
3 Reviews
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H.E.R.O. (1984 Video Game)
Atari 2600 game... WHY?
14 January 2008
I personally can not fathom why this is listed. Someone must have been REALLY bored.

Otherwise... This game was down right fun! You navigated your HERO through the underground mine workings to rescue trapped miners. The difficulty for the levels varied from closing walls (think trash compactor from Star Wars), flying bats, and lava (both walls and floor). With some instances where you had to use dynamite to blow through a wall, or use a laser to bore your way through.

This game was one of the better titles from Activision, and although it was easy to remember a "pattern"... The game could consume hours of your time.
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The Transformers (1984–1987)
While the first season was good, it went down hill after that...
29 October 2003
I liked the first season! But as the show was deliberately set up as an advertisement to promote toys, and with every progressive season more and more new characters arriving on the scene, it lost itself.

Dialog that is not even remotely funny, but is obviously written as intending to be so.

Behavior and mannerisms in newer characters that is down right stupid, while original characters were still entertaining, it was annoying to see them have to deal with the total idiotic behavior of the newer ones.

Can't watch it anymore. I stopped about 3 episodes into the 3rd season.
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The Crazies (1973)
Please George, make this film again, and make it right...
6 October 2001
The film's story and plot is imaginative, however it over all is a poorly acted and scripted film. Romero deserves credit for his work, however he needs to stop and not be in so many places at once. Much like George Lucas, he needs to produce his work, and never direct it.

My biggest complaint is the grossly inaccurate military use in the story.
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