
2 Reviews
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Three and a half hours of steaming dung!
22 February 2004
Too long. Way, way too long. My ass is still asleep an hour later. Dialogue so bad it makes me long for a return to silent films. Acting that would make a soup star embarrassed. I'm just glad they're not planning a fourth one. The fact that this will probably win the Best Picture Oscar over Lost In Translation and Mystic River and that City of God wasn't even nominated for Best Picture is a crime.
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Money Movers (1978)
One of my favorite films
29 October 2001
It's an amazing film. The casting is amazing - notably Ray Marshall, Bryan Brown and Tony Bonne The planning of an armored car heist, you never quite know who's going to do right or wrong, until the very end when the sides are truly drawn and it culminates in an unbelievably violent finale. This, along with a toe clipping torture scene earlier on, gives it the feel of Tarantino/Avary and their ilk, but a good ten years earlier. The tension as the movies gets closer and closer to the actually heist is insane. Why this movie isn't as lauded as Beresford's films before and after this one is a mystery.
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