for a story. Not sure if it's worth it. But it seems that's what journalists do.

I am curious to know who the lady is that delivered a threat to the journalist. Her true involvement will be an interesting reveal...hopefully.
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Scrublands: Episode #1.2 (2023)
Season 1, Episode 2
Heating up
29 May 2024
Story is definitely heating up. It's hard to say whether the priest is a good or bad guy yet but based on the rumors I would say he was probably a good guy.

Martin is getting in deep and it seems his life may be in danger. He always happens to find things that others dont.

It was quite obvious who the baby's father was so that reveal was not a big surprise. This town seems to hold a lot of secrets. I am glad everything is being revealed slowly. But with only 4 episodes it does not seem to drag on.

There are a few scenes that are a little far fetched but sometimes one has to suspend disbelief to further the story.

So far an enjoyable series.
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Scrublands: Episode #1.1 (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
29 May 2024
Goodness!! What an incredible opening scene. I have not watched the whole episode yet but it definitely looks like a targeted hit. Not saying it is justifiable what was done but I'm sure as things unfold the motive will become clear. I am just happy a lot of the gore was spared.

I had forgotten the guy that plays the priest is Australian. I watched him in Beauty and the Beast for so long I though he was American. It's nice to see him again because he is a very good actor.

Cant wait to get into this series. I generally do enjoy Australian series. It's a nice change from American shows.

So far off to an interesting start.
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So Help Me Todd: Is the Jury Out? (2024)
Season 2, Episode 6
16 May 2024
I love the show and always will. I have to mention the fact that agendas really do ruin the viewing experience at times. It is shoved down our throats in general way too much (most shows). Knowing that it will never end I will deal with it.

With that said this episode was decent. I like the relationship forming with Todd and the coffee lady. I really want to know more of what is happening with Lyle's love life though and what she is up to. They seem to be prolonging that story line.

The Private I guy is hilarious! His lines are over the top but in the best way.

It's so interesting how they flipped Todd's life and his sister's life situation. And where is Gus? I love seeing him on the show. He is a cutie pie, down to earth, likeable and so real. A perfect match for Margaret who is a little stuffy herself but with a great heart.
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So Help Me Todd: Dial Margaret for Murder (2024)
Season 2, Episode 4
Cute and fun
16 May 2024
I just had to review this episode. It was so much fun. The seasoned detective was amazing. Him and Todd made a great team.

The twins were a hoot. They did a wonderful job. What darling ladies. They should be series regulars. I have to also mention the "Karen room" was hilarious. I think I spotted a Karen or two sporting the Kate Gosselin

I cant review without mentioning Allison. When will she get rid of that hideous hair colour?? I thought it was a joke but I see she is sporting that colour on her instagram. Not everyone suits blonde hair...just saying.

This show is just pure fun and a great way to escape life. It's light and fun. Just the right prescription for a stressful world.
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Wonderful series
11 May 2024
What a wonderful series. I just cant get enough of these stories. I guess as an adopted person myself these stories hit close to home. They are all tear jerkers in their own way.

It is so interesting to see the resemblance when they are reunited together. Like one father said, he didnt need a DNA test to prove he was the father. It was so evident.

I am very painfully aware that not all reunions are positive as in my case but it is lovely to see how beautiful things are when it does go well.

I also enjoy the two hosts who are perfect for the role and show the appropriate emotions during the reveals.

Excellent, well done, well thought out series!
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Mission Implausable
8 May 2024
I had heard about this story and this weirdo man a few years ago. It was nice watching it in a concise, well done 3 part series. This guy is a piece of work. He completely destroyed all of these women's lives. They all look so defeated by life.

The kids are the true victims for sure. I hope they dont have long term effects from this weirdo. And I do believe that even smart women could get lured into his web of lies. He looks so sweet and innocent. I'm sure the British accent helped (at least with the American women).

The retired Marshall was on the case. It seems like he was in it for personal reasons.

I guess the saying is true. If it seems too good to be probably is....
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Colin from Accounts: High Needs People (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
6 May 2024
This was a very enjoyable season. There were a lot of funny, strange and awkward moments. All the characters did a great job. It was a quick fun watch.

It also had a balance of very sad, moving story lines. The dynamic with Ash and her mother was very sad and hard to watch. Not to mention mother's very strange boyfriend.

Gordon's bar partners were also great in this. I like the story around Ash's best friend. That will be interesting to watch and see how it develops.

Can't forget to mention the star of the show Colin. Hope he gets more camera time in the future.

I realize the two main characters are married in real life, That is an interesting twist. Not sure if there is a huge age gap between them in real life. In any case it was funny how that was made to be a big deal.

Very well done show. Glad I tried it out because the title "Colin from Accounts" really did not interest me. Now that I know how it developed, I am invested!!!
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3 May 2024
This is honestly just an average movie. I really dont see why it would be hyped up but I also dont understand the very negative reviews.

There was nothing necessarily wrong with the movie. I personally did feel some chemistry between them but it was also awkward.

I think the age gap should have been less of an issue especially in this day and age but I guess it speaks to the power of social media and everyone thinking they have a say about everything.

Ann Hathaway looks good (although a little too thin) but I think that's why it worked because she did not look her age in the traditional sense.

This is not a movie I would recommend to anyone but it was a decent way to spend two hours of down time.
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Grantchester: Episode #8.6 (2023)
Season 8, Episode 6
Decent ending
3 May 2024
Interesting episode and very sad for the children involved. I love seeing Mark Benton. He looks really good. He has really slimmed down. I really miss Shakespeare and Hathaway. I wish it would come back with another season. He has such an engaging way about him. It would be nice if they could find a way to incorporate him into the cast.

I really hope next season brings a new vicar. I have had enough of Will's shenanigans. I dont know if he is just a terrible actor or if his character is meant to be this way (selfish, annoying). Either way even if he does change his ways I'm afraid I am over him.

Perhaps his new found fatherhood will make him a better person.... Here's hoping!!!
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Grantchester: Episode #8.4 (2023)
Season 8, Episode 4
Nothing has changed
2 May 2024
This episode was not that bad. My problem is with Will. I had stopped watching and picked back up again with this episode. Will is still insufferable. It is so hard to watch scenes with him in it. He just sucks the life out of each situation. Somehow he makes everything about him. Everyone has issues. Why is it so hard to help others without being consumed with his issues. It is exhausting!!! It just ruins the show.

I wish the original guy would come back. The series was so good back then. I will continue watching but I dont see any chance of Will's character getting better. I believe this is a character trait.

I must say as much as I love Leonard he is being a little too selfish and mean to the people who love him but I'm sure he will see the error of his ways soon enough.
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Deep Water: Episode #1.6 (2019)
Season 1, Episode 6
1 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I started off really enjoying this mini series. I liked the complexity of the characters and their problems. Somehow by the end it just became overly complicated. Especially Kate's character. I understand loving a spouse and wanting to keep your family together but the lengths she went were very over the top and just plain unbelievable. Especially when he had clearly moved in with another "wife" and other children.

Roz's story was really the saddest. It is a true reflection of what some desperate women have to do to keep a roof over their families head. Especially when the man does not step up.

The other lady (forgot her name) not sure if I enjoyed her as much especially her medaling in other family issues when she has her own family issues to deal with.

All in all it is a decent watch if you are bored on a Sunday afternoon.
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Deep Water: Episode #1.1 (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
Good start
29 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Sometimes it's good not to read reviews and see for yourself. The reviews weren't terrible but in the past I have been swayed from watching a series. I'm glad I went ahead and watched this one. I found the first episode rather engaging and interesting.

It is easy to see how quickly things can spiral out of control based on one mistake. We are all human, imperfect and we make mistakes whether we want to judge or not.

I feel for Rizo (I think that's her name). She loves a man who is a poor provider. Thus he is a liar. It's hard to feel bad for a liar but at the same time he has an addiction. I could see why she would accept the offer. Very difficult place to be.

The lady that cheated in the bathroom, not sure what to say about her. I understand the attraction but sometimes you have to be smart about things.

The lady with the missing daughter, not quite sure what to think about her yet either. It seems like she is trying to be perfect and guilt trips others when he life is clearly not as it seems.

Looking forward to watching the rest of the series!!
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Mr Bates vs. The Post Office: Episode #1.1 (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
Well done
28 April 2024
Although you can google what happened with this scandal it is so different when actual lives of people who were affected is before you (at least the actors portraying the victims).

I found the first episode very interesting, engaging and enraging!!!! The absolute gall of the representatives from the post office to assume everyone was wrong is so frustrating!!! Large corporations are such bullies and fail to recognize their own misgivings...but I digress.

I look forward to the upcoming episodes to see how it all played out. Unfortunately I believe their were some lives lost due to this huge scandal. I really hope they were all well compensated.
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Lovely and sad
27 April 2024
I enjoyed this movie about an artist that I knew nothing about. I am attempting to watch everything that Benedict is in (on Amazon Prime). I had no idea how wonderful an actor he is. I discovered his talent when I was watching Sherlock and became completely intrigued by him.

He is such a handsome man of course but what a wonderful talent he is. I cant believe I am only now discovering him. I just hope there are a lot more movies/series on Amazon Prime with him in them.

Mr. Wait's love story with Emily was so lovely. It's so sad that it could not last longer. At least he got to experience true unconditional love. The lady that played his sister (the older one) seems to only play strange characters. I have only seen her in Alice and Jack or Jack and Alice and she truly was a strange one.

Anyways this is worth a watch.
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Beyond Paradise: Episode #2.4 (2024)
Season 2, Episode 4
Not sure
26 April 2024
I just cant put my finger on it but I dont feel any chemistry between Humphrey and Martha. She is so....stiff. I like his relationship with his work partner better to be honest. And he seems more comfortable with her.

Kelby is by far my favourite character. He sounds and acts like a dimwit but his investigation skills are top notch and he is a sweet young man.

I have to say I still prefer Humphrey in DIP. He just seems to be too over the top with his gestures and quirks. But it is nice to see him again because I really missed him in DIP.

This mystery was interesting enough but not really my favourite.
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The Child in Time (2017 TV Movie)
A little odd but....
24 April 2024
I still enjoyed this movie. I dont know if it's because I enjoy watching Benedict or what but I found this movie engaging. His best friend's story line seemed strange and a bit out of place but other than that it was decent.

I enjoyed watching the deep love between him and his wife and how they navigated through the pain. The story didn't necessarily need a happy ending. I thought the ending was actually quite beautiful and heartfelt.

It would be difficult for any couple to survive a tragedy like that. One person would be blaming themselves and the other would be blame them as well. It's a no win situation.
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Alice & Jack: 6 (2024)
Season 1, Episode 6
24 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is just a very slow and sad series. I did enjoy watching it for the most part. Although Alice is a very odd person, she did seem to love Jack in her own strange way but he did put up with a lot from her. Her behaviour is understandable based on her childhood trauma.

Jack was just the epitome of a gentle kind soul. He always said and did the right thing. That is the kind of man that any woman would want to fall in love with. In so many ways I was hoping he would do better but we love who we love.

He clearly died of a broken heart. It would have been too hard for him to move on it seems so this was probably the best option.

Sad indeed....
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Faithless (2024– )
20 April 2024
I couldn't agree more with the review by Tm-sheehan. This show is a real gem!! I was hesitant to watch at first. It was on Amazon Prime and was a 24 minute show. I typically enjoy watching longer series (dramas) but I thought I would give the first episode a try. I'm so glad I did.

The way humour and sadness were perfectly melded together is a complete triumph of the writers and of course the actors. They are all wonderful but of course little Nancy steals the show. She is a wonderful little actress and as cute as a button.

You will have a love hate relationship with Uncle Zain. Sam is a poor grieving soul but with such a huge heart. His father is great comic relief.

The show just works wonderfully. I really hope there will be a second season because it ended with quite a big cliff hanger.

Two thumbs up for Faithless <3.
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12 April 2024
They certainly saved the best for last!! This story is bonkers. I enjoyed the prior episodes. The fish one was comedy gold to be honest. The affluenza one just infuriated me but this story was so intriguing. I had never heard of this crime for some reason which is crazy because I am a crime junky!

Poor Hossein! **eyeroll He felt so deceived and betrayed by his wife....ugghh. He is a despicable human!!! But he is a fascinating character nonetheless, very cocky and smart in so many ways. Too bad he couldn't use his qualities for good things. Not sure how I feel about Courtney but she did good to help get that psycho off the streets!! PS his tears in the court room were FAKE!!!!

Michael and Mary did not deserve what happened to them. That would certainly cause PTSD for life. I hope both of them have a good support system. The guy that identified Hossein did a great job. Glad he received a decent reward!!!

I wouldn't be surprised if Hossein escaped.....again

This was a very interesting series.
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Beyond Paradise: Episode #2.2 (2024)
Season 2, Episode 2
11 April 2024
I adore Chris Marshall. I have loved him since DIP. He was my favourite detective. He is such a natural at his character. I enjoyed this episode as usual but I do think he plays up the clumsy, socially awkward guy a little too much. Still loveable though.

As I have said before I enjoy all of the characters except for Martha. Hopefully she will grow on me. Humphrey's work partner (cant remember her name) is turning out to be an interesting, complex character. I like her and think she is a good match for Humphrey. I hope her storyline will be flushed out more.

It is always comical hearing Selwyn's name and the ode to DIP.
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Alex Rider (2020–2024)
10 April 2024
Unlike a lot of reviewers on here, I enjoyed all 3 seasons. I knew nothing of the books prior to watching. I enjoyed watching Alex grow up from a young boy to the young adult he has become.

It's all just a little bit of fun and escapism at the end of the day. If you dont take it too seriously this series is very entertaining. It teaches a lot of life lessons. Firstly, loyalty. His friendship with Tom is very heartwarming as well as Jack of course. Tom was my second favourite character adding comic relief.

The young man who plays Alex did a wonderful job. He embodied what a superhero is. He kept his integrity and never waivered even though he was surely tempted to.

I truly wish there will be a season 4 but I doubt that will happen. Farewell Alex Rider and friends, you will be missed!!!
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Beyond Paradise: Episode #2.1 (2024)
Season 2, Episode 1
5 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Such a sad story. It's hard not to feel for the murderers who are also victims. As usual Humphrey is his disorganized, brilliant self. I have loved him since Death in Paradise. He was definitely my favourite detective on that show.

I dont know what it is but him and Martha together just does not feel right. There is something about her that I cant put my finger on. I was hoping she would grow on me but.....Also Martha's mom is a bit off as well. How could someone not like Humphrey????

Of course I will always watch anything Kris Marshall is in because I think he is that talented but I think his role was best suited on DIP. In my opinion.
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